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Baby’s Food: What, When, & how to introduce nutritious solid food

 What is happiness for a parent? Happiness is when you see your little one intaking solid food. Right? It is the dream of every parent to see their little pumpkins enjoying different delicious solid food. Are you one of such parents? Prega News helps you out in knowing some important facts about when you should start giving solid food to your baby so that the first bite of your baby becomes special. Introducing nutritious wholesome food to your baby helps to develop their taste buds as they experience different tastes and enjoy the texture of the food. Over time, they learn to distinguish between different types of food and develop their own likes and dislikes.

As parents, it is your responsibility to ensure that you feed them responsibly and not introduce them to junk food and sugary drinks which may spoil their teeth and health in the long run.

Prega News is your companion in your parenthood journey and offers you valuable information about “How to feed solid food to the baby? “ In this blog we have covered all the necessary details for new parents.

What foods should we introduce to the child?

Firstly, let your baby try a single food item at a time. This helps you to notice which food causes problems for your baby. Give them every food item for 3-5 days and notice what they like the most. Introducing semi-solid or solid food to your baby is totally an exciting milestone. As an infant’s parent, you would agree with this. When the baby turns 6 months, you can start giving them solid food in the right quantity. Some of the foods which you can give to your babies are Baby cereal (like barley, rice, oatmeal), Banana, Avocado, Sweet potato, Apples, Pears, Green beans, and Butternut squash, these are some solid foods.  When you mash the fruits, vegetables, and cereals it becomes Semi-solid food for babies. Surely, the baby will enjoy the delicious taste and they will get good nutrition. 

Mother is feeding 6 month old baby semi solid foods for baby
Best age for baby to give nutrition food

At what age should we start solid foods?

The best age to begin solid food for a baby is 6 months. At 6 months, your baby can digest some solid foods. Around that time, you can start introducing boiled lentil (preferably Moong Dal) and rice along with mashed veggies. 6 months is a perfect time to introduce solid foods to your baby. At this time, the baby will start adopting a new taste and will enjoy the food.

How to feed them?

Babies love to eat mashed or pureed food, as it gets swallowed easily. You must cook the food until it gets soft for the baby to eat. Mash the food with a fork. Puree or mash fruits, vegetables, and other foods till they become smooth. Start feeding one or two spoons, then increase the quantity.

How to prepare food?

You must be very careful when it comes to preparing food for your baby. Ensure that the containers are clean and the hands are well-washed before preparing baby food. Baby tummies are extra sensitive and any error could lead to an infection.

Here are some tips for food preparation:

        ●        You must cook the food until it gets soft for the baby to eat. Mash the food with a fork.

        Puree or mash fruits, vegetables, and other foods till they become smooth. 

        Hard vegetables and fruit like carrots, apples, are required to be cooked so that they can be easily pureed or mashed.

        You must remove hard pits and seeds from the fruit and cut them into smaller pieces.

The above are the best “First solid foods to feed baby”

When can babies drink water?

If your baby’s age is less than 6 months, then you must give them infant formula or breastmilk to drink. If your baby is 6 months, then you can give them a small amount of water to drink a couple of times a day. Don’t stop the breast milk feed. You can continue at least till the baby is 12 months old.

What changes can we expect after the baby starts solids?

As a parent, you will notice some changes in your little pumpkins, when they start intaking solid food:

         You might meet an unimpressed face

        Changes in Baby’s mood

        Poo sensations

        Breastfeeds may start dropping off

        It is possible that your baby will have sleep issues

        Gagging happens

        Your baby may have a unique food choice

Mother is feeding nutritious Solid Food to her baby


 What is the first solid food a baby should eat?

 You must be thinking “When to start solid food for babies” Right? So, If your baby is 6 months old, you can introduce solid food to them in any order. However, it is best to start with iron-fortified cereals, beans, pureed meats, and poultry. These are some recommended solid foods. If your baby is breastfed, you must provide a single food item at a time, as breast milk is full of nutrients. 

What vegetables should a baby eat first?

With a smooth consistency and sweet taste, mashed carrots are loved by 4-6 month old babies. Apart from that, Acorn, Butternut squash, Sweet potato, Avocado Puree, Pear Puree, Banana Puree, and Green Pea Puree can be introduced first.

Is banana a good first food for a baby? 

Bananas are the perfect first food to introduce to little ones. It is easy to digest, mushy, soft, and full of minerals and vitamins. You can easily add bananas with cereal and give them to your munchkin. The baby will enjoy the naturally sweet taste of bananas.

When can I give my baby water?

 If your baby’s age is less than 6 months, then you must give them infant formula or breastmilk to drink. If your baby is 6 months, then you can give them a small amount of water to drink, if needed along with formula feed or breastmilk.

 How many times a day should I feed solids to my 6 month old?

 What you can do is – start introducing solid foods to your baby when they turn 6 months of age (not before 4 months). At first, your baby will take small amounts of solid foods. You must give them solids once a day, once they start liking it, give them twice or thrice a day. When your little one turns 8 or 9 months, give them solids as breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

 Final Tips for Parents

 It’s quite challenging to feed your little ones! Babies have their mood, sometimes they love to eat, sometimes they don’t intake anything. As a parent, you must have good knowledge about what, when, and how you must feed your baby. Create a 6-month-old baby feeding schedule for solid food and follow it.  Babies are the most beautiful blessing of God! Right? Let your little blessing enjoy their taste with the right food! What else does a parent wish for? Feed your babies right and they will grow up hale and healthy with good physical and mental development.

Make feed time a delight and enjoy your munchkin’s growth phase!

What is postpartum depression? What are their symptoms and causes?

After childbirth, a woman’s body undergoes a lot of complex emotions, especially in terms of hormonal imbalance. Since it triggers a lot of emotions during these times it is common to feel anxious and fearful. Sometimes, the women may even slip into depression, also known as postpartum depression.

Many new mothers undergo postpartum depression or feel under the blues. It can lead to mood swings, anxiety, crying and even difficulty in sleeping. It is common to experience it in the first two or three days. However, if it persists for more than two weeks, it can be a cause of concern.

 What is postpartum depression?

Postpartum depression refers to a mental health condition that tends to affect women right after they give birth. Due to postpartum depression, many women may feel lonely, restless or worthless for a long time. Furthermore, anxiety will also kick in.

It is common for women to experience mood swings after giving birth. For example, if they are happy now, they may start crying a few minutes later. While you may think that they feel okay when the baby is sleeping, they don’t. The postpartum depression symptoms last for a long time.

Therefore, in short, postpartum depression is a form of mental health condition after delivery. If you experience depression after delivery for two to three days, it is normal. You might as well consider it to be symptoms of baby blues. Baby blues are a normal part of you being a mother and tend to disappear within ten days. Nonetheless, there are women who experience these symptoms for more than ten days.

postpartum depression

 What is postpartum depression?

Postpartum depression is a mental health condition that affect women right after they give birth.


