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Is It Safe To Fast While Pregnant?

Fasting is a widespread practice that is advised for various health benefits that it has to offer. Though it maintains health, when you are expecting a baby, the doctors advise against fasting at any given point in time. The nutritional needs of the female’s body as well as the growing fetus are much higher than a normal female. This need does not allow the female to opt for fasting at any time if she is expecting a baby.

Fasting In Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful but trying time of any couple’s life. Along with the bliss that comes along with it, the problems like nausea, morning sickness, exhaustion, lack of sleep etc take a toll on the mother-to-be.

Pregnancy is the time when mother and baby demand high nutritional value both- for the baby’s development as well as the well-being of the mother. Fasting during such a time will not only lead to nutritional deficiency in the mother but can also result in problems with the baby.

Fasting during any time of pregnancy is not recommended but specifically, during the critical period of 22- 27 weeks, it may be particularly risky.

Side Effects Of Fasting During Pregnancy

pregnant women fasting during pregnancy: Know your blood glucose level

Though there are many who speak in favor of fasting even during pregnancy, fasting is known to have these side effects if done during pregnancy:

      Some studies have seen a rise in premature labor due to fasting during the period.

      It is linked to the low birth weight of the baby

      The baby and mother could be deprived of essential nutritional intakes.

      It could lead to a drastic fall in blood glucose levels.

      It can result in dehydration if fasting includes no intake of fluids and water.

      Some cases have also seen the baby shorter in length.

Precautions To Take If You Are Fasting During Pregnancy

Though there are mixed emotions regarding fasting during pregnancy, there are some mothers who fast during pregnancy. Here are some of the precautions that mothers must follow if they decide to fast during the pregnancy:

      Avoid physical activity during the fast. Physical activity can lead you to exhaust your energy much faster than usual.

      Drink plenty of water and fluids throughout the day if the fast allows you to drink the water and other liquids.

      If the fast doesn’t allow you to drink any fluids either, drink plenty of fluids before the fast so as to maintain the water balance in the body.

      When you are breaking your fast, break it with something that is gentle on your digestive system as the digestive system would have slowed down after fasting.

      Include a balanced meal to break the fast. This will allow your body to ingest the nutrients after the whole day of fasting.

      Allow yourself to be well rested.


1.     Is Intermittent Fasting While Pregnant Safe And Healthy?

Doctors advise against intermittent fasting while pregnant. Doctors state the following reasons why intermittent fasting is not advisable for you and your baby during the pregnancy:

      It might increase the risk of preterm labour (in other words, premature birth of the baby) specifically if fasting is done during the second trimester.

      Milk quality and supply for the baby might be compromised because of it. The body produces milk due to the nutrition that it receives but fasting means no new nutritional supply for the mother and the baby. Restricting calorie intake or fasting for too long can have adverse impacts.

      Low blood sugar can be one of the results. This is one of the most dreaded conditions during pregnancy as well. This is known to make the mother faint and is associated with decreased movement of the fetus.

      Nutritional and vitamin deficiencies are a definite outcome of fasting. Pregnancy is not the time to stay away from calories because of the high nutritional needs of both mother and the baby. According to doctors, a pregnant woman needs approximately 300 extra calories per day during pregnancy.

2.     Can Fasting Harm The Baby During Pregnancy?

Although there are conflicting opinions on this, doctors say that fasting during pregnancy can harm the baby.

Fasting has been linked to the premature birth of the baby along with lower birth weight and lower height during birth due to nutritional deficiencies and other issues that arise because of it.

3.     How Long Can I Fast While Pregnant?

Fasting during pregnancy is not recommended by doctors. Fasting during pregnancy is proven to have various effects on the mother and the baby which are not necessarily positive so it is best avoided.

Fasting for any period of time is not recommended. Even intermittent fasting which means restricting the calorie intake is not recommended during the time period. The mother and the baby need and demand high nutritional intake which if not supplied can lead to nutritional deficiencies and low blood sugar in the mother’s body. These, in turn, will lead to nutritional deficiencies in the baby and other problems.

Taking care of your health after PregaNews confirms your pregnancy is your responsibility as a mother-to-be. You are responsible for the health of your unborn child and it is advisable that you don’t indulge in any behavior that can put the baby at risk.

