Watery Discharge During Pregnancy : Things you Should know
Watery Discharge During Pregnancy: Everything you need to know Watery Discharge During Pregnancy: Everything you need to know

Watery Discharge During Pregnancy: Everything you need to know

White watery discharge during pregnancy also called vaginal leucorrhoea, is common among women. Water discharge starts at the beginning of puberty and lasts long till the end of menopause. The amount of water discharge varies from woman to woman and increases during the menstrual period. A watery discharge is usually a sign of a healthy vagina as it helps ejaculate bacteria, maintains the vaginal area hygiene and keeps it free from bacterial infection. However, sometimes, watery discharge during pregnancy can be a sign of a health issue.

Pregnancy Stages :  Woman experiencing body changes from First to third trimester

What is pregnancy discharge?

The fluid that expels out of the vagina is known as watery discharge. Watery discharge is usually white in colour. You may experience watery discharge during pregnancy, but there is nothing to get anxious about. Watery discharge during pregnancy usually depends on the stage of child development. Watery discharge characteristics and implications may differ based on the stage of your pregnancy. Here is a categorized list of watery discharge:

1. Watery discharge in early pregnancy

Watery discharge during early pregnancy or first trimester has a slightly pungent odour. Watery discharge looks like the slimy discharge of the menstrual period and may stain your underwear. This watery discharge occurs due to a sudden increase in estrogen hormones levels that enhances the blood flow to the vaginal part and increase the secretion of other hormones.

2. Watery Discharge in the Second Trimester

In the second trimester, watery discharge resembles milky egg white in colour and consistency. It is far more frequent than the discharge in the first-trimester phase but is considered perfectly normal as it happens due to the hormones cascading during pregnancy. However, if you see any bloody discharge or foul-odor discharge in your second-trimester phase, then it is probably a sign of a health issue. In such a case, seek doctor help immediately.

3. Watery Discharge in the Third Trimester

 Based on color, odour, frequency, amount, and presence of blood, watery discharge during the third trimester can evince itself in many forms. If you experience heavy watery discharge flow near your due date, then it’s a sign of preterm labor or even water breaking.

Women is feeling watery discharge in pregnancy

Is it normal to have a pregnancy discharge?

It is considered normal to have a watery discharge during pregnancy. The amount of watery discharge will begin to increase as the pregnancy progresses. Here we highlighted more about normal and abnormal watery discharge in detail.

1. Normal Watery Discharge

Watery discharge during pregnancy is perfectly normal. You don’t need to worry about it if you experience the following symptoms:


Leucorrhoea is the standard watery discharge during pregnancy. It resembles thin, clear, and watery inconsistency. It can be recognized as one of the first symptoms of pregnancy as it begins just after conception.

•Bloody Show

In your final stage of pregnancy, the watery discharge might include blood and mucus, which is a sign of labor within a few days. The mucus present in watery discharge during pregnancy is part of the plug that inhibits the growth of bacteria in your cervix and thus preventing vaginal infection. This is also termed as bloody show.

•Amniotic Leakage

Watery discharge during the third trimester of your pregnancy is a replica of urine and consists of flakes in it, it might be a sign of amniotic fluid leaking. This is perfectly normal during pregnancy; you don’t need to worry about it. However, if you experience a greenish watery discharge in ample amounts, it is a sign that your water bag has been broken and the baby might have passed  meconium. In this case, you should immediately rush to the doctor.

2. Abnormal water discharge

Sometimes, a watery discharge during pregnancy is associated with several other health symptoms that cause uneasiness. In such cases, a watery discharge is considered abnormal and can be a sign of the following health issues:

•Premature Labour

If you notice a small amount of blood in the last week of pregnancy then it is normal but if it is a heavy flow, then it is a sign of preterm labour. Please seek medical help immediately if this occurs.

•Yeast Infections

A yeast infection can occur any time during pregnancy, but the symptoms may cause a lot more discomfort. Apart from having a greenish-yellow watery discharge or thicker white curd like pregnancy discharge, you may also experience pain while peeing. Yeast infections may cause skin irritation or redness in the vaginal part.


Watery discharge during pregnancy can even happen if you are prone to sexually transmitted diseases. Any disease can have a significant impact on your health and immune system. It can also imbalance your fertility levels. Hence, seeking a doctor help would be better if you experience watery discharge abruptly.

How to treat watery discharge during pregnancy?

Here we have highlighted a few precautions that will help you avoid complications that can come with watery discharge.

•Get tested regularly to avoid watery discharge

If you have gray  discharge during pregnancy it is abnormal may indicate  sign of bacterial infection, you might need medical treatment. In addition, intake food that is rich in probiotics in your diet to avoid yeast infections.

•Maintain self-hygiene

Keep your vaginal area clean and hygienic to avoid vaginal infection. Avoid using a block of scented soap or spray on your vaginal area. If you notice the foul or fishy odor of vaginal discharge then wash your vaginal part with warm water and wear clean undergarments to maintain self-hygiene.

•Change your undergarments every day

Change your panties every time to inhibit the growth of bacteria and thus reduce the chances of any infection.

•Consult your doctor

Seek your doctor’s help during your pregnancy journey. Follow the instructions given by your doctor to avoid any health issues.


1. Why is water coming out of my vagina during pregnancy?

A watery discharge is usually a sign of a healthy vagina as it helps ejaculate bacteria, maintains the vaginal area hygiene and keeps it free from bacterial infection. However, sometimes, watery discharge during pregnancy can be a sign of a health issue.

2. When is the discharge heavy?

It is considered normal to have a watery discharge during pregnancy. The amount of watery discharge will begin to increase as the pregnancy progresses.

3. How do I know my water is leaking?

If you experience a greenish watery discharge in ample amounts, it is a sign that your water bag has been broken and the baby might have passed the meconium. In this case, you should immediately rush to the doctor.

4. Can I prevent watery discharge?

Keep your vaginal area clean and hygienic to avoid vaginal infection. Avoid using a block of scented soap or spray on your vaginal area. If you notice the foul or fishy odour of vaginal discharge then wash your vaginal part with warm water and wear clean undergarments to maintain self-hygiene. Change your undergarments every day.

5. What are the home remedies to stop watery discharge?

Change your panties every time to inhibit the growth of bacteria and thus reduce the chances of any infection. Seek doctor help during your pregnancy journey. Follow the instructions given by your doctor to avoid any health issues. In addition, intake food that is rich in probiotics in your diet to avoid yeast infections. Keep your vaginal area clean and hygienic to avoid vaginal infection. Avoid using a block of scented soap or spray on your vaginal area.




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