Postpartum depression refers to a mental health condition that tends to affect women right after they give birth. Due to postpartum depression, many women may feel lonely, restless or worthless for a long time. Furthermore, anxiety will also kick in.

It is common for women to experience mood swings after giving birth. For example, if they are happy now, they may start crying a few minutes later. While you may think that they feel okay when the baby is sleeping, they don’t. The postpartum depression symptoms last for a long time.

Therefore, in short, postpartum depression is a form of mental health condition after delivery. If you experience depression after delivery for two to three days, it is normal. You might as well consider it to be symptoms of baby blues. Baby blues are a normal part of you being a mother and tend to disappear within ten days. Nonetheless, there are women who experience these symptoms for more than ten days.

What are the causes of postpartum depression?

The exact cause of postpartum depression is unknown. One of the most probable postpartum depression causes is changes in hormonal levels of the body. Right after giving birth to a child, your body undergoes a lot of changes, especially in terms of chemical functionalities. This can however increase the risk of depression.

Nonetheless, you may also experience postpartum depression if you have had any of these:

        Previous history of postpartum depression.

        Premenstrual syndrome.

        Clinical depression

        Stress in work-life balance

        Lack of emotional support

        Stressful pregnancy

        Marital conflict

        Mood disorder family history

        Early age pregnancy

However, there are certain mental and physical factors that may contribute to postpartum depression. These include:

        Lack of sleep: Having a child can be an overwhelming experience. This is mostly because you have to be around them all the time. In such cases, you tend to lose sleep. This can however cause you trouble thereby preventing you from sleeping peacefully. The inability to sleep can often increase the risk of postpartum depression.

        Self-inferiority complex: After giving birth, many women feel that they aren’t attractive enough. This often causes self-image issues. In fact, many women also struggle with a sense of identity as they feel they are losing control of their life. This can eventually increase the risk of postpartum depression.

        Hormones: After childbirth, there is a significant drop in progesterone and estrogen levels. These hormones are crucial during the childbirth stage. Apart from these, there may also be a steep decline in other hormones that can make you feel stressed and depressed. It will also make you feel sluggish and unable to function normally.

        Anxiety: Many women are likely to experience anxiety after giving birth to a child. This is mostly because they feel under confident considering that they may not be able to take care of the child. Therefore, this feeling of anxiousness can eventually lead to an increased risk of postpartum depression.

What are the postpartum depression symptoms?

It can be tough to detect the signs of postpartum depression. Many women may skip it thinking that it’s a regular habit. However, it is a serious condition that needs to be addressed.

Some of the common postpartum depression symptoms include:

        Inability to sleep

        Appetite change

        Lower libido

        Sudden mood changes

        Severe fatigue

Many women are also likely to experience the other symptoms of depression, which may or may not be related to childbirth. Some of these unusual postpartum depression symptoms include the following:

        Feeling crankiness

        Loss of happiness and pleasure

        Being uninterested in the baby

        Constant crying for no reason

        Constantly thinking that they might hurt someone

        Suicidal thoughts

        Trouble in concentration

Furthermore, around 1-3% of women are also likely to experience obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD. This may often be because of the thoughts related to the baby’s health or harming the baby. Many new mothers may also experience panic attacks.

If postpartum depression isn’t treated in new mothers, it can be slightly problematic. It is advisable to seek professional help as soon as possible. Some of the conditions, when the new moms should consider getting help from professionals include:

        They aren’t able to work.

        The symptoms have existed for more than two weeks.

        They have been feeling anxious and stressed for a long time.

        They are unable to cope with the situation.

What are the risk factors and complications in postpartum depression?

If postpartum depression isn’t treated in time, it can hamper your bond with the child. Furthermore, it will have a lot of negative impact on your relationship with your family members.

If the postpartum depression isn’t treated, it can even turn to chronic depressive order. Furthermore, it can lead you to have multiple episodes of depression in the long run. Apart from mothers, fathers are also prone to experience postpartum depression. Children of depressed mothers can also experience postpartum depression. They tend to cry more than usual and have delayed development.

Pregnant Woman dealing with postpartum depression. Know how to prevent the depression

Can We Prevent Postpartum Depression?

Postpartum depression is a condition that can be avoided. Nonetheless, if you have had a history of postpartum depression in previous pregnancies, you are likely to experience it again. The best thing to do is to maintain a positive attitude. The more you keep your mind and body healthy, the faster you will recover.  

It is advisable to stay away from caffeine and alcohol. If you are likely to experience postpartum depression symptoms, you need to stop their consumption. Furthermore, it is also advisable to bring some changes in the lifestyle. Psychotherapy and antidepressant medicines can however be of great help for overcoming the condition.

If anyone is suffering from postpartum psychosis, they may be recommended to take psychosis drugs. In such cases, it is advisable to undergo hospital admission. Breastfeeding mothers can also take these medicines. However, before starting the use of these medicines, it is advisable to consult the doctor. The doctor will determine whether or not you should take these antidepressants depending on your condition.

When to consult a doctor?

If your condition has worsened and lasted more than ten days, you are likely to experience it frequently. Therefore, in such cases, you must consider reaching out to a doctor.

Key Takeaways

Once Prega News delivers the good news of your pregnancy, you must take good care of your physical and mental health to ensure that the journey is smooth and you deliver a healthy baby. It is also important to manage your own health to avoid the risk of postpartum depression and maintain a positive attitude. In spite of all precautions, if you ever experience the symptoms of postpartum depression, you need to get in touch with the doctor. Furthermore, having a healthy lifestyle can also be of great help in overcoming these challenges due to postpartum depression.


        What are the signs and symptoms of the postpartum period?

Anxiety, restlessness and feeling of worthlessness are some of the common symptoms of postpartum depression. Mothers may also experience constant crying.

        Is PPD the same as depression?

No. Although the symptoms are very similar, PPD usually goes away in two to three weeks, but depression usually lasts longer.

        How can you reduce the risk of postnatal depression?

Eating healthy and following a healthy lifestyle can be the key self-help methods to reducing the risk of postnatal depression.

        How long can you go through postpartum?

Usually, women can go through two to three weeks of postpartum depression. 

        Can depression affect breastfeeding?

Yes. In many cases, the mother may not feel attached to the child. Therefore, she may refrain from breastfeeding the child.

Keep your mind positive. Eat healthy food and stay cheerful. Postpartum depression is a short phase and you can snap out of it with some self-love and help from a caring partner. In case the symptoms persist, it is best to seek a medical opinion. 

What are the risk factors for premature/preterm labour and delivery?

Are you worried about premature birth? Do you fear preterm labour and delivery? Imagine giving birth several weeks before the baby is due. Will the baby be ready for the world? Will the baby survive since vital organs may be underdeveloped? Handling premature labour and delivery is tough for both the mom and baby. However, it is not impossible to get through this with flying colours. Read on to clear your doubts about preterm delivery and its accompanying risks.

Before that, let’s discuss What is Preterm Labour?