5 Benefits Of Swimming During Pregnancy

Swimming helps relieve the pain of pregnant ladies in their bodies and allows them to feel free and weightless in the water. This is a refreshing experience because of all the exhaustion that the pregnant ladies feel due to the growing bump and stress in the body.

Does Swimming Help With Delivery

Swimming is one of the few exercises that help ease the pressure pregnant women face on a daily basis. It takes away backache, and round ligament pain as well as produces weightlessness in the body. Swimming is known to be amongst the few exercises that help ease labor and is known to shorten it. Swimming improves the muscle tone that in turn allows the labor duration to be short and easier

pregnant woman swimming in the pool


Pregnant woman swimming in the beach

Can A Pregnant Woman Swim?

Doctors say that swimming is one of the best exercises for pregnant women. The reasons behind the statement are many but the best one is the well-being of the mom and the baby. The sheer weightlessness that the expectant mother feels during the swim is indescribable. They feel pain-free and the world feels like a lighter place on the water. The pressure in the water gives relief from the pressure on the body due to the growing belly.


Swimming Workouts For Pregnant Moms

Swimming workouts are some of the best workouts to offer relief to expectant moms. These are some of the best workouts to do preferably with expert supervision in the water:


      Back leg curl

      Knee ups

      Aqua Zumba

You can also go for the following:

      Water push down

      Reverse crunch

      Extended leg lift

      Side leg lift

      Treading water

      Flutter kick

Each exercise impacts a different area and allows you to strengthen the whole body if planned accordingly. Please do not try anything new without consulting your doctor and under supervision of a swimming coach.

5 Benefits Of Swimming During Pregnancy

Out of the many benefits, we are listing down the 5 main benefits that swimming offers to pregnant ladies:

      It strengthens the heart by making it more efficient at pumping blood. This boosts oxygen levels in the blood and improves blood circulation in the whole body.

      It gives relief from the growing back pain due to expanding belly.

      It is reported that regular swimming relieves women of morning sickness which is a welcome relief from  the stressful routine that pregnant females have to go through right since they open their eyes.

      It keeps the body cool. This is a great change especially if the weather outside is humid or hot as pregnant females more often than not feel excessive warmth in the body.

      It helps with labor. Swimming maintains muscle tone and increases endurance which are really helpful when the woman goes into labor.


1.     What Are The Health Benefits Of Swimming?

Swimming is considered to be a wholesome exercise at any time and more so for pregnant women as it ensures a strong core and strong arms and legs muscles.

Swimming is one such exercise that ensures complete body movement as well as training of the complete muscle set of the body. It strengthens the cardiovascular system. It also builds a healthy weight and strengthens the lungs.

2.     Why Is Swimming Good For Pregnancy?

        Doctors consider swimming a boon for pregnant women.

        It supports the fetus’s weight and development while also providing relief to the lower back of the pregnant female.

        It gives the feeling of weightlessness to pregnant females which almost always helps in providing relief from the round ligament pain as well as the lower back pain. It also provides relief from the pressure that pregnant women feel on their bodies due to growing belly and fetus.

        Swimming improves muscle tone and efficiency which helps pregnant women during their labor. It helps in shortening the labor time while allowing for the natural birth and not C-section.

3.     How Is Swimming Beneficial For Pregnant Women?

Pregnant women need and want some relief for their bodies because of the increasing pressure and weight that they feel due to growing fetuses and belly. Pregnancy proves to be a trying time due to exhaustion, increasing weight that the body has to bear along with nausea and other issues. Swimming is a great exercise that allows the pregnant woman to feel weightless in the water while simultaneously supporting the fetus’ weight as the fetus floats along with the mom-to-be.

Swimming takes off the pressure from the lower back of the pregnant female and allows the muscle set of the entire body to strengthen along with the muscles that help in pushing the baby out during the time of the delivery. It is known to shorten the labor time during delivery.

Once Prega News confirms the good news about your pregnancy, it is time to invest in your wellbeing and that of the new life that you are about to bring into the world. You can take up swimming to keep yourself physically fit and mentally cheerful.

Heartburn Indigestion during the Third trimester

Pregnancy is the most beautiful phase of a woman’s life! Right? A woman feels complete when she gets the good news from Preganews! But with happiness, women have to bear the pain, which is sometimes intolerable! Yes, Preganews understands that women face difficulties during pregnancy, especially, Heartburn & indigestion during their third trimester. Are you the pregnant one who is in her third trimester? If “yes,” here, this blog is dedicated to you! Here you will get to know about pregnancy indigestion and heartburn relief. We will be there with you during your journey!

