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How to prevent bloating and gas during pregnancy?

Bloating and gas are common during pregnancy and cause discomfort. While they are not serious issues, they are irritants that need to be dealt with. Different factors have an impact on bloating, such as hormones and diets. When you have gas during pregnancy, you may consider some home remedies to fix the problem. If the situation aggravates, don’t forget to consult your doctor.

Let us look at the causes of bloating and gas during pregnancy and the simple remedies that can bring some immediate relief.

When does bloating start in pregnancy?

Bloating in pregnancy usually starts in the initial phases. Therefore, pregnancy gas and bloating usually develop in the first trimester. In many women, it eases. However, in others, the symptoms can worsen and they may experience gas even during the third trimester of pregnancy.

Women who have suffered from IBS are likely to face more problems with gas during pregnancy. If you had IBS, the symptoms will only worsen.


Gas problems in pregnancy are very common. However, if it prolongs, you may need to consider consulting medical professionals. Studies say that a significant number of women suffer from gas during pregnancy. Hormonal malfunction is often hailed to be one of the most common problems. In the early pregnancy stage, the hormones calm the womb. With the digestive muscles relaxing, digestion becomes slow. Therefore, hormonal imbalance is very common and it can often lead to gas issues.

Gastric problems in pregnancy can also lead to constipation. This is one of the major challenges that most pregnant women face. If you suffer from constipation during pregnancy, you are likely to feel bloated all the time.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is also one of the main causes. However, this may not be valid for everyone. Women who have had a history of IBS are likely to suffer from worsening symptoms during pregnancy. It can lead to severe pain resulting from bloating, constipation and abdominal pain.

Bloating can also be a symptom of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. It is advisable to reach out to the doctor in this case.

How to ease bloating and gas?

Before understanding how to ease bloating and gas in early pregnancy, you may want to know how to check pregnancy. Earlier, people needed to go to a clinic to get the test done and understand if they are pregnant or not. Well, that used to take a long time.

In today’s time, a reliable device like PregaNews will help you get confirmation about your pregnancy in the initial stage. You won’t need to step out of your house and will get the confirmation within five minutes. It is advisable to take the test using the first urine sample in the morning to get accurate results.

Bloating and gas during pregnancy can be extremely uncomfortable. While it is common, a new-to-be mother may often be in pain. This does not lead to a better experience in pregnancy. Here are some of the prominent ways through which you can ease bloating and gas: 

        Stop eating any high-fat food.

        Eat small yet frequent meals to avoid staying full all the time.

        During pregnancy, it is advisable to have a well-balanced diet, including foods that are rich in fibre.

        Avoid caffeine and alcohol.

        Drink enough water and stay hydrated.

        Don’t eat before you go to bed.

Home remedies

Bloating and gas during pregnancy can be extremely painful. While you may want to see a doctor, if the pain is bearable in the initial stages you must try out the home remedies. These are efficient and can play an important role in easing the problem in no time.

Some of the most efficient home remedies to treat gas and bloating during pregnancy include the following:

        Stay hydrated

Drinking fluids can be of great help. If you’re suffering from bloating, water is one of the best choices to make. If the gas causes extreme problems it will lead to irritable bowel syndrome. You should avoid drinking juices made of orange, grape etc or it will only worsen the symptoms. 

        Stay hydrated

Drinking fluids can be of great help. If you’re suffering from bloating, water is one of the best choices to make. If the gas causes extreme problems it will lead to irritable bowel syndrome. You should avoid drinking juices made of orange, grape etc or it will only worsen the symptoms. 

It is best to stay hydrated to manage blood glucose levels. It is advisable to keep a check on your juice and sugar intake to avoid any problems.

        Be on the move

One of the best ways to curb  bloating and gas is to be on the move. Exercise and physical activity can be of great help. When you are pregnant, you should make it a part of your daily routine. Pregnant women should take a walk for at least 30 minutes to one hour per day.

Pregnant women dealing with pregnancy bloating and gas

Regular exercise will help you stay emotionally and physically fit. It will help to improve your digestion rate thereby keeping away any kind of constipation. However, before starting any new exercise routine, you should consider reaching out to the doctor.

        Consume fibre-rich food

Fibre-rich food can be extremely helpful as it will help to manage constipation. Fibre helps to soften the stool movement thereby preventing the risk of being constipated. It is advisable to consume around 25 to 30 gm of food rich in fibre every day to prevent gas concerns.

Fibre-rich food helps the stool movement for pregnancy

When to consult a doctor?

As simple as it seems and sounds, it isn’t a small factor. If you notice any unusual symptoms or signs, you will need to contact the doctor. If there are no changes in your condition and if the pain due to bloating and gas lasts for more than 48 hours  you may need to see a doctor.

This is mostly because it can often be a serious indication that the child is in some kind of danger. If you don’t face any problems, you can consider sticking to your regular routine.

Key Takeaways

Experiencing bloating during pregnancy is very common. This is mostly because your body undergoes a lot of hormonal changes. Furthermore, constipation can also pave the way to serious problems. It is advisable to bring minor changes in your daily lifestyle to improve your condition.


  1. What does early pregnancy bloating feel like?

An early pregnancy bloating feels as if your stomach is a balloon that has been blown to its maximum extent. When you touch the stomach, the surface will be hard and you may also feel a sudden tension. 

  1. Can you feel bloated at 4 weeks pregnant?

Yes. Many women also experience bloating at 4 weeks because of hormonal changes in the body. 

  1. What food causes gas during pregnancy?

Fried, spicy and processed foods can increase the risk of gas during pregnancy. Other foods that can cause bloating and gas during pregnancy include carbonated drinks, specific fruits and vegetables, dairy and whole grains. Beans and broccoli can also cause bloating.

  1. What helps with pregnancy gas at night?

You should avoid eating before going to bed as it will allow you to relax. Give yourself two hours for the food to settle before you go to bed.

  1. How should I sit to relieve gas?

Squats can be extremely helpful for sitting in a comfortable position to release gas. It also helps to build stability in the body. The pressure is on the entire stomach in a squat position. Therefore, the person will be able to pass it efficiently. If you have any doubts, it is safe to seek clarification from your doctor to ensure the safety of your baby. 

Once PregaNews confirms your pregnancy, it is best to consult a doctor and confirm the same. Do not attempt to address health issues during pregnancy on your own. You can adopt harmless home remedies but if any problem persists, you will need to see the doctor immediately. Avoid medication except under medical supervision.

Watery Discharge During Pregnancy: Everything you need to know

White watery discharge during pregnancy also called vaginal leucorrhoea, is common among women. Water discharge starts at the beginning of puberty and lasts long till the end of menopause. The amount of water discharge varies from woman to woman and increases during the menstrual period. A watery discharge is usually a sign of a healthy vagina as it helps ejaculate bacteria, maintains the vaginal area hygiene and keeps it free from bacterial infection. However, sometimes, watery discharge during pregnancy can be a sign of a health issue.

Pregnancy Stages :  Woman experiencing body changes from First to third trimester

What is pregnancy discharge?

The fluid that expels out of the vagina is known as watery discharge. Watery discharge is usually white in colour. You may experience watery discharge during pregnancy, but there is nothing to get anxious about. Watery discharge during pregnancy usually depends on the stage of child development. Watery discharge characteristics and implications may differ based on the stage of your pregnancy. Here is a categorized list of watery discharge:

1. Watery discharge in early pregnancy

Watery discharge during early pregnancy or first trimester has a slightly pungent odour. Watery discharge looks like the slimy discharge of the menstrual period and may stain your underwear. This watery discharge occurs due to a sudden increase in estrogen hormones levels that enhances the blood flow to the vaginal part and increase the secretion of other hormones.

2. Watery Discharge in the Second Trimester

In the second trimester, watery discharge resembles milky egg white in colour and consistency. It is far more frequent than the discharge in the first-trimester phase but is considered perfectly normal as it happens due to the hormones cascading during pregnancy. However, if you see any bloody discharge or foul-odor discharge in your second-trimester phase, then it is probably a sign of a health issue. In such a case, seek doctor help immediately.