Preterm or premature labour is the regular contraction that happens when the cervix opens after week 20 or before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Going into preterm labour does not necessarily mean that a woman will give premature birth. However, it can lead to premature birth, which creates a higher health risk for the baby.

There are some results that premature babies or preemies may have long-term health issues and physical disabilities. The premature baby needs proper medical attention. If a woman is going through preterm labour, she needs to consult the doctor right away.

Signs and symptoms of Preterm labour

Preterm labour can happen to any pregnant woman. There are few specific causes or patterns. But, here are some common signs and symptoms which can lead to the birth of a preemie: –

        Frequent Menstrual-type cramps or abdominal tightening.

        Experience tightening or sensation in the lower abdomen for some women.

        Constant lower back pain travels to the front anterior.

        Put pressure on the vagina.

        Changes in Vaginal discharge – can be watery, mucus-like, or bloody.

        Vaginal spotting or light bleeding

        Membrane rupture around the baby results in a continuous trickle of fluid or also called water breaks.

Many women face preterm contractions as early as 23-24 weeks of gestation. But if you are having contractions every 10 minutes/ 6 times in an hour, run to a doctor immediately for further checkups.

What are the risks factors for Premature labour and birth?

Risk factors can affect any pregnancy. Look at these factors which can increase the risk of preterm labour and what causes preterm birth among women, including: –

     Past preterm labour or premature birth can cause problems in the recent pregnancy.

     Pregnancy with twins, triplets, or other multiples

     The short cervix can be another problem.

     Any problem with the uterus or placenta

     Using drugs or Smoking cigarettes causes early delivery.

     Pregnancy can be at risk of moms having certain chronic conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, autoimmune disease, and depression.

     Depression and stressful life events cause problems too.

     High blood pressure with fluid build-up and proteinuria medically called Preeclampsia

     Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy

     Defects of fetal birth in the womb.

     Either mother is younger than 18 or older than 35 

Can you reduce your risk for preterm labour?

        The proper gap between pregnancies: You should wait 18 months before getting pregnant again. It allows your body to heal and reduces the chance of having another preterm birth.

        Contraceptive method: Sexually transmitted diseases can cause early delivery. Contraception is the most effective method that includes the IUD or implant. Consult with a doctor to know what type of contraception is best for you.

        Take progesterone: If you have a history of delivering a premature baby, talk to your doctor about taking in your next pregnancy to lower the chance of having another premature birth.

        Manage weight: Overweight and underweight women suffer premature labour. During this time, pregnant women should work on their health and maintain  a healthy weight based on what their doctor recommends.

        Avoid smoking and using drugs as they can increase your chances of having a preemie.

        Control chronic diseases: if you have heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, or autoimmune disease, work on controlling them and work with a doctor to take treatments before your next pregnancy

        Infertility treatment: It may increase the chance of getting pregnant with more than one baby. Unfortunately, twin and triplet pregnancies are the real cause of delivering early.

        Frequent Checkups: When you do get pregnant, try to be regular with checkups. Women who receive good prenatal care have a lower chance of giving birth to a preemie.

Other Complications of Premature Birth

Premature babies are born before organ systems have fully matured. These babies are born small with a low birth weight (less than 2,500 grams or 5.5 pounds). They may also need help in breathing, eating, fighting infection, and staying warm. Babies born before 24 weeks are at higher risks of health issues.

Premature Birth : Premature babies are born before organ systems have fully matured
Premature babies facing problems,

Premature babies may have other problems, including:

Not being able to maintain the body temperature or stay warm may lead them to be kept in an incubator

      Have Breathing problems leading to use of ventilator which can cause other issues

      Suffer from heart diseases, such as heart and blood vessels problems, heart defects, and heart rate problems.

      Blood problems such as anaemia, jaundice, or hypoglycemia.

      Digestive problems such as trouble feeding and poor digestion

      Nervous system problems bleeding in the brain or seizures

      Viral Infections or bacterial  

Key Takeaway

      Preterm labour is an early contraction that starts before 37 weeks of pregnancy.

      Symptoms of early labour include low abdominal contractions, menstrual cramps, backache, or leaking of ammonia fluid from the vagina.

      It may result in the early birth of the baby, which causes them serious health problems such as heart and lung disease.

      Prevent the risk factors such as smoking, following an unhealthy diet, proper measures between pregnancies, and regular checkups to avoid any complications.

Premature baby

People also ask (FAQ)

How long can you be in preterm labour?

If it’s your first pregnancy, the early labour lasts about 6 to 12 hours. During this time, you can take some rest or try to be more comfortable at home. Stay healthy and manage the diet. You may also have mild contractions that can last between 5 – 15 minutes.

What triggers preterm labour? 

The most common reasons are infection and inflammation that cause preterm labour during the gestational age, between 20 – 32 weeks gestation. Further, preterm birth is caused by the bacterial or viral infection in the vagina, bladder, uterus, or other body parts.

How can I manage the preterm labour?

Preterm labour can be managed by what is best for your health and the fetus’s health. If the fetus would benefit from a delay in delivery, medications may help the organs mature more quickly, reduce the risk of certain complications, and attempt to delay delivery for a short time.

Does the baby move during preterm labour?

Yes, baby movement starts between 16-18 weeks of pregnancy. If you have had a baby before, you will start feeling the baby move in 18-20 weeks. All women should feel baby movements before 24 weeks.

What are the physical problems of premature babies?

A “preemie” is a baby born too early, or about three weeks before the due date. The complete fetal development takes about 40 weeks. Premature birth occurs before 37 weeks. Babies require 9months  to grow fully. If the baby is born too early, it can cause serious health problems. Preemies may have heart, brain, lung, or liver issues.

They are also at a higher risk of physical development problems. These can lead to physical issues later in life, including:

      Cerebral palsy.

      Hearing and vision problems.

      Learning disabilities.

      Poor growth.

Can having preterm labour lead to premature birth?

It is difficult for health care professionals to predict which women with preterm labour tend to give a premature baby. They will try to delay the delivery as long as possible with the help of medication to give the baby a chance to develop inside the womb. You must consult your doctor as soon as you experience symptoms and let them decide what is best for you.

Having a preterm baby can be stressful for both mother and baby. However, with proper medical care and precautions, a premature baby can be nursed to grow normally. Once Preganews delivers the good news about your baby’s arrival to you, make sure you take good care of yourself and reduce the risk factors that could lead to premature birth.

Healthy & Best Foods for 1 Year old

Your one-year-old is just a baby and as a parent, you must be careful about what to feed and not to feed your baby. This is the age when you can try and give your baby all kinds of healthy food but make sure it is not too sugary or spicy. Don’t let your baby binge on junk food or aerated drinks. That’s the worst you could do for your baby as it can cause health issues in future. Let us take a look at what’s best for your one-year-old.

What to feed your baby

At 12 months, your baby can taste everything you eat but you should take care of the nutrition quotient. Each meal should be nutritiously enriched for your baby’s healthy growth.