What is Heartburn?

Heartburn refers to a burning sensation in your chest. Yes, it is an uncomfortable sensation that starts from the chest and moves to the throat. You may find a sour and bitter taste in your throat! Do not worry!  Heartburn during pregnancy is expected due to shifts in body shape and hormonal issues.


Symptoms and Causes of Pregnancy Indigestion and Heartburn

Are you in your third trimester? If “yes,” you might be suffering from the problems that occur due to Heartburn. Here we have the Symptoms and Causes of Heartburn:

Pregnant woman with heartburn

Symptoms of Heartburn are :

Pain in your chest or feeling of burning

      You might feel your body is bloated.

      Burping frequently

      Feel sick the whole day

      Bring up food

More than 50% of women report severe Heartburn during the third trimester. Many women face heartburn issues before pregnancy and some after pregnancy. If you have the above symptoms, you are suffering from Heartburn.

Causes of Heartburn:

Hormone levels changing: Yes, hormone levels change during your pregnancy. It causes indigestion and slows down your digestive system and leads to Heartburn and bloating.

The uterus is enlarging: Your uterus size gets enlarged as your baby grows in the third trimester. It can push your stomach acids into your esophagus. That is the reason you suffer from Heartburn in your third trimester.

Esophageal sphincter relaxing: Progesterone, the pregnancy hormone, leads to relaxing the stomach acids, and it reaches into the esophagus, and you experience the sensation of Heartburn.

Ease Pregnancy Heartburn

You are having a little one inside you! You can keep the acid at bay and enjoy these precious moments by taking some preventive steps. There are a few things that help you to prevent pregnancy heartburn from flaring up:

Prop yourself up at night: It’s difficult to sleep well without acid reflux during pregnancy. But if you want to prevent heartburn, prop yourself up while sleeping; this will counteract the acid.

Do not lie down after eating: Yes, we understand that it might be tempting to have a post-meal nap, but it’s not good for your health. It will lead to heartburn. So do not sleep or lie down after eating.

Skip acidic or fried food: Do you still want to have those greasy chips that give you pain later on? Avoid fatty foods. Have more nutritious food for your baby’s growth, and take minerals and vitamins.

Drink liquids between meals: If you are the kind of person who loves to have a swig of drink during meals, you need to change your habit now. Liquid after each bite can cause heartburn. So take little sips in case you are thirsty during your mealtime.

Food that soothes heartburn

Moms to be, you must take a good food diet to avoid heartburn. Here, we have a diet for heartburn! Now, all the would-be moms who follow this diet can hope to get some relief from heartburn and indigestion.

diet for heartburn for pregnant woman

      Yogurt is the best to take.

      You must drink milk with honey

      Snack on almonds, like nuts, lowers acidity.

      Eat Pineapple or papaya, as it lowers heartburn.

      Chew some sugar-free gum

      Ginger works like magic

      Take some medication

The above tempting food will reduce your heartburn and give you some relief. The right food can return the smile back to your face. Would-be moms, now add the above food to your diet and see yourself enjoying your third trimester without having heartburn and indigestion. These are known to be early pregnancy indigestion remedies.

Key Takeaway

Sometimes pregnancy heartburn and indigestion problems are unbearable! We can empathize with all the would-be moms in their third trimester and having third-trimester indigestion! Do not worry! Some more time, your baby will be in your arm till then; follow the above diet and preventive measures, and you will be free from the terror of heartburn and indigestion! Preganews believes every woman should enjoy these nine months beautifully; we have covered all the heartburn symptoms, causes, and diet in this article. We think your motherhood days should be precious for you, without any health concerns.

People also ask ( FAQ)

What is the difference between heartburn and indigestion?

Heartburn and indigestion are two different problems! Indigestion is mainly related to digestive issues. On the other side, heartburn is defined as a problem that occurs due to stomach acid reaching into your Esophagus. Heartburn is known to be a type of indigestion. As a pregnant woman, you might be facing both problems simultaneously.

What does heartburn or indigestion feel like?