3. Watery Discharge in the Third Trimester

 Based on color, odour, frequency, amount, and presence of blood, watery discharge during the third trimester can evince itself in many forms. If you experience heavy watery discharge flow near your due date, then it’s a sign of preterm labor or even water breaking.

Women is feeling watery discharge in pregnancy

Is it normal to have a pregnancy discharge?

It is considered normal to have a watery discharge during pregnancy. The amount of watery discharge will begin to increase as the pregnancy progresses. Here we highlighted more about normal and abnormal watery discharge in detail.

1. Normal Watery Discharge

Watery discharge during pregnancy is perfectly normal. You don’t need to worry about it if you experience the following symptoms:


Leucorrhoea is the standard watery discharge during pregnancy. It resembles thin, clear, and watery inconsistency. It can be recognized as one of the first symptoms of pregnancy as it begins just after conception.

•Bloody Show

In your final stage of pregnancy, the watery discharge might include blood and mucus, which is a sign of labor within a few days. The mucus present in watery discharge during pregnancy is part of the plug that inhibits the growth of bacteria in your cervix and thus preventing vaginal infection. This is also termed as bloody show.

•Amniotic Leakage

Watery discharge during the third trimester of your pregnancy is a replica of urine and consists of flakes in it, it might be a sign of amniotic fluid leaking. This is perfectly normal during pregnancy; you don’t need to worry about it. However, if you experience a greenish watery discharge in ample amounts, it is a sign that your water bag has been broken and the baby might have passed  meconium. In this case, you should immediately rush to the doctor.

2. Abnormal water discharge

Sometimes, a watery discharge during pregnancy is associated with several other health symptoms that cause uneasiness. In such cases, a watery discharge is considered abnormal and can be a sign of the following health issues:

•Premature Labour

If you notice a small amount of blood in the last week of pregnancy then it is normal but if it is a heavy flow, then it is a sign of preterm labour. Please seek medical help immediately if this occurs.

•Yeast Infections

A yeast infection can occur any time during pregnancy, but the symptoms may cause a lot more discomfort. Apart from having a greenish-yellow watery discharge or thicker white curd like pregnancy discharge, you may also experience pain while peeing. Yeast infections may cause skin irritation or redness in the vaginal part.


Watery discharge during pregnancy can even happen if you are prone to sexually transmitted diseases. Any disease can have a significant impact on your health and immune system. It can also imbalance your fertility levels. Hence, seeking a doctor help would be better if you experience watery discharge abruptly.

How to treat watery discharge during pregnancy?

Here we have highlighted a few precautions that will help you avoid complications that can come with watery discharge.

•Get tested regularly to avoid watery discharge

If you have gray  discharge during pregnancy it is abnormal may indicate  sign of bacterial infection, you might need medical treatment. In addition, intake food that is rich in probiotics in your diet to avoid yeast infections.

•Maintain self-hygiene

Keep your vaginal area clean and hygienic to avoid vaginal infection. Avoid using a block of scented soap or spray on your vaginal area. If you notice the foul or fishy odor of vaginal discharge then wash your vaginal part with warm water and wear clean undergarments to maintain self-hygiene.

•Change your undergarments every day

Change your panties every time to inhibit the growth of bacteria and thus reduce the chances of any infection.

•Consult your doctor

Seek your doctor’s help during your pregnancy journey. Follow the instructions given by your doctor to avoid any health issues.


1. Why is water coming out of my vagina during pregnancy?

A watery discharge is usually a sign of a healthy vagina as it helps ejaculate bacteria, maintains the vaginal area hygiene and keeps it free from bacterial infection. However, sometimes, watery discharge during pregnancy can be a sign of a health issue.

2. When is the discharge heavy?

It is considered normal to have a watery discharge during pregnancy. The amount of watery discharge will begin to increase as the pregnancy progresses.

3. How do I know my water is leaking?

If you experience a greenish watery discharge in ample amounts, it is a sign that your water bag has been broken and the baby might have passed the meconium. In this case, you should immediately rush to the doctor.

4. Can I prevent watery discharge?

Keep your vaginal area clean and hygienic to avoid vaginal infection. Avoid using a block of scented soap or spray on your vaginal area. If you notice the foul or fishy odour of vaginal discharge then wash your vaginal part with warm water and wear clean undergarments to maintain self-hygiene. Change your undergarments every day.

5. What are the home remedies to stop watery discharge?

Change your panties every time to inhibit the growth of bacteria and thus reduce the chances of any infection. Seek doctor help during your pregnancy journey. Follow the instructions given by your doctor to avoid any health issues. In addition, intake food that is rich in probiotics in your diet to avoid yeast infections. Keep your vaginal area clean and hygienic to avoid vaginal infection. Avoid using a block of scented soap or spray on your vaginal area.

The Stages of Fetal Development Month-by-Month in Pregnancy

Once you receive confirmation of the good news from PregaNews it is an exciting wait for 9 ½ months before you can hold your baby in your arms. Let us understand your baby’s journey from the moment of conception.

Within 24 hours post-fertilization, the egg that will become your baby will swiftly divide into many cells. By the eighth week of the fetal development stage, the embryo will first develop into a fetus. It takes about 37- 40 weeks to complete fetal development. These weeks are further divided into three trimesters.

The start of fetal development begins from the first day of your last menstrual cycle. This is also termed as gestational age or menstrual age. It takes about two weeks for conception to occur. It’s very important to note the date of the first day of your last period. Your doctor will ask you about this date to figure out how far along you are in your fetal development stage.

Stages of fetal development Month-by-Month in Pregnancy

First trimester

The first trimester is the period from conception to 12 weeks. This is generally the first three months of the fetal development stage. During this stage, the fertilized egg will grow from a small grouping of cells to a fetus.

Month 1 (weeks 1 through 4)

A water-tight sac called an amniotic sac develops around the fertilized egg filling with fluid, which protects the growing embryo.

During this fetal stage, the placenta gets to develop. The placenta is a round, flat organ that helps carry nutrients from the mother to the fetus. Placenta act as a food carrier for the fetus during the fetal development stage.

During the first few weeks, a primitive face will develop with large dark circles for the eyes. The mouth, lower jaw, and throat will begin to take shape. Blood cells will start developing, and circulation will begin. By the end of the fourth week, the heart will begin to beat 65 times in a minute.

The fetus length is about 1/4 inch long by the end of the first month.

Second trimester

The best part of the experience during pregnancy is during the middle stage of fetal development. Any morning sickness and the discomfort of early pregnancy reduces during this stage. During this month the fetus begins to develop facial features. You may also experience the feeling of fetus movement in the uterus.

Month 4 (weeks 13 through 16)

You can hear the fetal heartbeat through an instrument called a doppler. The fingers, toes, eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, nails, and hair are developed. Teeth and bones are also developed and become denser.

The nervous system of the fetus starts functioning. The reproductive organs and genitalia are also fully defined. The fetal growth is about 6 inches long and the weight is about 4 ounces by the end of four-months.

Month 5 (weeks 17 through 20)

At this stage of fetal development, you may experience the feeling of the fetus moving around. The fetus begins to develop muscles and hair starts growing on the head. The shoulders and back get covered by soft fine hair called lanugo. Lanugo gives protection to the fetus and is usually shed at the end of the first week of the baby’s life.

The fetal skin gets covered by a cheesy whitish coating termed vernix caseosa. This protects fetal skin from long exposure to the amniotic fluid and begins to shed just before birth.

The fetal growth is about 10 inches long and the weight is about 1/2 to 1 pound by the end of the fifth month.

Month 6 (weeks 21 through 24)

The fetus starts responding to sounds by moving or increasing the pulse during this month. You may also experience jerking motions of fetus hiccups.

The fetal growth is about 12 inches long and the weight is about 2 pounds by the end of the sixth month.