You should feed healthy food like milk, dairy, eggs, meat, fish, and poultry, legumes like chickpeas, lentils or peas, nuts, orange, green vegetables, and fruits. Add a little oil or desi ghee to baby food for energy and healthy muscle growth.

How much food should your baby eat?

Your baby can eat one cup of food three to four times a day. You can also add one or two snacks between meals.

If you’re not a breastfeeding mom, your baby should eat more often. Milk products are considered healthy food for your baby, so it is very important to make them a part of a child’s diet. Your baby should be fed three cups of milk every day in the morning, evening and at bedtime.

Foods to avoid

Avoid giving junk food and soft drinks to your baby. Fried snacks like crisps, chips, cookies, soda, and candy are not healthy for children. These foods are high in sugar content, salt, fat, and chemicals. Your baby should eat healthy foods for proper growth and development.

Healthy food for a 1-year-old baby 

Here is a list of healthy food to pick from –

1. Peaches, Banana, and other fruits

At 12 months babies start touching and feeling food with their fingertips and tasting it. This is the best time to give finger-friendly foods to your baby. Start giving your baby healthy food like soft, fresh fruits. You can also give sliced bananas, strawberries, peaches, or mango.

2. Yogurt and milk

As your baby may slowly wean off breast milk or formula, it’s a great time to introduce cow’s milk. Milk and yoghurt are high protein-rich healthy food for babies and they also contain bone-building calcium, which helps in developing their teeth. 

You can also give whole-fat dairy milk or yoghurt at mealtimes or as a snack. You can also add diced fresh fruits or honey to yoghurt which is very healthy food for the baby.

3. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a great option when your baby starts chewing. It’s very easy to swallow and digest and has the high nutritional value of protein, carbs, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats.

Oats are also fibre rich that boosts the function of digestive tracts and keep them healthy.

4. Whole-grain pancakes

Pancakes are good for babies, and whole grains have high nutrition value, vitamins, minerals, and fibre. Whole-grain pancakes are a good meal choice for a 1-year-old baby’s diet. Whole grain releases prebiotics, which produces beneficial gut bacteria and boosts digestion. You can also add fresh fruits and honey as a topping.

5. Eggs

Eggs are a very healthy food for babies. They are good for eye health and proper brain development and have high nutrition values such as protein and healthy fats. You can give scrambled eggs and boiled eggs to your baby. 

It is very important to note that eggs are also allergy-causing food. Babies easily get prone to allergy, which may include symptoms such as hives, nasal congestion, digestive issues, coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. You need to keep a watch for such indications.

6. Tofu

Tofu has rich nutrition value since it contains iron, calcium, and protein. Tofu can be served as a sweet or savoury dish. Silken tofu can be taken as smoothies or can be mashed into bananas, avocado, or cottage cheese. Tofu is considered a very healthy food for baby growth and development. You can also give tofu with soft vegetables, such as diced bell peppers, tomatoes, and onions to your babies.

7. Chicken or meat

Soft pieces of chicken are a healthy way to add more protein to your baby’s diet for proper growth and development. Avoid giving any hard pieces of chicken, as it will be difficult for your baby to chew or swallow. Also avoid giving spicy food, which might upset their delicate stomachs.

8. Avocados

Avocados are also a very healthy food for babies. Their creamy texture helps to provide high nutritional value for your child’s growth. According to the American Heart Association, 30–40% of your baby’s calories value should come from fat. Avocados contain healthy fats, which helps to grow a baby’s brain and heart.

9. Steamed broccoli, peas, and carrots

You can give steamed vegetables such as broccoli, peas, and carrots to your babies. Steamed vegetables are considered very healthy food for a baby’s growth. Broccoli, carrots, and peas are fibre and vitamin C enriched that help to support eye health, muscle-building.

10. Mashed beans

Mashed beans can be black, kidney, or white beans that have a high content of iron, to keep your baby’s blood cells healthy. 

Feed mashed beans to your babies along with food high in vitamin C, such as broccoli, diced tomatoes, or mashed sweet potatoes which will ease iron absorption efficiently.

Baby feeding tips

Start giving your baby his or her bowl of food that will help your baby to learn to self-feed. Use a baby’s high chair to seat your baby and give them enough time.

Initially, your baby will eat slowly and create a mess. Assist your baby to get most of the food in his or her mouth instead of on himself/herself or the floor. Encourage your baby to finish the food and give your baby lots of love and affection during meal times.

Sit with your baby and maintain eye contact while interacting with your child, give a smile and talk and praise your baby while eating.

Be calm and accepting. Give your child positive attention when he/she does eat, but don’t make it a problem when he/she doesn’t eat. Just take the food away, cover it, and offer it to her again a bit later.

These feeding tips will help you to handle this messy phase when babies learn to feed themselves independently. This milestone will not be reached overnight so you need to go really slow and keep your patience.


1. What food should not be given to a 1-year-old baby?

Stop giving junk food and soft drinks to your baby. Fried snacks like crisps, chips, cookies, soda, and candy are not healthy for children. These foods are high sugar content, salt, fat, and chemicals. Your baby should eat healthy food for proper growth and development.

2. What should I feed to 12 months old baby?

You can feed streamed vegetables, broccoli, carrot, peas, mashed beans, yoghurt, milk, chicken, multigrain pancakes, peaches fruits to your baby.

3. Which fruit is best for the 1-year-old baby?

Peaches, bananas, and strawberries are healthy food for babies. Avocados are also very healthy food for babies. Their creamy texture helps to provide high nutritional value for your child’s growth. Avocados contain healthy fat that is good for babies.

4. What food develops a baby’s brain?

Eggs are very healthy food for babies. They are good for eye health and proper brain development and have high nutrition value such as protein, healthy fats. Avocados contain healthy fats, which helps to grow a baby’s brain and heart.

5. At what age can babies eat cooked rice?

Babies as young as six months can be fed cooked rice provided it is properly mashed. You can some butter or ghee, and some dal and boiled vegetables. You can even make a yummy khichdi using rice and moong dal. Cooked rice is a proper meal and you can safely feed this at lunch or dinner.


Healthy growth and development do depend on the diet you provide. It is important to ensure that your baby gets wholesome balanced nutrition so that he or she can grow and achieve developmental milestones. Feeding right is very important if you want a healthy and active baby.

Postpartum Diet – Food to eat after delivery

As you deliver your baby and meet the little one for the first time, it’s a beautiful moment, one that you will cherish forever. It is also a moment when you promise the very best for your baby and love them fiercely. One way to do just that is by giving them the best of yourself and the best nutrition. And the best way to do so is by following a healthy and nutritious meal plan post-delivery. Here are some tips to help you do just that!