When you are suffering from heartburn or indigestion after pregnancy, or in your third trimester, you might feel the pain between the bottom of your breastbone, and the pain goes to your belly button. You might feel the sensation of burning in the upper abdomen, and you will get an uncomfortable heat between your belly button and breastbone. You might also feel a bloating sensation in the upper abdomen.

How long can heartburn indigestion last?

Uncomfortable indigestion and heartburn can last for some hours or longer, but they can stay for long in pregnancy, depending upon your health. Mild heartburn due to fatty acid or spicy food intake can last until your food gets digested properly. In case you bend over or lie down, the heartburn or indigestion will return for several hours.

Does water help heartburn?

Sometimes when heartburn attacks you during your pregnancy, a few sips of water can give you a sigh of relief. This can be because water neutralizes the acids and wash them away from your esophagus. Water is neutral as it has a pH of 7. Yes, water tends to dilute the acid and brings relief.

Hospital Bag Essentials – Preparation for D-Day!

Preparing for the D-Day when you can finally hold your little cherub in your arms is exciting and a bit unnerving for new mothers. It is good to remember a few pointers so that you arrive at the hospital, fully prepared for the momentous event of your life.

When should I start packing my hospital bag?

By the time you reach 36 weeks, you should have your hospital bag packed and ready to go to the hospital whenever labor begins.

You are considered full-term once you are 37 weeks pregnant. This indicates that your baby could be born at any time. Your due date falls at the end of the 40th week of your pregnancy. This is due to the fact that there is no means of knowing when you conceived.

However, by the time you begin your 37th week, your baby is completely mature and ready to enter the world.

The majority of babies are born between the ages of 37 and 40 weeks. If your kid arrives before 37 weeks, he will be labeled premature, and after 40 weeks, he will be deemed overdue.


Must have for mother

While the hospital will supply the necessities, having familiar items from home might put you at peace.

Before you pack, check with your hospital to see if there are any restrictions on what you can wear. Some hospitals, for example, may choose or require you to wear a hospital gown during birth.

While this list appears to be very long, it should all fit into a single overnight bag.

women getting ready for D-Day with hospital bag

While the hospital will supply the necessities, having familiar items from home might put you at peace.

Before you pack, check with your hospital to see if there are any restrictions on what you can wear. Some hospitals, for example, may choose or require you to wear a hospital gown during birth.

While this list appears to be very long, it should all fit into a single overnight bag.

1. Your identification. This may sound apparent, but you will require identification during check-in. For admittance, you may also require your insurance card and any other paperwork provided by your doctor.

2. List of medications. This information will most likely be requested upon check-in. And perhaps again once you’ve settled in. It’s far easier to hand over a piece of paper if you’re in labor and can’t recall everything you’re taking.

3. Medications. Yes, if you’re on any common prescription meds, the hospital pharmacy can usually give them – And if you’re on a less common medication, the hospital may not have any on hand. To avoid these potential headaches, plan to bring your own.

Consider the following items if you know you’ll be having a cesarean delivery:

1. Support your underpants. Bringing some C-section recovery underwear, which is high-waisted and gives light compression, can be beneficial. You might also wear fold-over underwear that sits beneath your incision.

2. Wrap in compression. Bring something  for extra postpartum belly support. Consult your doctor for recommendations, including when you can begin wearing a wrap like this.

3. Wear loose clothing. You may feel better at ease wearing clothing that does not rub against your incision, such as nightgowns rather than slacks.

4. Snacks that are unique. Reduce post-surgery constipation with fiber-rich foods such as an apple or quick oatmeal with dried fruit.

Pack baby's stuff for the big day

Must have for baby

Most supplies for your child’s stay in the hospital will be provided. In fact, some delivery units may even insist that babies wear hospital-branded onesies until they are discharged for safety reasons.

Pack baby’s stuff in the diaper bag you intend to use once they’re born.

1. Outfit for going home. While it won’t be the first thing you use, it could be the most exciting. Have fun choosing what your baby will wear home. Consider the weather when making your plans. You should bring some spare clothing in case one becomes filthy.

2. Wipes and diapers Bring a pack of diapers with you to the hospital if you have specific diapering needs. If you intend to use cloth from the start, this includes infant cloth and a damp bag.