Month 7 (weeks 25 through 28)

The fetus will get mature and reserves of body fat get formed. At this stage, hearing is fully developed. The fetus starts changing position frequently and responds to external stimuli, such as sound, pain, and light. The amniotic fluid starts reducing. The fetal growth is about 14 inches long and the weight is from 2 to 4 pounds by the end of the seventh month.

Third trimester

This is the final stage of fetal development. It’s time to start the countdown and you are eagerly waiting for the new arrival. During the third trimester, the fetus starts gaining weight quickly, this added body fat that would help after birth.

Month 8 (weeks 29 through 32)

The fetus will continue to mature and reserve its body fat. You may observe more kicking. The brain will develop rapidly at this stage and the fetus can see and hear. Most internal body parts are well developed, but the lungs are still in the developing phase. The fetus’s size is 18 inches long and weighs about 5 pounds at the end of this month.

Month 9 (weeks 33 through 36)

During this stage, the fetus will continue to mature, grow and reserve its body fat. The lungs are close to being fully matured in this month. The fetus starts blinking, closing the eyes, turning the head, grasping firmly, and responding to external stimuli such as sounds, light, and touch.

The fetal growth is about 17 to 19 inches long and the weight is about 5 ½ pounds to 6 ½ pounds at the end of this month.

Month 10 (Weeks 37 through 40)

In this final stage of fetal development, you may experience labour pain at any time. You may observe less movement because space is tight. At this point, the fetus’s position has been changed to get prepare for birth. Ideally, the fetal head moves down in your uterus. You may experience more uneasiness in this time as the fetus shifted down into your pelvis and is getting ready for delivery.

The Fetal growth is about 18 to 20 inches long and the weight is about 7 pounds at this time.

Key Takeaway

It is fascinating how the fetal journey has been designed from conception to delivery with every stage earmarked for an area of development. Since this is well documented, any deviation from the normal as detected in ultrasound will become a cause for concern.



1. What is the most important week of fetal development?

The first trimester is the most crucial period of fetal development. The first trimester has a period from conception to 12 weeks. This is generally the first three months of the fetal development stage. During this stage, the fertilized egg will grow from a small grouping of cells to a fetus.

2. What month is the fetus fully developed?

Month 10 (Weeks 37 through 40) is when the fetus is fully developed. In this final stage of fetal development, you may experience labor pain at any time. You may observe less movement because space is tight. At this point, the fetus’s position has been changed to prepare for birth.

3. Which week of pregnancy is critical?

The first twelve weeks of pregnancy are critical. During this fetal stage, the placenta develops. The placenta is a round, flat organ that helps carry nutrients from the mother to the fetus. Placenta act as a food carrier for the fetus during the fetal development stage.

4. How to know your fetus is developing normally?

You may experience the feeling of the fetus moving around. The fetus would start reacting to external stimuli. In case the fetus stops moving around, you must consult the doctor immediately. Regular ultrasounds will indicate the progress of the fetus and detect abnormalities.

5. How can I increase fetal growth?

Intake lots of fruits, vegetables, folic acid, iron and vitamin c to boost fetal healthy growth.

The nine months of a baby’s journey within the mother’s womb is most fascinating. Enjoy every moment of this journey. Read up as much as you can so that you are aware of what your baby is doing inside at each stage. Stay cheerful and happy and prepare for the little one’s arrival.

Get your Pregnancy Test, Check-Ups & Ultrasound Scans for baby safety

As a part of your antenatal care, you have to go for several check-ups, pregnancy tests, and ultrasound scans during pregnancy. Other pregnancy tests will be put forward if you or your baby have a higher risk of health problems or are experiencing any health issues during the pregnancy. You don’t have to do every suggested test unless mentioned by your treating Doctor to know more about your health condition.

Many health problems can be identified before the delivery of your baby, but few of them still remain elusive. There are 2 main types of tests suggested by doctors during antenatal care:

• Screening tests will detect and let you know if any health-related risk factor is associated with your baby or not, they are simple and can indicate need of any further confirmatory tests.

• Diagnostic tests which detect whether your baby has any health problem, with a much higher level of reliability.

Your pregnancy check-ups and tests can be done at a hospital or a doctor’s clinic.

Here we highlighted the pregnancy check-ups, tests, and scans you would usually be suggested if you have an uncomplicated pregnancy:

 First visit

• Test to confirm that you are pregnant

• After confirmation the doctor will calculate the number of weeks of your pregnancy and arrive at your due date. Your doctor will suggest you an ultrasound scan if the due date is not vivid.

• Blood pressure, height, and weight

• Medical and family history.

• A blood test, which includes testing and checking your blood group and test and detecting the risk factor for anaemia, rubella immunity, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis, chlamydia, and HIV.

• Urine test, to detect if you have a bladder or urinary tract infection

• Screening to check any Down syndrome symptoms.

• Cervical screening to recognize any human papillomavirus (HPV) and/or any signs of cervical cancer

Woman in confirming the pregnancy with the kit


As part of your pregnancy check-up and tests, you should inform and discuss with your doctor:

Ultrasound scans for baby

• Which medications you can take during pregnancy

• Whether you can smoke or drink alcohol during pregnancy.

• Whether you would prefer influenza (flu) vaccination or not.

• Which vitamin and mineral supplements you can take or should avoid during the pregnancy phase.

• Whether Antenatal care options are available to you during the pregnancy phase.

19-20 weeks

• Measuring blood pressure

• Measuring your tummy (abdominal palpation) to check your baby’s growth and development.

• Checking your health and detecting any health issue

• Ultrasound scan to get information about your baby’s physical development, growth, and any complications related to your pregnancy.

22 weeks

• Measuring your blood pressure

• Measuring your tummy (abdominal palpation) to check your baby’s growth and development.

• Checking your health and detecting any health issues and risk factors associated with it.

26-27 weeks

• Measuring your blood pressure

• Measuring your tummy (abdominal palpation) to check your baby’s growth and development.

• Checking your health and detecting any health issues and risk factors associated with it.

• Checking blood glucose level tolerance test for diabetes

Woman is experiencing the baby in the womb

28 weeks

• Measuring your blood pressure.

• Measuring your tummy (abdominal palpation) to check the baby’s growth and development.

• Checking your health and detecting any health issues and risk factors associated with it.

• Checking your baby’s heartbeat and movements.

• Discuss your birth plan with your doctor and how to implement it for the healthy growth of the fetus.

• Blood test to check for anaemia and blood platelet count.

• If your blood type is Rh-negative, anti-D immunoglobulin injection will be given.

• Pertussis (whooping cough) vaccination will be given.

• Urine test, if you have any symptoms or signs of urinary tract infection or high blood pressure

32 weeks

• Measuring blood pressure

• Measuring your tummy (abdominal palpation) to check your baby’s growth and development.

• Checking how your health is and if you have any health issues or problems

• Checking your baby’s heartbeat and body movements

• Urine test to detect any signs of urinary tract infection or blood pressure level.

 34-36 weeks

• Measuring blood pressure

• Measuring your tummy (abdominal palpation) to check your baby’s growth and development.

• Checking how your health is and if you have any health problems

• Checking your baby’s heartbeat and movements

•Urine test, if you have signs of urinary tract infection or raised blood pressure

• Vaginal swab for detecting Group B streptococcus (GBS)

• If your blood type is Rh-negative, a second anti-D immunoglobulin injection will be given.

• Assessing presentation to identify which way up your baby is and how far down the baby’s head has moved into your pelvis.

38-39 weeks

• Measuring blood pressure

•Measuring your tummy (abdominal palpation) to check your baby’s growth and development.

• Checking how your health is and if you have any health problems

• Checking your baby’s heartbeat and movements

• Urine test, to detect any signs of urinary tract infection or raised blood pressure

• Assessing presentation and station to check how far down the baby’s head has moved into your pelvis.

40-41 weeks

• Measuring blood pressure

• Measuring your tummy (abdominal palpation) to check your baby’s growth and development.