Foods to eat after delivery

After delivering your baby, your diet will become more accommodating and you can have almost everything that you like. However, the most important thing to remember is that you are fueling your body, helping it recover and also nourishing your newborn. So your plate should also be adequately filled with nutritional food that helps fulfill all these purposes. A list of foods to eat after delivery can help you do just that:

●   Vegetables: An essential part of every diet, vegetables can help add essential vitamins, minerals and fiber to your diet. Spinach, sweet potatoes, kale, leafy greens, carrots and beans – there are abundant choices when it comes to vegetables.

        Fruits: Again, another source of plenty of vitamins are fruits and you can choose from a wide array of options like citrus fruits, melons, mangoes, berries, bananas and many more.

        Whole grains: Whole grains are dense in essential nutrients and carbohydrates, they also keep you fuller for longer. Include oats, whole wheat, quinoa etc. in your diet for a healthy postpartum diet.

       Lean protein: Protein is another essential component for a lactating mother and lean proteins provide the essential nutrients without added fat. These can include fish, chicken and eggs. For vegetarians, you can try tofu, pulses, cottage cheese etc.

        Dairy: Multiple forms of dairy not only provide you with calcium but also pack in some proteins so ensure that you include milk, yoghurt, cheese etc. in your diet on regular basis.

        Healthy fats: Like other components, fats are also essential in every diet and you can choose nut butters and avocado to include healthy fats.

        Liquids: Staying hydrated is very important during this period so make sure to include plenty of milk, water and fresh fruit juices.

Apart from these, there are some Indian foods and spices that are considered superfoods for women, just after delivery. These include moringa leaves, sprouted grains, bottle gourd, dry fruits, fenugreek seeds, ajwain, turmeric, garlic, sesame seeds, edible gum or gondh, panjeeri, ginger and cumin seeds. As these are a part of everyday diet, you can also include them easily in your diet without much effort. 

Meal plan for postpartum period
foods to skip after childbirth

Foods to avoid after giving birth

While the postpartum diet is generally very non-restrictive, there are some things that should be avoided during this period. This is generally the same as your pregnancy diet – while wondering what not to eat, it’s a good practice to remember that what you eat gets passed on to your baby – this can help choose your foods.

        Alcohol: While alcohol is sometimes allowed post pregnancy if you have a few hours’ window between two breastfeeding sessions, it’s best avoided during this time.

        Caffeine: As their little stomachs still cannot digest complex groups of foods and caffeine, it’s best to avoid tea and coffee when breastfeeding your baby.

        Oily and spicy foods: These items can be tough to digest and can cause gas, acidity etc. which can be detrimental to your baby’s digestive system.

        Allergic foods: If there’s any history of food allergies in the past, it’s best to avoid those foods or consult your doctor before consuming it.

Postpartum nutrition

A good way to understand postpartum nutrition is understanding what it is and why it’s important. After you safely deliver your baby, it’s time to help your body recover and heal while taking care of your little one. Whether you’re breastfeeding or not, you will still need a lot of energy and the right nutrients to make recovery quick and easy.

As a breastfeeding mother, one will need approximately 400-500 calories more per day, compared with amount you were consuming before pregnancy. This number can change depending on overall health, height, weight and pregnancy weight gain. Your doctor can help you determine the right amount.

Postpartum nutrition is not just what you feed your body but also what you pass on to your newborn. Thus it’s essential to include all healthy food groups such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy fats, dairy and protein.

Pregnant woman is having Postpartum nutrition

Pregnant Women say no to junk food when conceiving

Key takeaway

Thus the best way to remember more about postpartum nutrition is making sure you eat a little bit of everything that is considered healthy – vegetables, fruits, protein, healthy fats, grains etc. As long as you stay away from the foods to avoid during postpartum, there are very little restrictions on what you can and cannot eat post-delivery. Remember to enjoy your meals, feel nourished and healthy and give your body the best fuel for you and your baby.


Why is good nutrition important for a mother after giving birth?

After giving birth, your body needs to recover and heal from the childbirth. Your body continues to work overtime as it heals and also nourishes your newborn. With good nutrition, you provide the right supplements for your body to heal and also give your newborn the right nutrients to stay nourished and build immunity and grow.

What are the best foods to eat after pregnancy?

After pregnancy, you should make up your diet plan with all the essential food groups like fats, carbohydrates, protein, minerals and vitamins. For this, include plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, dairy and some forms of lean protein like chicken, tofu, eggs etc. in your diet.

What fruits can I eat while breastfeeding?

Fruits are a great source of natural vitamins, minerals and fiber. So ensure that you include plenty of fruits like citrus fruits, melons, mangoes, apples, bananas and more in your postpartum diet.

What foods to avoid during breastfeeding?

Any food that negatively impacts you or your baby’s health, should be avoided during breastfeeding. This includes alcohol, caffeine, oily foods, spicy foods and allergic substances.

Is an apple good for a breastfeeding mother?

Apples are considered good for a breastfeeding mother along with other fruits like cantaloupes, oranges, blueberries, strawberries, bananas and more.

The right ways for dads to bond with babies

Hey there, dads!

We know you have been eagerly waiting to meet your little one, since you brought home Prega News – India’s No. 1 Pregnancy detection kit to get the good news. And thanks to the efficiency of the pregnancy test by Prega News, you got the news in just 5 minutes! The pregnancy test by Prega News also provides very accurate results when all the instructions on the Prega News kit are followed, thus letting you do a little celebratory dance even before you visit the doctor.

 However, now that your little one is home, you want to spend much time with your newborn and bond with them instantly. So maybe you’re wondering, how do dads bond with their newborn? Well, the Prega News Kit doesn’t just deliver you the good news, we also ensure that we stand by you every step of the way. So let’s take a look at different ways that can be used for dad’s bond with a newborn.

 Dad’s Activities

 There are many ways to bond with your little one. Your baby may not be old enough to recognize voices and faces, or even respond to everything, but there are certain ways that you can still have fun with your baby and help deepen the bond. Let’s take a look!

●     Baby wearing: An increasingly popular idea, baby wearing is simply carrying your baby in your lap with the aid of a cloth or accessory. The baby wearing technique enables you to stay close to your little one as you go about your daily chores. The little one can nap or simply enjoy being with you.

●     Skin to skin contact: Another way of staying close to your baby, skin to skin contact is being increasingly recommended to new parents. You simply keep your baby close to your chest and allow for skin to skin contact while both of you are wrapped up in a blanket. This helps strengthen the bond and also promotes healthy growth of babies.

●    Baby massage: This is yet another way to promote skin to skin contact between father and newborn and is great for dad’s bond with newborn. While giving your baby a massage, you not only provide warmth and comfort but also spend more time, which ultimately promotes a healthy bond.

●    Diapering duties: You can give mommy a break and also share some dad and newborn time by taking over diapering duties. With many easy to use diapers available these days, it’s no task at all.

     Bedtime routine: Your baby is still a newborn and may need a feed at night before falling asleep. However, you can help set a bedtime routine and get involved in it – take over baby soothing duties at night or tuck them in at night for that special time.