3. Swaddling and receiving blankets You may wish to have a few of your own swaddles on hand to practice wrapping baby.

4. Blanket. If it’s cold outside, use a heavier blanket to hug the baby in the car seat on the way home.

The key takeaway

In the end, what you pack for your hospital or birth center stay is entirely up to you and your specific requirements. Make a list of the items you believe are necessary for your own comfort and wellness.

And don’t be concerned if you forget something or fail to pack your suitcase in time for labor. (It does happen!) Most likely, you’ll have most of what you need — or you can send someone out after your kid is born to collect the rest.


1. What should I pack in my hospital bag for my pregnancy?

Ans: 1. Hospital paperwork, identification, and insurance card

2. a bathrobe

3. socks

4. slippers or flip-flops

5. Massage oil or body lotion

6. Sponge and water spray

2. When should a pregnant woman pack her bag for the hospital?

Ans: Between weeks 32 and 35 of your pregnancy, you should have your hospital bag packed in case your baby arrives earlier than expected. Around the 28-week mark, or the beginning of your third trimester is a good time to begin packing.

3. How many nappies should I pack in my hospital bag?

Ans: Nappies: Plan on using 10-12 nappies per day. In the early days, babies can defecate after virtually every feed, and you don’t want to risk them developing a nappy rash if you leave a nappy on for too long.

4. What should you not pack in your hospital bag?


     ●      Underwear.

      Diapering Supplies.

      Clothes for Pregnancy.

      Complete beauty bag.

      Pads for women.

      Your Mattress

You are not going away for a month so pack only the essentials and let the other stuff be.

5. What to Wear While in Labour

Ans: You are allowed to wear a hospital gown. Wear a Loose-Fit Dress. You are permitted to wear your most comfortable t-shirt. Wear comfortable clothes and follow the instructions of your doctor.

PregaNews understands your excitement as the D-Day draws near. After all, we are the ones who gave you the good news regarding your baby’s arrival. Prepare for your baby’s arrival. Stay safe and keep your bags packed.

Ways to Prepare your Toddler for a New Baby Sibling

Are you excited to be a parent again? Congratulations! The good news is knocking on your door with Preganews! What can be more beautiful than experiencing the beautiful journey of parenthood again? Yes, you must be happy to hear this amazing news, but you might be thinking about how to prepare the toddler for a new baby sibling! Don’t worry; with some tips, your little one will be prepared to welcome his/her baby brother or sister. Preganews promises to be a helping hand throughout your pregnancy. We are here with some special tips and strategies that will help you to prepare your toddler to welcome their sibling into this world.

During Pregnancy

Your best bet would be to prepare your family and toddler before the new baby comes into this world.

Share the good news!

You have to understand your due date and start preparing your firstborn for newborn. Mostly Kids under 5 years old, ask so many questions like “when will the baby arrive” or from where the baby will come and many more. You need to answer their questions with answers like, “the baby will come soon when the weather gets warm” and “the baby is inside the belly.” Let your first baby’s questions be a guide for you.

Remind your toddler that they were an infant once

When you are looking at your toddler’s clothes when they were an infant and want to use your toddler’s clothes for your new baby, you must make sure to pull out the baby books or photo albums. That shows your toddler that once they were an infant and were so cute .and it will be so exciting to have an infant once more in the house.

Keep some focus on your toddler.

Young kids are pampered and self-centred. This means they are still in the learning phase! They are still thinking about their place in this world. So, as a good parent, you have to feed your little munchkin’s mind by having a conversation with them, that they will be the best sibling in the world and the family requires their help. If you are decorating the newborn baby’s room, you must also decorate your older child’s room; this will make them feel special.

Before the birth and at the hospital

When is your due date? You have to be sure that you prepare the toddler for the newborn before your due date arrives.

Make your toddler experience the Real thing.

You will be lucky if you get to know that someone has had a baby recently in your family. This will help your toddler play the role of big brother or big sister for some hours. Ask your little one if they can hold or feed the newborn. If you don’t know anyone with a baby, you can take help from educators. They have true-to-life dolls that will help your little one feel that they will soon be holding their baby brother or sister in their arms.

After delivery of the Baby


Once your baby gets delivered! You have to follow the below strategy:

Let your first baby meet the new baby first. And keep this beautiful meeting private so that your child will react in a good way. The first time your child might get emotional to watch their little sibling, you must watch what your toddler is feeling. Once other family members arrive, make sure your toddler goes for a walk with your relative or a snack for a while. Keep your toddler away from the crowd.