• Checking how your health is and if you have any health problems

• Detecting your baby’s heartbeat and movements

• Urine test, to detect any signs of urinary tract infection or raised blood pressure

• Assessing presentation and station

• Checking your baby’s heartbeat and the amount of fluid around your baby.

Things to know about ultrasound scans.

Ultrasound is a scan that utilizes high-frequency sound waves to study and discover internal body structures. The sound waves are discharged from a vibrating crystal in a handheld scanner. The reflected sound waves or ‘echoes’ are then interpreted into a grainy, two-dimensional or sometimes three-dimensional image reflected on a monitor.

Your doctor usually prefers an ultrasound scan during pregnancy to detect the process of a baby’s growth and body function and to check any abnormalities such as Down syndrome. Since the ultrasound scan can’t give vivid images, to convey exact information about suspected abnormalities so you need to undergo further tests for confirmation. The ultrasound scan can’t give 100 percent precise data but the advantages of the test are that it’s antenatal, painless, and safe for both mother and fetus.

Key takeaway

It is important to have trust in your doctor and follow all the instructions carefully. Never miss a checkup and get all the required tests done. It is good to monitor the baby’s development carefully so that you have a safe and stress-free pregnancy.


1. What is the normal schedule for an ultrasound during pregnancy?

It is recommended by a doctor to have your first pregnancy ultrasound scan between 6 to 9 weeks. Since the ultrasound scan can’t give vivid images, to convey exact information about suspected abnormalities so you need to undergo further tests for confirmation.

2. How many tests do you have during pregnancy?

There are 2 main types of tests suggested by doctors during pregnancy:

•Screening tests will detect and let you know if any health-related risk factor is associated with your baby or not, but this test can convey to you the exact information.

•Diagnostic tests which detect whether your baby has any health problem, with a much higher level of reliability.

3. Can too many ultrasounds harm the baby?

The ultrasound scan can’t give 100 percent precise data but the advantages of the test are that it’s antenatal, painless, and safe for both mother and fetus. Your doctor usually prefers an ultrasound scan during pregnancy to detect the process of a baby’s growth and body function and to check for any abnormalities.

What to Read During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is an exhilarating time, but there are a lot of questions and worries. You will experience a lot of changes in your body and astonishing symptoms can come out of nowhere, and for first-time parents-to-be, it’s a completely new journey. Getting adapted for the nine months ahead is crucial for both mental and physical health.

Reading a book while pregnant can help you to learn more about your body and the experience and changes you are going to feel ahead.
It’s important to keep in mind that whichever book you prefer, it should have clinically proven information from highly trusted sources.

Benefits of Reading to Your Unborn Baby

While considering the things to read to a baby, it is also important to figure out how your activities are going to perk the baby inside the womb. Your daily activities, right from eating to speaking to exercising, have a significant effect on the baby’s physical and mental growth. The hearing sensation is so strong that most babies can begin a harmony for the native language over any other, even without understanding it completely.

• Pregnancy is a stressful and agitated time for the mother and also for the baby. The baby experiences an array of emotions and can feel deluged at times. Reading books while pregnant can make you calm down, and your soothing voice can also control the heartbeat of your fearful baby inside the womb and help him or her to relax.

• A baby’s bond with his mother develops right from the time he is in the womb. Skin-to-skin contact has its impact and makes the bond even stronger once the baby is born. However, the bond is truly shaped when the mother indulges herself in various day-to-day activities when the baby is still inside her womb. Being constantly conscious of the mother’s voice helps the baby develop trust and get acquainted with the mother, that’s the reason why most of the babies stop crying after they recognize the mother’s voice. Reading the book while pregnant can make the baby acknowledge his mother’s voice pretty well, too. Reading it again and again once the baby is out can also build up the bond yet again. And, this doesn’t apply to the mother only. If the partner reads a story to the child, the baby will recognise that voice too.

•As your baby develops in your womb, his brain development process is still in progress, and the neural connections form constantly. Listening to the mother’s voice inside the womb or reading books while pregnant can strengthen and build up those connections. And, baby can easily acknowledge his mother’s voice when he listens to them again after birth. Repetition of voice helps to retain anything permanently in memory, boost memory development and enhance concentration in babies.

When Can You Start Reading books to Your Unborn Baby?

Reading does not need a perfect time, to begin with. However, if you are specific about selecting books to read to your child, it is mandatory to know the correct time to get started. The initial months for the baby’s development are completely focused on getting used to the womb and adjusting to the surroundings. Over time, as the baby grows, he begins to acknowledge the hearing sensation from outside. This makes it pretty easier for him to listen to the music being hummed and the words you speak.

Therefore, as you are closer to the completion of 23 weeks of your pregnancy, which is also called as second trimester, your baby will start acknowledging your voice and any other actions rapidly. This means your baby’s cognitive development is happening, and you can boost it by listening to music and reading books that impact his memory growth during pregnancy.

What stories you should read to a Baby in the Womb?

If you are a passionate reader, you will be fond of reading all kinds of books under the sun; from all types of romantic novels to murder mysteries to science fiction. But, you can’t prefer all types of books to read to your baby, whether he is in the womb or outside it. If you are striving hard to figure out what kind of books would best suit your baby, take a simple look in the children’s or kids’ section of any bookstore and purchase books that you want your baby to hear. You can also create a baby’s library by collecting books and reading to him.

Books that are replete with small poems, pointing to the rhyme scheme, can help develop his tendency to understand sounds and word formations. It’s better to opt for reading fantasy stories that can cultivate his imagination.

Once you get to know what to read for your baby in the womb, don’t stop there. It’s better to add the reading activity with listening to music or humming some music of your own that benefits your baby’s cognitive development.

Here we have highlighted the best pregnancy books tips to suit your lifestyle, needs, and situation.

1. What to expect when you are expecting.

This is one of the best books you should read when you are pregnant and perhaps the title is the one that comes to your mind and for a good reason. It highlights everything from pre-pregnancy to post-pregnancy. It also focuses on labour and delivery pain, the first six months of postpartum sickness, pregnancy loss, and a nutritious diet.

2. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn: The Complete Guide

This book focuses on the beginning of pregnancy discussing choices, common body changes and concerns, major complications during the pregnancy phase, working out, and in taking nutrition. It also focuses on labour and childbirth, pain relief medications, and uses.

3. HypnoBirthing

This is another good book to read while you are pregnant. Every pregnant woman should consider it, even if she is not planning on having a natural birth. There is a lot of anxiety surrounding childbirth, so this book helps to prepare you for childbirth physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

4. The Mindful Mother

This is a highly recommended book for all pregnant women to read. This book focuses on being a knowledgeable friend and helps you understand what being a mom means. This book highlights all the joy and challenges of becoming a mother.

5. We’re pregnant

This book is especially recommended for first-time dads. Reading this book can give you immense comfort and prepare you to overcome the challenges of becoming a dad. This book focuses on the tools you need to be a supportive partner during and after pregnancy.


1. What should I read during pregnancy?

Books that are replete with small poems, pointing to the rhyme scheme, can help and develop his tendency to understand sounds and word formations. It’s better to opt for reading fantasy stories that can cultivate his imagination.

2. When should you start reading to your baby in the womb?

When you are closer to the completion of 23 weeks of your pregnancy, which is also called as second trimester, your baby will start acknowledging your voice and any other actions rapidly. This means your baby’s cognitive development is developing, and you can boost it by listening to music and reading books that impact his memory growth during pregnancy.

Tips to ease morning sickness during the first trimester!

What is the best part of a woman’s life? Indeed, it is when she welcomes her little one into this world. And, this amazing news of your pregnancy gets confirmed when you use the Prega News pregnancy kit. Prega News believes every woman deserves the good news! That’s why the pregnancy kit gives a green signal to your happiness and gives you surety that soon your little one will be in your arms. The kit gives a pleasant surprise to Dad that soon the baby is arriving.

