Bloating and Gas problems during pregnancy : 10 Best Tips
Say Goodbye to Bloating and Gas problems during pregnancy: 10 Best Prevention Tips Say Goodbye to Bloating and Gas problems during pregnancy: 10 Best Prevention Tips

Say Goodbye to Bloating and Gas problems during pregnancy: 10 Best Prevention Tips

One of the most beautiful phases of a woman’s life is when she becomes a mother. Just like two sides of a coin, pregnancy also comes with happiness and anguish at the same time.  During pregnancy,  a woman goes through emotional as well as physical stress. The emotional side of the experiences can occur because of the fluctuations in the hormones. However, the physical side of it comes as a part and parcel of sustaining a life within themselves. 

Talking precisely about physical stress, the most common issue faced by majorly all women is bloating. It is one of the many things that a woman experiences when they are expecting a child. Bloating means abdominal distension that gives you a swollen and tight belly. The excess gas in your belly gives you a lot of discomfort and makes you feel uneasy but hey, bloating is something that not only pregnant women but half of the population suffer from. 

During pregnancy, the digestion process slows down, which creates a lot of room for the gas and gives you an inflated belly. Bloating is something that you can’t escape from, during your pregnancy but yes, you can tackle it by following a routine and a healthy diet. 

When does bloating start during pregnancy?

Bloating is a very common symptom of pregnancy that a woman starts experiencing at an early stage and it gradually increases as the uterus expands to make space for the foetus by pushing the organs. Bloating causes a lot of uneasiness, especially during the last trimester. And yes, it’s a common problem but not every woman experiences it while pregnant. 

Pregnant women experiencing a bloating and gas problems

What are the causes of bloating during pregnancy?

While this is a common occurrence, the reason behind this may depend from individual to individual and the causes are not the same for all. There can be a number of reasons that leads to bloating which are explained in the following points below.

  • One of the many reasons could be progesterone which is also called as ‘hormone of pregnancy’. It is very important for a healthy pregnancy but also comes with a lot of health discomforts like constipation, bloating, gas, etc. Progesterone relaxes the digestive muscle and slows down the digestive process. This happens to deliver the nutrients consumed by you through the food, and gets delivered to the baby in a timely manner. Now this slow digestion process creates a lot of room for gas that makes your belly look like an inflated balloon. 
  • Colonies of bacteria reside in your stomach and intestines to carry out proper functioning of the digestive system. But, due to its imbalance, it leads to Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth that gives you a lot of health issues like bloating, diarrhoea, ingestion, and difficulty in absorbing nutrients. 
  • Some people are allergic to specific food categories like dairy products, gluten products etc. The consumption of these may cause irritation in the stomach and may prove to be one of the reasons for the accumulation of gas and bloating. Spicy and oily food also disturbs the functioning of the digestive system which might give you a tensed belly. 
  • Lack of fibre, hydration, and exercise may disrupt bowel movement. This disruption leads to constipation which in turn causes gas and bloating. 

How to ease bloating and gas during pregnancy?

There are no easy ways to escape bloating and gas during pregnancy as they become a part of your everyday life. But what can be done is, to inculcate a few habits in your routine that eases the discomfort caused by bloating. Following are the tips that can help to reduce the uneasiness caused by bloating-

  • Hydration is very important – Keep yourself hydrated as it is very important for the smooth functioning of the digestive system. Water relieves constipation which leads to gas and bloating. Water intake could be in any form, be it citrus fruits or juice but avoid carbonated drinks as they are not good for you and your baby’s health and can cause bloating. 
  • Choose the right food for your diet – Intake of fibrous food keeps your gut healthy and alleviates constipation but only in a generous amount as it might cause bloating. Avoid too much oily and spicy food as it may cause acidity and gas. Women who are lactose intolerant should avoid too much intake of dairy products as it would lead to acidity and loose motion. Go for dairy-free alternatives. 
  • Go for smaller meals – Include smaller but frequent meals in your diet. This means you can have six small meals rather than three large meals in a day. Llarge meals may cause discomfort to your digestive system which leads to the accumulation of gas and results in bloating. Keep regular intervals between every meal so that the food gets digested properly and doesn’t cause you any kind of discomfort. 
  • Don’t sit idle – Physical activity like yoga and exercise is as important as a healthy and nutritious diet. Even if you’re unable to do so, try to do a brisk walk as it is very important for the proper digestion of food and prevents constipation and bloating.

Home remedies to ease bloating during pregnancy

There are various home remedies that one can adopt with the doctor’s prescribed medicines, a healthy diet, and exercise, to reduce the discomfort caused by pregnancy bloating.

  • Take probiotics – Food rich in probiotics has healthy microorganisms which are very good for your gut health. Food items such as yogurt, sourdough, and pickles are rich in probiotics that prevent bloating. 
  • Take warm drinks – Intake of warm drinks like fennel tea, ginger tea, peppermint tea etc will prevent nausea and will also give relief to your stomach.
  • Abdominal Massage- A gentle abdominal massage is also beneficial in preventing gas and constipation. 

When to consult a doctor?

Bloating is very common during pregnancy and there’s nothing to worry about but health issues shouldn’t be left unconsidered. Consult your doctor if you experiencing weight loss, abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhoea. Apart from this, there are a few frequently asked questions that you should know regarding pregnancy bloating


What does early pregnancy bloating feels like?

Early pregnancy bloating feels like an inflated balloon in your belly. The stomach is tensed and swollen with gas which causes a lot of discomfort. 

Can you feel bloated when you are four weeks pregnant?

Bloating usually starts at an early stage so you might experience a bit of bloating during 4th week but as the baby would take more space, your digestive system process will slow down and you’ll start experiencing more gas and bloating.  

What food causes gas during pregnancy? 

Fibre is good for the digestive system but food items with high fibre content such as wheat, oat bran etc can also be the cause of bloating. Avoid vegetables such as cauliflower, beans, cabbage, broccoli etc as it produces a lot of gas in your body and makes you feel bloated. 

What helps with pregnancy bloating during the night?

Take a brisk walk after your last meal so that your food gets digested before you go to bed. It will avoid gas and you will have a blissful sleep. 

How should I sit to relieve gas?

Stretch your legs and try to touch the toes with your fingers. This position helps in relieving the gas. 

Hence, many women experience bloating and stomach discomfort but it is very common during pregnancy. You don’t need to worry about the health of your baby as your body is adapting to changes and making space for the little one. Creating space for your young one is quite a task which will give you bit of discomfort and anxiety. You just need to adopt a nutritious diet and a healthy way of living. Enjoy your pregnancy and make it blissful but consult your gynaecologist if the abdominal pain is unbearable and you experience spotting too.




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