Toddler for Baby Sibling : Young child with a new sibling


Visitor # 1

Toddler for Baby Sibling : first baby meet the new baby first

Let your first baby meet the new baby first. And keep this beautiful meeting private so that your child will react in a good way. The first time your child might get emotional to watch their little sibling, you must watch what your toddler is feeling. Once other family members arrive, make sure your toddler goes for a walk with your relative or a snack for a while. Keep your toddler away from the crowd.

Focus on both the Kids

Sometimes your newborn needs more attention but you have to make sure that you give equal time to both the babies. Encourage the visitors to talk to the older kids about their friends, school, activities, etc. It will make them feel special. Some kids welcome their little siblings with open arms, and some might have some problems. So try to encourage them to come up with their feelings. This will prepare your toddler.

Key Takeaway

We understand Pregnancy for the second time comes with some challenges; you have to take care of your toddler and your unborn at the same time! The purpose of this blog is to lend help to second-time parents about how they can prepare their toddlers for the little baby.


How do I prepare my 2 ½ year old for a new baby?

For instance, in a few weeks, you are going to have a new baby; you can help your toddler to welcome a new baby by taking the following steps:

      Allow your toddler to pick out the gift for the little one.

      Please don’t hold your newborn for long, do not make your older kid feel neglected.    

      Check your older one’s mood and then introduce the good news to them. Tell them about new baby sibling arriving soon. 

      After getting back from the hospital, greet your older one first.

How can I help my toddler adjust to a new baby?

It might be possible that your toddler is too excited to welcome a new baby, but their behavior might change after the baby’s birth. So as a parent, what can you do? Give special jobs to your toddler like :

  1. Ask them to help you while bathing the baby, gently pat the baby’s back, or talk to the baby softly.
  2. Ask your toddler’s advice; “What should your little sibling wear, a yellow or pink dress?” Let them participate in the process.
  3. Place your newborn in your toddler’s lap. Make them feel the baby is their own.

Through this, you can adjust your toddler to adjust with a new baby.

How do I prepare my child for a new baby?

It is pretty easy to prepare your child for a new baby by reading stories and telling them about their role. Read stories in which your toddler will be a big brother or big sister soon. Ask them if it would be so interesting when they will have the little baby in their arms. Make a family picture, and then introduce your toddler to a new baby that will arrive soon in this world. Even though you can spend some quality time with your toddler, it will make them feel special that you are their mommy and the baby’s mommy.

Do toddlers get jealous of their new baby?

Yes, toddlers’ jealousy is normal. The toddlers are too excited and happy to welcome the new baby into this world. But once the baby arrives and the baby gets special treatment and spotlight, toddlers get jealous.

How do I introduce my 2-year-old to my new baby?

Yes, you must introduce your 2 years to their sibling in the most beautiful way. Ask your toddler about their opinion about what the baby wants to say when they cry and which blanket will be given to the baby. Take photos of your toddler with the little one. Give the gift to your toddler from the baby’s side; this would help break the ice during the first meet-up.

Sleep habits and Tips to Help your Kid get a Good Sleep

When it comes to your kid, the main concern is how to get them in bed. Good sleep is essential for both adults and children. It helps to replenish the energy your kid needs for a productive tomorrow. A good amount of sleep can help maintain the kids’ mental and physical health. However, the real issue is that parents struggle while putting their children to bed. Babies and toddlers resist going to sleep. When they don’t sleep, parents can’t sleep, either, leading to a poor sleep regime for everybody in the family.

In this blog, we are sharing knowledge and tips to settle little ones and make them fall asleep. Before you get to the main topic, there is something you should know. There are no hard and fast rules for bedtime and every kid is different. The only thing important is to focus on a healthy sleep routine. Let’s dive right into it.

Importance of a Proper Sleep

Maintaining healthy sleep routine in kids

Modern lifestyle is different, and it impacts the health of not only adults but kids, too. Getting good sleep is a part of a leading healthy lifestyle. Why is it so important for kids to have proper sleep? Check out the reasons:

        Sleep enhances learning: It increases learning ability and brain development in kids of all ages.

        Sleep helps in Growth: Kids and babies spend 50% of their time in deep sleep. It induces growth hormones that are considered to be essential for a child’s growth.