So, all the would-be Mothers, who are in their first trimester, how are you feeling? You must be enjoying this period. Yes, we know pregnancy comes with difficulties, but here we have tips for your morning sickness. These tips will make your motherhood journey easy and beautiful.

 What is morning sickness? When does it start?

 During the first trimester of pregnancy, around two/third or half of all pregnant women face the problem of morning sickness. The main symptom is vomiting and nausea. Hence as its name suggests, morning sickness during pregnancy gets worse early in the day or sometimes at night. But, in most cases, this problem does not cause harm to the mother and baby. But in case, women are facing dehydration problems or weight loss during their first trimester, they need medical help.  In most women morning sickness starts from the 4th week of pregnancy and ends in the 12th or 14th week.

Some women feel that morning sickness can threaten their unborn’s life, because it causes retching and vomiting. It puts a strain on the abdominal muscles and leads to soreness and aching. Don’t worry ladies, your fetus is perfectly fine.

Expectant mother with morning sickness

Morning sickness symptoms

Symptoms of morning sickness in early pregnancy include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and psychological effects, like anxiety and depression. In the first-trimester unrelenting morning sickness can affect your health, working conditions, and socializing. Even, if you are thinking negatively, morning sickness will affect you worse.

Causes of Morning sickness

Ladies, you are super strong, but you might not know the real reason for your morning sickness. Here we list out some causes:

 The real cause of morning sickness is still not clear. In all probabilities,  it may be caused due to the rise in pregnancy hormones like, estrogen or (Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Or it can be caused due to low-sugar levels. Other causes are: overtiring, eating certain foods, stress, sensitivity to motion, etc. Stress is the main reason for morning sickness. If you are taking undue stress due to your work, or any other reason, it will give you morning sickness in your first trimester.

Morning sickness remedies:

Effective morning sickness remedies for Pregnant woman

Here are some effective remedies

         Eat sweet biscuits early in the morning, before you get out of your bed.

 ●        Don’t intake any drugs without taking a prescription from your doctor. During pregnancy, you must intake medicines prescribed by your doctor and avoid self medication.

        Do not intake food, which can lead to nausea.

        Try to take small meals after regular intervals. An empty stomach can cause vomiting and nausea.

        Drink more fluids, like diluted fruit juice, lemonade, ginger tea, cordial,clear soup, etc. If you cannot take any of these liquids, try to suck ice cubes.

        Wear loose clothes that make your abdomen relax.

        You must take proper rest.

        Try to take vitamin B6 supplements but not more than 200 mg per day (Check with your doctor)

        You must take your doctor’s advice. And, try to apply acupuncture and acupressure on the wrist.

 Food to cure morning sickness:

 There are some food options available that can cure morning sickness:

        Almond milk

        Soups, shakes, and smoothies

        Herbal teas


        Citrus food

        Peppermint candies

        Easy to digest solids in blended form

Have you felt morning sickness symptoms? If “yes” mommies, the above food is a must to add to your pregnancy diet.  After eating the above food, you can say goodbye to nausea and show your morning sickness, who is the real boss. The above nutritious food is healthy for you and for your unborn. You must have a nutritious diet and take small meals.

People also ask ( FAQ)

How long does morning sickness last in the first trimester?

Women in their first-trimester experience nausea and vomiting, during the morning and sometimes at night time, this is called morning sickness. And the problem starts when you are 9 weeks or fewer weeks pregnant. The morning sickness almost lasts up to 14 weeks of pregnancy. But in some cases, it lasts for more weeks or even months.

What fruit is good for morning sickness?

You must add some delicious and healthy fruits to your diet like pears, bananas, citrus fruit, and cold apple sauce. Carbohydrates are true buddies at the time of morning sickness. You can have fruit potassium and baked potatoes. So, if you have not added fruits to your diet, you must add them and get rid of morning sickness.

Do bananas help with nausea?

Yes, ladies, bananas work like magic. It gives you the strength to fight your nausea. Bananas are a good source of vitamins and energy. It helps women during their nausea and helps them out by reducing the level of potassium which gets increased due to continuous vomiting. So, ladies, you must intake bananas, as it is good for your unborn. If you are on a healthy diet, your baby will be healthy.

What to eat after vomiting during pregnancy at night?

After vomiting, the stomach gets empty during pregnancy at night. The best diet is “BRAT” (Bananas, rice, applesauce, toast, and tea). The BRAT diet is good to have at night as it contains low fats and is easy to digest. You must take more and more proteins, like snacks, such as seeds, beans, nuts, dairy, nut butter, etc. Stay hydrated during the night by intaking fluids, water, etc. Undoubtedly, BRAT is known to be the best diet for pregnant ladies.

What drinks are good for morning sickness?

Dehydration causes lots of problems! If you are pregnant and facing morning sickness, then you must take lots of fluids. You can have lots of water, ginger ale and electrolyte drinks. Ginger ale is not a perfect option for hydration as water or other sports drinks.But still, Ginger ale is counted as a fluid that you can intake as it can settle your stomach with ginger and carbonation. We recommend you take 8 servings of fluids per day. The more liquids you will take, the more energetic you will feel and can do your work easily.

Final Healthy Tips

 Yes, it’s tough during the first trimester! Some women feel queasy and some feel sick enough to stay in bed. This is morning sickness. But yes, the above tips will assure you that you are not alone, Prega News is there in your motherhood journey. You must take lots and lots of fluid and the right diet during your 9 months. Yes, we know it’s not easy to face morning sickness during pregnancy, but with a few precautions and home remedies, you can ease your life. So, Mothers to be, it’s to enjoy this blessed period of your life by following the above tips.

Baby’s Food: What, When, & how to introduce nutritious solid food

 What is happiness for a parent? Happiness is when you see your little one intaking solid food. Right? It is the dream of every parent to see their little pumpkins enjoying different delicious solid food. Are you one of such parents? Prega News helps you out in knowing some important facts about when you should start giving solid food to your baby so that the first bite of your baby becomes special. Introducing nutritious wholesome food to your baby helps to develop their taste buds as they experience different tastes and enjoy the texture of the food. Over time, they learn to distinguish between different types of food and develop their own likes and dislikes.

As parents, it is your responsibility to ensure that you feed them responsibly and not introduce them to junk food and sugary drinks which may spoil their teeth and health in the long run.

Prega News is your companion in your parenthood journey and offers you valuable information about “How to feed solid food to the baby? “ In this blog we have covered all the necessary details for new parents.

What foods should we introduce to the child?

Firstly, let your baby try a single food item at a time. This helps you to notice which food causes problems for your baby. Give them every food item for 3-5 days and notice what they like the most. Introducing semi-solid or solid food to your baby is totally an exciting milestone. As an infant’s parent, you would agree with this. When the baby turns 6 months, you can start giving them solid food in the right quantity. Some of the foods which you can give to your babies are Baby cereal (like barley, rice, oatmeal), Banana, Avocado, Sweet potato, Apples, Pears, Green beans, and Butternut squash, these are some solid foods.  When you mash the fruits, vegetables, and cereals it becomes Semi-solid food for babies. Surely, the baby will enjoy the delicious taste and they will get good nutrition. 

Mother is feeding 6 month old baby semi solid foods for baby
Best age for baby to give nutrition food

At what age should we start solid foods?

The best age to begin solid food for a baby is 6 months. At 6 months, your baby can digest some solid foods. Around that time, you can start introducing boiled lentil (preferably Moong Dal) and rice along with mashed veggies. 6 months is a perfect time to introduce solid foods to your baby. At this time, the baby will start adopting a new taste and will enjoy the food.

How to feed them?

Babies love to eat mashed or pureed food, as it gets swallowed easily. You must cook the food until it gets soft for the baby to eat. Mash the food with a fork. Puree or mash fruits, vegetables, and other foods till they become smooth. Start feeding one or two spoons, then increase the quantity.

How to prepare food?

You must be very careful when it comes to preparing food for your baby. Ensure that the containers are clean and the hands are well-washed before preparing baby food. Baby tummies are extra sensitive and any error could lead to an infection.