Developing Interaction Patterns 

As your baby grows a little older – may be a few weeks old – you can include more activities to help that dad-newborn bond. These activities are also great for developing the interaction patterns as your baby’s responsiveness also increases with time. Here are a few ideas:

       Talk to baby: Probably the oldest trick in the book but definitely one of the most efficient ones – talking to babies has proven to be very helpful when trying to develop a bond. Your baby may not be able to understand you but they do understand the emotions and they are sure to love it.

       Read to baby: Did you know that babies also enjoy the voice of reading aloud even when they are in the tummy? So why not read to your baby from the children’s books and enjoy some daddy and baby time?

      Make faces at baby: When babies are a little older, they can also mimic facial expressions and pick up emotions. So make sure to make plenty of goofy faces at baby.

      Bathing routine: This is a fun baby and daddy routine that your child is sure to love. Most babies love bath time and nothing like dad joining in with fun water toys and funny voices!

       Sing to baby: Babies understand the notes in music and respond to them even before they understand words. It could be your favourite song or a nighttime lullaby – find something that both of you enjoy and make for a nice song session with the baby. 

Now that you have all these amazing ideas, which ones are you going to use?


What other things to be considered for new fathers?

While the above tips can be really helpful to bond with babies, there is another important thing to consider when you’re a new dad. Remember the time you stood beside your partner as you checked the results on the pregnancy test by Prega News? She’s a new mom too and supporting her in any way you can is always much needed and appreciated. Women can also face postpartum depression so it’s important to stand by her and share this journey as an equal partner.

How can I better manage my work life balance as a father?

Opt for a paternity leave when you can so you can spend more time with the baby. When you resume work, make sure that you come back home at fixed times so as to spend time with the family. Waking up a little early or checking in on your baby at night and spending holidays with the baby are all great ways to balance work and life.

What habits do I need to inculcate the most?


While there are no rules about habits to set, ideally you should inculcate and also follow the habits that you want your baby to follow later in life. In the initial stages, having ample playtime, setting routines for mealtimes and naps is a great way to ensure a smooth transition into toddler stage. Also, ensure that you follow healthy eating, no smoking etc. to make sure that you set the right example for your baby.

How to take care of a baby’s health during a pandemic

Giving birth to your newborn during a pandemic can seem like a scary thought but thanks to the relentless efforts of doctors and nurses, it is becoming more normal with each passing day. After all, this is the day you have been waiting for ever since you saw the two pink lines on the Prega News test kit. But what about when you bring your baby home? Well, you will be glad to know that with a few precautionary measures you can take good care of your baby even during the pandemic. While all previous health advisories are still in place, taking a few extra steps can ensure that your newborn is healthy even in these current circumstances. Ways to keep the baby healthy There are some things you can do to keep your baby healthy during a pandemic – follow these easy steps to ensure a healthy and happy baby! Breastfeed your baby: Unless otherwise advised by doctors, always breastfeed your baby. Breastfed babies are less susceptible to infections and are healthier and more immune to harmful viruses.

  • Get vaccinated: After consulting your doctor, get all the recommended vaccinations for yourself and your baby. Flu shots, COVID-19 vaccine and some others are often recommended to both pregnant and new mothers.
  • Skin to skin contact: Skin contact with babies has proven to be beneficial for both mothers and babies as it helps develop the bond and also promotes healthy growth in babies.
  • Postpartum care: Your well-being directly affects your baby’s health so ensure that you indulge in good postpartum care to be your healthy self for the baby.
  • Ensure your baby gets enough sleep: Sleep is essential for everyone, more so for newborns. You can take a few measures like a good massage, setting the right temperature, soft but firm bedding etc. to ensure a good sleep for your little one. As the baby gets older, you can include bedtime routines like lullabies and warm baths to help them sleep better.
  • Schedule regular health check-ups: It’s a good idea to schedule health check-ups for you and your baby, regularly. You should also consult the pediatrician to know more about caring for your newborn. They will keep you updated on vaccinations and other measures to keep your baby safe during the pandemic. Precautions that parents need to take While you are taking care of the baby, there are some steps you can take to further ensure that your baby is not exposed to COVID-19 or other viruses:
  • Limit your bubble: Your baby’s immunity is not fully developed so it’s best to limit your social bubble to the immediate members who are staying with you. You can make use of social media and other video calling apps to introduce your newborn to friends and family.

Limit your outdoor exposure: Apart from getting exercises and running essential errands, ensure that you limit your outdoor exposure. Opt for online delivery services for groceries and baby care items and never step out without a mask.

● Maintain good hygiene: Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly, especially before and after caring for your baby. Keep all surfaces clean and properly sanitize baby’s items before using them.

● Maintain 6 feet distance: If you have to interact with members outside of the household, ensure that you maintain a 6 feet distance with them.

● Know the signs and symptoms: Being aware of all the symptoms and signs of COVID-19 is helpful as you can immediately take precautions. Also, consult your doctor and pediatrician on what to expect during the first few months – to be prepared at all stages. Breastfeeding while infected with COVID-19 Breast milk has not shown any transmission of COVID-19 virus, yet, in the limited studies that have been conducted on it. So it is generally considered safe to breastfeed your baby even when you are infected. However, it’s best to consult your doctor and your baby’s pediatrician before doing so. If the doctor gives the go-ahead, you can use the following measures to keep your baby safe from COVID-19:

● Always wear a mask around the baby: Even if you are several feet away but in the same room, always wear a mask while being around the baby. As the infection spreads through the droplets during a cough or sneeze, a good quality medical mask can prevent the spread to your baby.

● Maintain good hand hygiene: Always wash your hands thoroughly before and after holding/breastfeeding your baby.

● Keep the house and baby’s room hygienic: You may not be able to use sanitizers and harsh cleaners in the baby’s room so you can use sanitizing baby-safe wipes and milder solutions to keep the baby’s room, all surfaces and things clean.

● Sleep separately: Even if you are breastfeeding at night, ensure that your baby sleeps separately in his/her cot, post feed.

● Use pumps and bottles: If you are still skeptical, you can feed pumped breast milk to your baby. Make sure you wear a mask even during pumping and sterilize the bottle and pump well. You can give the bottle to a non-infected member to feed the baby.


Can I touch and hold my baby if I have COVID-19?

Yes, contact with newborn is always encouraged from mothers as it promotes bond and health. If you have COVID-19, it’s best to wear a medical mask at all times when you are near the baby. Maintain good hygiene, wash your hands thoroughly before and after holding the baby and keep all the surfaces clean and hygienic. However, always consult your doctor before taking care of your newborn if you have COVID-19, as they will be able to give you the best way to do so.

How can parents protect newborns once they go home?

When you bring home your baby, there are some ways to protect your baby from infections and the pandemic. The first and foremost being, limiting exposure to people. It is advisable to only have members of the family or caretaker care for the baby, who are living with you in the same house. Siblings and other members who care for the baby should always maintain good hygiene – washing hands frequently, wearing masks near the baby and limiting their exposure to others. Opt for online deliveries for essentials and step out only when absolutely necessary and with masks. Always consult your doctor for best practices when it comes to caring for your newborn during the pandemic.