        Sleep reduces injury risk: Kids get impulsive and clumsier when they don’t get enough sleep. It leads them to indulge in riskier behaviour.

        Sleep protects the heart: Kids are prone to vascular damage due to circulatory stress hormones. A night of deep sleep can help the heart of the kids.

        Poor sleep affects weight: Not getting enough sleep can increase obesity in kids. It is important to improve their sleep habits and regulate their weight.

        Sleep and immune system: Immune response like that caused by viral infections can impact sleep. On the other hand, good sleep can strengthen the immune system, allowing for balanced and effective immune system. 

Tips to Cultivate good Sleep Habits

        Know how much sleep they get: No. of hours of sleep depends on the kid’s age. Notice how many hours your kids sleep, their napping habits, and understand their sleep needs. These points can help you set bedtime rules for your kids. Check the sleep time based on their age:

         1 to 4 weeks old: 16-17 hours per day.

        1 to 4 months old: 17 hours of sleep, but they sleep more at night.

        4 months to 1 year: 14-15 hours of sleep per day.

        1 to 3 years: 12-14 hours per day.

        3 to 6 years: 11-12 hours of sleep per day.

        7 to 12 years: 9-12 hours of nightly sleep.

        13 to 18 years: 8-10 hours sleep at night.

Maintaining good sleep hygiene in kids

        Turn off the screens:  Blue light from television and mobile screens disturbs the sleep-wake cycle. It can interfere with the hormone melatonin production. Melatonin is important to get sleepy within 15 minutes. Switch off televisions and all screens from the bedroom at least 2 hours before bedtime. 

        Regular exercise: Physical activities will help them get to sleep quicker at night. You make sure that kids are doing regular exercise, which includes playing with friends, cycling, walking, etc. Playtime must be at least 3 hours before bedtime.

        Create a sleep-inducing environment: The room atmosphere impacts the quality of sleep your kids get. So, it is best to create an ideal sleeping environment. You can keep their room cool and dark. Also, fluffy, cuddly, and soft toys can help your child sleep better.

        Check on worries that affect kids’ sleep: Your child may have some sleep troubles. They may wake up at night, stroll in the room, snore, or resist going to bed. You should look out for the problems with their sleeping pattern. If your child is overtired, cranky, or sleepy during the daytime, consult with the doctor. Some kids have fears of sleeping alone or have sleep disorders, which cause them difficulties while sleeping.

        Encourage good health and nutrition: Following a healthy diet can stimulate good sleep. Parents can plan a diet and check on nutrition to keep their health intact. Also, ensure that they are eating the right proportion of food. Don’t allow them to drink caffeine and aerated drinks in the evenings. You can give them a glass of warm milk or fruits before bedtime.

Consistent Healthy Sleep Routine 

Planning a consistent bedtime routine is crucial for babies, toddlers, and kids. It reduces the stress on parents and children. Bedtime rituals can help them to sleep well at night. They will start looking forward to these rituals and connect it with sleep.

        Light playtime

        A relaxing bath

        Putting on pajamas

        Brushing their teeth

        Read bedtime story

        Use soft snuggly toys

Key Takeaway

        Good sleep habits can improve the sleep quality of your kids.

         Enough sleep is important for brain development and healthy body growth.

        There are multiple ways to get your kids to sleep at the same time every night.

        Practicing the right methods to put your kids to bed can improve your sleep too.

People also ask (FAQ)

How can I help my child with sleeping problems?

You can improve your child’s sleep routine. It is easy to follow a few rules and tips to change their sleep patterns. Just follow these ways:

        Create a plan

        Make a timetable

        Keep the noise down

        The home vibes should be positive

        Practice the tips every day

        Consult an expert to overcome children’s insomnia

What causes poor sleep in kids?

These reasons can be the cause of insomnia in kids:

        Eating sugary foods during the day

        Experiencing stress – can be triggered by problems at home or school.

        Caffeine contains drinks that can keep kids awake.

        Some medical issues like sleep disorders, sleep apnea, or restless leg syndrome.

        Medication can also cause poor sleep in kids.

What are three common sleep problems in early childhood?

There are so many sleep problems that could cause insomnia in kids. But here are the three common sleep issues that are likely to happen in early childhood:

        Problems getting your child to settle down at bedtime.