Here are some tips for food preparation:

        ●        You must cook the food until it gets soft for the baby to eat. Mash the food with a fork.

        Puree or mash fruits, vegetables, and other foods till they become smooth. 

        Hard vegetables and fruit like carrots, apples, are required to be cooked so that they can be easily pureed or mashed.

        You must remove hard pits and seeds from the fruit and cut them into smaller pieces.

The above are the best “First solid foods to feed baby”

When can babies drink water?

If your baby’s age is less than 6 months, then you must give them infant formula or breastmilk to drink. If your baby is 6 months, then you can give them a small amount of water to drink a couple of times a day. Don’t stop the breast milk feed. You can continue at least till the baby is 12 months old.

What changes can we expect after the baby starts solids?

As a parent, you will notice some changes in your little pumpkins, when they start intaking solid food:

         You might meet an unimpressed face

        Changes in Baby’s mood

        Poo sensations

        Breastfeeds may start dropping off

        It is possible that your baby will have sleep issues

        Gagging happens

        Your baby may have a unique food choice

Mother is feeding nutritious Solid Food to her baby


 What is the first solid food a baby should eat?

 You must be thinking “When to start solid food for babies” Right? So, If your baby is 6 months old, you can introduce solid food to them in any order. However, it is best to start with iron-fortified cereals, beans, pureed meats, and poultry. These are some recommended solid foods. If your baby is breastfed, you must provide a single food item at a time, as breast milk is full of nutrients. 

What vegetables should a baby eat first?

With a smooth consistency and sweet taste, mashed carrots are loved by 4-6 month old babies. Apart from that, Acorn, Butternut squash, Sweet potato, Avocado Puree, Pear Puree, Banana Puree, and Green Pea Puree can be introduced first.

Is banana a good first food for a baby? 

Bananas are the perfect first food to introduce to little ones. It is easy to digest, mushy, soft, and full of minerals and vitamins. You can easily add bananas with cereal and give them to your munchkin. The baby will enjoy the naturally sweet taste of bananas.

When can I give my baby water?

 If your baby’s age is less than 6 months, then you must give them infant formula or breastmilk to drink. If your baby is 6 months, then you can give them a small amount of water to drink, if needed along with formula feed or breastmilk.

 How many times a day should I feed solids to my 6 month old?

 What you can do is – start introducing solid foods to your baby when they turn 6 months of age (not before 4 months). At first, your baby will take small amounts of solid foods. You must give them solids once a day, once they start liking it, give them twice or thrice a day. When your little one turns 8 or 9 months, give them solids as breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

 Final Tips for Parents

 It’s quite challenging to feed your little ones! Babies have their mood, sometimes they love to eat, sometimes they don’t intake anything. As a parent, you must have good knowledge about what, when, and how you must feed your baby. Create a 6-month-old baby feeding schedule for solid food and follow it.  Babies are the most beautiful blessing of God! Right? Let your little blessing enjoy their taste with the right food! What else does a parent wish for? Feed your babies right and they will grow up hale and healthy with good physical and mental development.

Make feed time a delight and enjoy your munchkin’s growth phase!

Child Growth & Development: 4 to 6 Months

Babies are the most beautiful creation of God! And, what is more, beautiful is watching the growth and development of your little one, isn’t it? If you are a parent of a 4 to 6-month baby, you will surely connect. Prega News is here to help out the parents with the child’s growth & development guide. With this article, we want to provide immense information to parents about their little one’s growth and development. So, if you are one of those who need guidance related to your baby’s Food and Nutrition, Brain development activities, baby care and tips, and more, this blog is for you.

Development Milestones

When your baby turns 4-6 months, they become aware of their surroundings. The development milestones include clapping hands, babbling, and rolling over. Each day you will experience a new adventure – from cuddling before their nap time to listening to a sibling’s chatter- which will make your baby learn many things about the world. Your baby will develop uniquely. During the period when they are 4 to 6 months, they will start exploring the world and will enjoy their discovery.

Evolving motor skills: 

Your little one’s legs and arms will wiggle and kick more. Soon, your munchkin will roll over on his/her tummy. Once the baby gains muscle strength, he/she will attain good head balance. They will push themselves up and begin sitting alone once they are placed in an upright position.

Improvement in Hand-eye coordination:

Your little one will grab a soft object, your finger, or a rattle. Anything which will come in your baby’s way will directly enter their mouth. Your baby will start pulling objects with a raking motion of their little hands.

Babbling new sounds:

When your baby is around 4 to 6 months he/she will start babbling chains of consonants. He/she will express their happiness with their voice. They will start responding to your voice and will recognize their name.

Clearer vision:

At this time, your baby will get to know about subtle shades of blues, yellows, and reds. They will start loving toys of different colours and shapes. If you place the ball on the floor, they will try to chase it and follow the object with their eyes by turning their head.

Development activities to do

 By the time your little munchkin turns 4-6 months, your bundle of joy will transform into a babbling ball of energy. You have had a strong connection with your little one since birth but with the help of below activities, your baby will have a head start. If you love to boost your baby’s brain and body, the following child brain development activities are perfect to go with:

Tummy time:

Place your baby on his/her stomach on a baby sheet or blanket, and put some attractive toys in the line of their vision. Try to entice your baby with noisy and shiny objects, they will lift their head and rock their body. This type of play will let your baby control their head, limbs, and body movements.

Read my lips:

By this age, your bundle of joy has learned how to babble. And as a surprise factor, they have learned the sound. Hold your baby in your arms, so that he/she can focus on your lips and mouth. He/she will gaze at you, and speak back to you and will strengthen their language development.

Baby’s day out:

 At least some days in a month, you must plan child-centered outings that will help them get to know the world better. Take them to the supermarket and point out the colors of vegetables and fruits or take them to the zoo and name the animals. They will start learning about things.

Brain development

Yes, 4-6 months is an important phase of child brain development stages when they start understanding things about the world. That is because your baby’s left side brain is talking with the right side of the brain. Now, your baby is ready to crawl with their arms and legs, begin to rock or they can pass a toy from one hand to another. Now, they learn about how to grab your attention, so they will fuss, cry or squeal. 

Must Know Facts

Want to know some crucial facts about your 4–6-month little pumpkin? You will love to know that they start recognizing people. There are various child development stages which progress as follows:

         Get familiar with the faces. Respond to smiles, affection, and will laugh when you talk to them.

        They will learn how to sit with support.

        They will learn about how to push up their hands or elbows during tummy time.

        They can hold their head for a long time and will roll up from tummy to back. Now your baby has started learning about the world. They will recognize the shapes of the toys, shades of yellows, blues, and red, and enjoy the knowledge.

Food and Nutrition

Breast milk is the best source of nutrients for 0–6-monthold babies. By the time your baby reaches 6 months, they need some other nutrients. Now you need to give them packed nutrients. The child brain development food should include the following:

  1. The baby needs protein. Proteins are considered the most important nutrient for a baby and are known as the building blocks. Protein will help your baby to grow and repair its muscles.
  2. Iron is a much-needed nutrient for babies. It is good for hemoglobin and brain activity. A newborn has enough iron till they are 4 months, after that, you need to incorporate iron into them
  3. Calcium is one of the required nutrients for your babies. A minimum of 500 mg calcium is mandatory per day. Breast milk is a good source of calcium or baby formula milk.
  4. Vitamins for child brain development are:

        Vitamin A and C enhance your baby’s vision and skin.

        Vitamin B helps your baby with good metabolism and immunity. Vitamin D is good for healthy bones. Vitamin E is the best source for the development of the nervous system. Vitamin K helps babies in preventing blood clots. Apart from that 3mg of Zinc and Carbohydrates are a must for your babies. 