If mom gets COVID-19 and she’s breastfeeding, will it transfer to the baby?

Breastfeeding has not yet shown traces of transmission during COVID-19, however all precautions must be taken to protect your baby. Always consult a doctor if you have COVID-19 or have symptoms. COVID- 19 usually spreads through bodily fluids when you cough or sneeze so it’s best to maintain good respiratory masks when you are near the baby. If you are breastfeeding, always wash your hands thoroughly before and after. Maintain clean surfaces and always practice good hygiene measures. You can also try pumping your milk into a bottle and giving the bottle to a non-infected family member to feed the baby.

Indoor Activities for Toddlers


Indoor Activities for Toddlers

Children from the ages of 2-7 begin to get more restless, curious and inquisitive. During these times, it is necessary to find fun activities for kids to do to keep them occupied and engaged. However good it is to teach children to stay calm and disciplined, it is difficult for them to be at home without much to do due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Their simple minds may not truly understand the severity of the present times so it is best to help them stay preoccupied with activities and fun games that keep them mentally and physically healthy and happy. It is common nowadays to see very young kids gravitate to tablets and phones to look for entertainment. There is no one to blame for this but the growing age of technology. To reduce this occurrence, here are some enjoyable activities that you can do with your kids or they can do on their own. 


  • Tea parties and home plays – We all see young kids play with their tea sets and have little tea parties with their stuffed toys and talk to them as though they are alive and respond to them. This is very helpful for kids to tap into their creative side by envisioning scenarios, creating conversations as well as keeping them occupied for hours. What additionally helps is the tables, cups, a little kitchen set and some stools sto create a home play setup.
  • Colouring and painting – It is good to allow kids to indulge in some colourful paints, sketch pens, colour pencils, crayons and other colouring tools. Letting them explore colours and painting schemes helps to enrich their playtime and also helps stimulate their imagination and brain. Holding the colouring tools also helps in practicing holding their writing or colouring tools correctly. This will help them strengthen their hand and wrist muscles. All these paintings can be used to decorate the nursery as a way to showcase their creativity.
  • Playing with jumbo or lego blocks – More than this being a very fun activity to play as a child, playing with jumbo and lego blocks helps children to improve their hand eye coordination. This also helps them increase patience and develop their constructive skills. Kids love to break things so it is also important to teach them to build things and show them the time and effort it takes into building them. This way, you can teach them that it is not a good habit to break things as someone took the time to make it.
  • Write them a treasure hunt – This is a good activity to make toddlers do as a working or busy woman. Draft a treasure hunt the night before while they are asleep and hide some rewards as you would for any treasure hunt. It is recommended to make it more personal as this plays a big role in the child’s future when they know that their likes and dislikes are recognised. The next morning, give them their clues before you get busy and allow them to solve the hunt. This is a good way to get them thinking and developing exploration and problem solving skills. 
  • Playing with kinetic sand or homemade alternatives – kinetic sand helps in engaging a wide range of sensory experiences in a child. Emotional and social development can be engaged when kids and toddlers play with kinetic sand. With that being said, you would have to be mindful when they play with kinetic sand. Make sure that they do not eat the sand as it can be hazardous since it contains a number of toxic chemicals. A homemade alternative for kinetic sand can be made by mixing 2 parts cornstarch with 1 part of dish soap. This is a relatively more child-safe alternative to play with. This creates a strange yet intriguing substance that is solid when played with vigorously but turns liquidy when left loose.
  • Baby pools with toys – To beat the summer heat and have a safe semi-indoor activity is to fill up an inflatable baby pool with some water and some toys so that they can have a pool day at home. During COVID-19, with most outdoor activities being closed for safety purposes, it is important to find solutions so that kids and toddlers do not constantly resort to technology when they are bored. In addition to this, playing in water is a fun energy burning semi-indoor or indoor activity for toddlers and children. 
  • Solve puzzles – Learning how to solve puzzles teaches toddlers spatial awareness, colour coordination, shape recognition and concentration. Puzzles subconsciously help growth in children to recognise the importance of a smaller part in the bigger picture. This is a very valuable skill when it comes to analysing and solving problems in the future. 
  • Fort building – Fort building is another activity that is just simply fun. Toddlers learn to tap into their creative and design oriented parts of the mind and come up with structures and use household items to make a comfy nook for themselves to play in. It is amusing to then see how they appreciate sitting in their fort because children tend to appreciate things that they have worked to create and that has not just been handed to them. This helps them avoid becoming entitled and more constructive.


Frequently asked questions

Q1. How do you entertain toddlers indoors?

Ans. It is a task trying to stop even toddlers from reaching out for technology when they need entertainment. However, there are a number of activities that you can try and play with them to help them be more entertained, especially during quarantine because they are not allowed to go out, run around and play. Some of these activities are painting and colouring, treasure hunts, baby pools, puzzle and fort building. It is vital to put in effort into toddlers to avoid them from feeling bored and neglected. 


Q2. What are the types of indoor activities for toddlers?

Ans. ‘Simon says’, ‘Would you rather’, scavenger hunts, colouring and painting, puzzle solving and fort building ares all different indoor activities for toddlers to keep them occupied and engaged. 


Q3. How do I keep my child entertained for hours? 

Ans. Without having the option to go out and take them to places like the park or their friend’s house due to COVID-19 restrictions, it is difficult to keep their restlessness and boredom away. Some activities like painting and colouring, treasure hunts, baby pools, puzzles and fort building are all ways to keep children occupied for hours on end. Remember to include some nap times to take breaks and a fun schedule at home is good to go. 


Q4. Where can I take my baby on a rainy day?

Ans. If it were not COVID-19 times, ideal yet underappreciated places to take your child or baby on a rainy day is to a children’s library. You can either read to them or allow them to look at all the colourful illustrations in the books. It is extremely visually appealing and stimulating to them. Another place that you could take them is to an aquarium. This can help spark cognitive development as they explore the environment and studies have shown that aquariums have a calming effect on children. 


What is Postpartum Care? Tips, Change: Emotional & Physical

As soon as you use the due date calculator or see the two pink lines on the pregnancy test kit, to check when will you see your little one, your excitement knows no bounds. However, pregnancy, childbirth and all that they entail do not end after you deliver your baby. The next stage after delivery is the postpartum stage.

What is Postpartum Care?

Right after you undergo delivery (whether natural or C-section), you undergo many changes – physical, emotional and mental. This stage, called postpartum, is the time it takes for you to go back to your pre-pregnancy stage, and can often last between 6-8 weeks post childbirth. However, each experience is unique and some may recover sooner or later, depending on many factors like the experience of childbirth, previous conditions etc.