Baby care tips

There are some Baby care tips for the parents:

  1. Fulfil your baby’s Nutritional Requirement
  2. Must develop a sleep schedule
  3. Help your baby in his/her development
  4. Help to ease his/her pain when they start teething
  5. Help your baby to communicate
  6. Get your baby vaccinated for their good health

Key Takeaway

Parents, are you ready for the new adventures? If “yes”, the above information will help you out! Via this article, Prega News is giving all the crucial information about child growth, tips to parents which will help them in their parenting journey. Babies are our bundle of joy and we need to let them explore their world. Every single month of your baby until they get one year old will come with new changes, growth and development. 

People also ask (FAQ)

What is a 4-month-old baby’s development?

        When your little ones come into this world, their vision is still developing. By the time your baby turns four-month, the clarity of vision improves, especially when they see colors. You can introduce bright toys, colors so that they can appreciate it.

        The baby will try to mimic some words when they turn four months.

What should babies be doing at 4-5 months?

When your baby turns 4-5 months, they get aware of their surroundings. The activities include clapping hands, babbling, and rolling over. Each day you will experience a new adventure – from cuddling before their nap time to listening to a sibling’s talk all of which will aid their development. When your baby turns 4 to 5 months, he/she will have good head balance, start rollback from tummy to back, back to tummy, sit up with support etc.

What food can we give to a 4 months baby?

Food which you can give to your 4-6-month-old baby are as follows:

        Pea Puree

        Banana Puree

        Baby brown rice cereal

        Avocado puree

        Carrot puree

        Baked sweet potato puree

How much should a 4-month old weigh?

By 4 months, your baby’s weight can get doubled in comparison to their birth weight. Generally, most babies gain around half a kg to a kg by the time they are four months.

 By 5 months, your baby’s weight can bet doubled in comparison to their birth weight. From birth to age 6 months, a baby may gain about 140 to 200 grams a week.

What is postpartum depression? What are their symptoms and causes?

After childbirth, a woman’s body undergoes a lot of complex emotions, especially in terms of hormonal imbalance. Since it triggers a lot of emotions during these times it is common to feel anxious and fearful. Sometimes, the women may even slip into depression, also known as postpartum depression.

Many new mothers undergo postpartum depression or feel under the blues. It can lead to mood swings, anxiety, crying and even difficulty in sleeping. It is common to experience it in the first two or three days. However, if it persists for more than two weeks, it can be a cause of concern.

 What is postpartum depression?

Postpartum depression refers to a mental health condition that tends to affect women right after they give birth. Due to postpartum depression, many women may feel lonely, restless or worthless for a long time. Furthermore, anxiety will also kick in.

It is common for women to experience mood swings after giving birth. For example, if they are happy now, they may start crying a few minutes later. While you may think that they feel okay when the baby is sleeping, they don’t. The postpartum depression symptoms last for a long time.

Therefore, in short, postpartum depression is a form of mental health condition after delivery. If you experience depression after delivery for two to three days, it is normal. You might as well consider it to be symptoms of baby blues. Baby blues are a normal part of you being a mother and tend to disappear within ten days. Nonetheless, there are women who experience these symptoms for more than ten days.

postpartum depression

 What is postpartum depression?

Postpartum depression is a mental health condition that affect women right after they give birth.


Postpartum depression refers to a mental health condition that tends to affect women right after they give birth. Due to postpartum depression, many women may feel lonely, restless or worthless for a long time. Furthermore, anxiety will also kick in.

It is common for women to experience mood swings after giving birth. For example, if they are happy now, they may start crying a few minutes later. While you may think that they feel okay when the baby is sleeping, they don’t. The postpartum depression symptoms last for a long time.

Therefore, in short, postpartum depression is a form of mental health condition after delivery. If you experience depression after delivery for two to three days, it is normal. You might as well consider it to be symptoms of baby blues. Baby blues are a normal part of you being a mother and tend to disappear within ten days. Nonetheless, there are women who experience these symptoms for more than ten days.

What are the causes of postpartum depression?

The exact cause of postpartum depression is unknown. One of the most probable postpartum depression causes is changes in hormonal levels of the body. Right after giving birth to a child, your body undergoes a lot of changes, especially in terms of chemical functionalities. This can however increase the risk of depression.

Nonetheless, you may also experience postpartum depression if you have had any of these:

        Previous history of postpartum depression.

        Premenstrual syndrome.

        Clinical depression

        Stress in work-life balance

        Lack of emotional support

        Stressful pregnancy

        Marital conflict

        Mood disorder family history

        Early age pregnancy

However, there are certain mental and physical factors that may contribute to postpartum depression. These include:

        Lack of sleep: Having a child can be an overwhelming experience. This is mostly because you have to be around them all the time. In such cases, you tend to lose sleep. This can however cause you trouble thereby preventing you from sleeping peacefully. The inability to sleep can often increase the risk of postpartum depression.

        Self-inferiority complex: After giving birth, many women feel that they aren’t attractive enough. This often causes self-image issues. In fact, many women also struggle with a sense of identity as they feel they are losing control of their life. This can eventually increase the risk of postpartum depression.

        Hormones: After childbirth, there is a significant drop in progesterone and estrogen levels. These hormones are crucial during the childbirth stage. Apart from these, there may also be a steep decline in other hormones that can make you feel stressed and depressed. It will also make you feel sluggish and unable to function normally.

        Anxiety: Many women are likely to experience anxiety after giving birth to a child. This is mostly because they feel under confident considering that they may not be able to take care of the child. Therefore, this feeling of anxiousness can eventually lead to an increased risk of postpartum depression.

What are the postpartum depression symptoms?

It can be tough to detect the signs of postpartum depression. Many women may skip it thinking that it’s a regular habit. However, it is a serious condition that needs to be addressed.

Some of the common postpartum depression symptoms include:

        Inability to sleep

        Appetite change

        Lower libido

        Sudden mood changes

        Severe fatigue

Many women are also likely to experience the other symptoms of depression, which may or may not be related to childbirth. Some of these unusual postpartum depression symptoms include the following:

        Feeling crankiness

        Loss of happiness and pleasure

        Being uninterested in the baby

        Constant crying for no reason

        Constantly thinking that they might hurt someone

        Suicidal thoughts

        Trouble in concentration

Furthermore, around 1-3% of women are also likely to experience obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD. This may often be because of the thoughts related to the baby’s health or harming the baby. Many new mothers may also experience panic attacks.

If postpartum depression isn’t treated in new mothers, it can be slightly problematic. It is advisable to seek professional help as soon as possible. Some of the conditions, when the new moms should consider getting help from professionals include:

        They aren’t able to work.

        The symptoms have existed for more than two weeks.

        They have been feeling anxious and stressed for a long time.

        They are unable to cope with the situation.

What are the risk factors and complications in postpartum depression?

If postpartum depression isn’t treated in time, it can hamper your bond with the child. Furthermore, it will have a lot of negative impact on your relationship with your family members.

If the postpartum depression isn’t treated, it can even turn to chronic depressive order. Furthermore, it can lead you to have multiple episodes of depression in the long run. Apart from mothers, fathers are also prone to experience postpartum depression. Children of depressed mothers can also experience postpartum depression. They tend to cry more than usual and have delayed development.

Pregnant Woman dealing with postpartum depression. Know how to prevent the depression

Can We Prevent Postpartum Depression?

Postpartum depression is a condition that can be avoided. Nonetheless, if you have had a history of postpartum depression in previous pregnancies, you are likely to experience it again. The best thing to do is to maintain a positive attitude. The more you keep your mind and body healthy, the faster you will recover.  

It is advisable to stay away from caffeine and alcohol. If you are likely to experience postpartum depression symptoms, you need to stop their consumption. Furthermore, it is also advisable to bring some changes in the lifestyle. Psychotherapy and antidepressant medicines can however be of great help for overcoming the condition.

If anyone is suffering from postpartum psychosis, they may be recommended to take psychosis drugs. In such cases, it is advisable to undergo hospital admission. Breastfeeding mothers can also take these medicines. However, before starting the use of these medicines, it is advisable to consult the doctor. The doctor will determine whether or not you should take these antidepressants depending on your condition.

When to consult a doctor?

If your condition has worsened and lasted more than ten days, you are likely to experience it frequently. Therefore, in such cases, you must consider reaching out to a doctor.

Key Takeaways

Once Prega News delivers the good news of your pregnancy, you must take good care of your physical and mental health to ensure that the journey is smooth and you deliver a healthy baby. It is also important to manage your own health to avoid the risk of postpartum depression and maintain a positive attitude. In spite of all precautions, if you ever experience the symptoms of postpartum depression, you need to get in touch with the doctor. Furthermore, having a healthy lifestyle can also be of great help in overcoming these challenges due to postpartum depression.


        What are the signs and symptoms of the postpartum period?

Anxiety, restlessness and feeling of worthlessness are some of the common symptoms of postpartum depression. Mothers may also experience constant crying.

        Is PPD the same as depression?

No. Although the symptoms are very similar, PPD usually goes away in two to three weeks, but depression usually lasts longer.

        How can you reduce the risk of postnatal depression?

Eating healthy and following a healthy lifestyle can be the key self-help methods to reducing the risk of postnatal depression.

        How long can you go through postpartum?

Usually, women can go through two to three weeks of postpartum depression. 

        Can depression affect breastfeeding?

Yes. In many cases, the mother may not feel attached to the child. Therefore, she may refrain from breastfeeding the child.

Keep your mind positive. Eat healthy food and stay cheerful. Postpartum depression is a short phase and you can snap out of it with some self-love and help from a caring partner. In case the symptoms persist, it is best to seek a medical opinion. 

Cold and Fever during Pregnancy: Will it affect the baby? | PregaNews

Believe it or not, getting a fever during your pregnancy can have a negative impact on the unborn child. Pregnant women should consider getting a vaccination for flu during pregnancy. It will not only protect you but also your unborn child from a case of flu.

 Cold is a common viral infection that will affect the throat, sinus and upper airway in the child. Either you may suffer from a runny nose or a sore throat. Cough can also be one of the most common symptoms of cold and fever during pregnancy.

 If you are suffering from fever during early pregnancy, you need to try the right measures for getting over it.

 What are the symptoms?

If you catch the flu during pregnancy, you need to be familiar with the symptoms. There could be several reasons why you can develop these symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms of fever during pregnancy include:

        ●        Common cold:

In this case, the expecting mothers may suffer from the general symptoms of a common cold. This mostly happens because your body undergoes hormonal changes during pregnancy. The main aim during this time is to save the fetus but it only gets rejected. If the immune system of the body doesn’t work in an effective manner, it can increase the risk of cold and even sinus.

        Bacterial infection:

Fever usually is caused due to bacterial infection- especially urinary tract infection. It requires the use of antibiotics.


In this case, you are likely to suffer from the same symptoms as that of flu. The changing hormonal system of the body increases the risk of immune system damage. Some of the common symptoms that expecting mothers can suffer from include constant body aches, chills and viral infection.

Effects of a fever in the womb

If you catch the flu during pregnancy, it is crucial that you follow the symptoms carefully. Fever during early pregnancy is mostly spread because of sneezes and coughs. Nonetheless, it is necessary to note that this does not resemble cold. Fever in early pregnancy can lead to numerous birth defects.

If the expecting mother has a fever during early pregnancy, it is a sign that she may be getting an infection. Therefore, it is necessary to get treatment in an effective way. Fever in early pregnancy can often lead to a higher risk of jaw and heart defects. Apart from that, there is a wide range of birth defects that the child can be affected by.

Expecting mothers who are in the first trimester of pregnancy need to consider getting treatment. If you are suffering a fever of over 102 degrees, you need to address the situation. Getting the treatment in the early stages will play an important role in getting rid of long-term and short-term risks that may affect the baby.


If expecting mothers get affected by the cold in pregnancy during the third trimester, they need to get in touch with doctors who can help them. Acetaminophen is one of the leading fever medicine in pregnancy. If the doctor doesn’t recommend it, you should refrain from using ibuprofen or aspirin. It is always advisable to consult your doctor before starting the use of any medicine during pregnancy.  

Some of the common treatments that can be helpful for expecting mothers to overcome their condition include:

        Take showers regularly.

        Drink water and stay hydrated.

Home remedies to prevent the flu

During pregnancy, the body undergoes a lot of changes. The weak immune system often fails to offer protection to the unborn baby. Moreover, it also exposes the mother’s body to several risks and challenges, especially in terms of flu complications.

Pregnant women are more likely to be affected by any virus than non-pregnant women. The complications can vary significantly ranging from sinus infection to bronchitis and even pneumonia. While getting a vaccination against flu is efficient, sometimes it may not be enough.

A flu vaccination allows protection to the child and mothers. The effectiveness of the vaccinations lasts for up to six months after the birth. It is necessary to schedule the vaccination report accordingly. Maintaining hygiene and a clean lifestyle can be of great help for preventing sickness during pregnancy.

One of the most effective ways to counter sleep is to get enough sleep. Furthermore, following a healthy diet can be efficient as well. It is advisable to exercise regularly to get effective results. Following a healthy lifestyle schedule especially in terms of exercising regularly can be of great help.

Some of the common home remedies that can be effective for countering fever during pregnancy include:

Cold and Fever During Pregnancy : Pregnant woman is sleeping due to fever

Cold and Fever During Pregnancy : Pregnant woman is having warm water after workout

Cold and Fever During Pregnancy : Pregnant woman is drinking warm water

        Get rest.

        Stay hydrated

        Gargle with warm water and salt. This should be applicable if you have a sore throat.

In many cases, the symptoms of fever during pregnancy will worsen. In case it worsens, it is advisable to reach out to the doctor. Some of the common treatments that can be helpful for overcoming these extra problems and help you fight the condition include: 

        Consume boiled chicken soup. Chicken soup is not only delicious but also healthy. It will help you combat the disease by strengthening your immune system.

        If you experience pain due to sinus, you need to use hot and cold packs that will provide relief.

        Women suffering from congestion should consider taking facial steamers. As much as it is helpful for your face, it can also help to relieve congestion in no time. Apart from that, you should also consider breathing humid air.

        Pregnant women should consider using sprays and nasal drops. It helps to calm the inflated nasal tissue and treats the nasal mucus. It is advisable to follow the guidelines thoroughly to overcome any problem.  

When should you see a doctor?

In many cases, the cold, flu or fever may not affect your unborn child. However, in many cases, it will if the flu is serious. The complications may eventually lead you to experiencing birth defects and even premature delivery. If you notice any aggravated symptoms due to the flu, you need to address the problem.

It is advisable to visit a doctor as soon as you notice any of these symptoms:


        Vaginal bleeding


        Chest pain

        Severe vomiting

        Decrease in fetal movement. 

Antiviral medicines can be of great help for overcoming these conditions. Nonetheless, before starting the use of any medicines it is advisable to reach out to the doctor.  


        Is a cold dangerous when pregnant?

Yes. This is mostly because sometimes it can increase the risk of pregnancy defects.

        When should a pregnant woman worry about a fever?

If the fever increases over 99° Fahrenheit it is a sign and the woman should meet the doctor immediately. 

        Can a fever cause a miscarriage?

Fever is a sign of infection and does not mean that it can increase the chance of miscarriage.

        Can being sick while pregnant affect the baby?

Yes. Being sick while pregnant can have a negative impact on a child.

        What is the normal temperature for pregnant women?

The normal body temperature for pregnant women is 96 – 99.5◦ Fahrenheit.


Fever during pregnancy can increase the risk of birth defects in children. If you notice or experience any discomfort, you must address it with the doctor immediately. Prega News is a home pregnancy kit that will help you detect your pregnancy when you miss your periods. If you are pregnant, make sure to follow the necessary measures to overcome any problem. Keeping yourself healthy and taking all necessary precautions will help you manage your pregnancy safely and bring a healthy little human into the world.

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