As you navigate through the postpartum, you also get acquainted with many physical and emotional changes. You are healing your body while you and your partner learn to look after the newborn. As you experience all these, it can get overwhelming at times. It is thus, extremely crucial that you identify all the signs and changes and work towards healing them or accepting them. This care for the mother post-delivery, is called postpartum care.

What are some changes one undergoes physically & emotionally, after a normal delivery?

If you have just undergone a normal delivery, you can observe some or all of the changes, listed below:

  • Vaginal Soreness
  • Vaginal Discharge
  • Urine Leakage
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Tender Breasts
  • Hair & Skin Changes
  • Changes in Mood

Vaginal Soreness
If you had a vaginal tear or needed an incision during childbirth, there may be some vaginal soreness post the delivery. Or in layman terms, there is a loss of tightness after birth. This can be alleviated with cold/hot packs, over-the-counter painkillers, warm baths etc.

Vaginal Discharge
Post-delivery, you will start shedding the superficial mucous membrane that lines the uterus during pregnancy. This can cause heavy bleeding and can last up to weeks. However if you experience too much pain or it continues for a long time, you should consult your doctor.

Urine Leakage
Vaginal delivery can loosen your pelvic muscles and this can lead to a few drops of urine leakage involuntarily when you laugh, sneeze etc. You can consult your doctor for any exercises that can help tackle this.

If you experience pain while passing bowels or notice a swelling in the area, you may have hemorrhoids. You can consult your doctor and it can be eased with creams, medication or eating fiber-rich foods.

Tender Breasts

The breast engorgement, usually experienced after childbirth can be eased with frequent breastfeeding on both sides. Benefits of breastfeeding have been noted in both mother and baby and can also help ease the tenderness.

Hair & Skin Changes
When you’re pregnant, your hormonal changes can make your hair grow faster than it sheds and also make you skin glow. But after delivery, you may observe the exact opposite as your hormone levels go back to normal. This can last up to 4-5 months. However, there are some hair and skin tips that you can look into to take care of this.

Changes in Mood
Hormonal changes and the sudden shift of roles, can often lead to mood swings post childbirth. It’s important that you stay conscious of these changes and address them accordingly. If your mood swings are unusually low or if you notice the signs of postpartum depression, it’s best to get in touch with experts.

Tips for Postpartum Care

As you undergo the aforementioned changes, it’s necessary that you look after yourself and here are some postpartum care tips to do just that:

  • Take ample rest
  • Keep a check on your physical and mental signs & developments
  • Eat healthy
  • Do light exercises after consulting your doctor
  • Check-in with your partner and spend some time together
  • Check-in with your doctor at all stages
  • Consult your doctor immediately if you notice anything unusual
  • Practice yoga or meditation for a calm mind
  • Take some time for yourself

Key Takeaway

Postpartum care is an important part of every woman’s healing journey and is unique to her. Paying attention to your signs and always consulting your doctor can make this process easier. Keeping a calm mind and allowing yourself time to heal with the help of loved ones is the key to a healthy recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long should you rest after giving birth?
    Rest for at least 6-8 weeks after giving birth. However, this will depend on how you give birth and the conditions during this time. It’s best to consult your doctor after childbirth.
  2. How should I sleep after delivery?
    Sleeping on the side is generally recommended after delivery but it all depends on your comfort level and your doctor’s recommendation.
  3. How can I make my tummy flat after delivery?
    Immediately after childbirth, breastfeeding helps reduce weight but the tummy/ovary will go back to its original size after 6-8 weeks. Post childbirth, you can consult your doctor and start exercises and a healthy diet to get back into shape.
  4. How do I know if I tore my stitches after birth?
    Tearing your stitches will cause some kind of discomfort – usually pain or bleeding. It’s best to check-in with your doctor to ensure that everything is in order for recovery.
  5. Why do I still look pregnant 3 months postpartum?
    Every pregnancy and delivery is different and it may take longer for some to go back to their pre-pregnancy stage. Consult your doctor, if you notice no change even after a prolonged period.
  6. How long does it take for a woman’s body to go back to normal after pregnancy?
    Normally, it takes 6-8 weeks for your body to go back to your pre-pregnancy stage to a certain extent. However, a complete recovery is a long process and can be achieved with the right diet, guidance and light exercises. You can consult your dietician or doctor for guidance on the same.
  7. How to take care of your vagina after giving birth?
    If you had a vaginal birth, you may experience pain and soreness post-delivery. Hot/cold compresses and warm baths can ease the pain and you can also ask your doctor for prescription painkillers.


Disclaimer:This blog solely intended for the educational/informational/awareness purposes and is not a substitute for any professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult your doctor/healthcare professional before acting on the information provided on the blog. Reliance on any or all information provided in the blog, is solely at your own risk and responsibility. Mankind Pharma Limited shall not be held liable, in any circumstance whatsoever.

Things Every Mother Should Know Before Decorating Your Baby’s Nursery

Growing a baby in your tummy is a BIG responsibility. But, when the baby arrives in your life then this responsibility only doubles.

From frequent feeding routines to even more frequent diaper changing sessions, a mother’s life starts revolving around the baby. One of those responsibilities include decorating your baby’s nursery and since you’re reading this, we are guessing you are looking for some inspiration and ideas to decorate your baby’s room.

Few things you need to keep in mind before you start with this task-

1. Soft lights, bright lights. All kinds of light!

A flexible lighting system is a MUST. You will have to control the lighting around his sleeping routine; bright lights for when he is up and soft ones when he is sound asleep. This will help you a lot in putting your baby to sleep and save you a lot of long nights.

2. Pick a theme:

Blue for a boy and pink for a girl, that’s so old school. This is the time to be a cool mum and pick a theme for your baby’s room as you like. Also, don’t hesitate to match the theme with the rest of your house if you like because your baby won’t care about the theme anyway. It is all about you and how you want things to look.

3. Washables only, please:

Raising a child comes with an additional responsibility of cleaning everything twice a day. So, you should ensure that every curtain, carpet, rugs and every piece of article for a nursery is durable and easily washable.

4. Everything in reach:

Take it from people who have experienced it beforehand; the baby’s diaper needs to be changed a thousand times a day. In times like those, nothing irritates a mother more than walking up and down, fetching wipes, tissue, and diapers from across the house. You need to keep all the necessary things within your one hand reach so you can change the diaper like a ninja.

5. Baby-proof everything:

You just had your baby. You have enough time for baby proofing, right? Wrong. Babies grow in the blink of an eye so you should start baby proofing the house as soon as you can. This will ensure that when your baby starts crawling, his curiosity will not leave him in the face of danger.

6. A chair for those long night:

You might think a comfortable bed will help your baby sleep. But, you couldn’t be more wrong. Most of the times, your baby will sleep only in your hands while you rock him to and fro. So, keeping a comfortable chair in his room that you can sit on while you put him to sleep is a good decision.

There you have it: a few things that you need to keep in your mind while decorating your baby’s nursery. And, here’s the most important tip; don’t forget to have fun while you decorate your baby’s room.

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