        Children face the issue of not being able to get back to sleep.

        The child suffers from nightmares or is afraid to sleep in the dark. 

Once PregaNews confirms the good news, you are on your way to a parenting adventure. Once you have your baby in your arms, it’s going to be a rollercoaster ride in the initial stages. Make sure you enjoy every moment of it.

Development and Prevention of Stretch Marks during Pregnancy

Stretch marks during pregnancy are a common complaint during this phase. Stretch marks usually develop in the sixth or seventh month of pregnancy. Stretch marks are pinkish streaks formed around stomachs, breasts, or hips when collagen and elastin fibers that keep your skin relaxed get stretched and break during pregnancy due to the pressure of quick weight gain. You can reduce the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy when they are fresh. Once the scar colour changes to white, they are hard to fade.

The probability of developing stretch marks during pregnancy depends on your pregnancy and genetics. If your mother or grandmother had stretch marks, the probability is high that you’ll get them too.

How are stretch marks formed?

Stretch marks during pregnancy form when your body grows more rapidly than your skin can manage. It causes the elastic fibers beneath the skin to snap, causing stretch marks.

You usually gain about 30 pounds during the nine months of your pregnancy. Growing that fast causes stretch marks, especially around your belly and breasts, two areas that enhance the most during the pregnancy phase. Stretch marks can also form on the thighs, buttocks, and upper arms. Stretch marks during pregnancy often begin out reddish or purple, but later they gradually change to white or grey.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, about 90% of women get stretch marks after completing their sixth or seventh month of pregnancy.

If you have a lighter complexion, you are likely to develop pinkish-type stretch marks during pregnancy. Darker-skinned women are more likely to get lighter stretch marks than their skin tone.

The risk factors involved in the development of stretch marks

Stretch marks during pregnancy do not cause any serious health concerns; the permanent scar of skin tissue may cause some itching and burning sensations. In addition, they may cause some emotional stress amongst new Mums.

Researchers have discovered several factors that may play a critical role in the occurrence of stretch marks during pregnancy, such as genetics, hormone changes, age, BMI, mechanical stress on the skin, etc. Some other factors are associated with the development of the stretch marks, even though they are not fully understood yet. Let’s explore some of them.

1. Factors that are associated with genetics

• If your Mum or sister developed stretch marks during pregnancy, the probability of getting stretch marks is around three times higher compared to pregnant women who have Mums/sisters who didn’t get them.

• If you get stretch marks during puberty, there’s a higher risk of occurrence during pregnancy.

2. Factors associated with mechanical stress on the skin:

• During the pregnancy stage, the connective tissue is completely damaged, as a result, the strength and elasticity of the tissues decrease. This entire process is indirectly linked to genetics.

• Hormones such as Glucocorticoids may impact the production of collagen and elastin fibers.

• Occurrence of an inflammation phase.

• Changes associated with visual vascular changes (i.e. making the stretch marks red/purple).

3. Factors that are associated with an expectant mum:

The following factors affect the severity of stretch marks:

• Rapid weight gain during pregnancy.

• High BMI before pregnancy.

• Use of chronic steroids.

• Younger women (under 20 years of age) are at “higher risk” of developing stretch marks during pregnancy.

4. Factors that are related to baby:

• The larger the size of the baby, the higher the chance of occurrence of stretch marks.

• If you are expecting more than one baby, the probability of the occurrence of stretch marks during pregnancy is higher.

Can we prevent stretch marks during pregnancy?

Unfortunately, there’s no way to cure stretch marks. Try to keep your skin hydrated with a rich lotion or cream; it will make your skin feel better, look smoother and more toned, and lessen the itch that increases with your growing belly. Though there’s no reliable way to cure stretch marks during pregnancy, however, there are some natural ways to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.

Women is applying the Prega Happy – Pregnancy Anti Stretch Mark Cream on tummy

Here we have highlighted a few steps to cure stretch marks during pregnancy.

• Staying hydrated is beneficial during pregnancy for many reasons. Water helps carry vital nutrients to you and your growing fetus and cures urinary tract infection (UTI) which is common during pregnancy. Additionally, a proper level of hydration can reduce fatigue, prevent swelling, and even prevent morning sickness.

• Seeking professional advice for healthy weight gain is the best way to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy. Avoid weight gain rapidly, since stretch marks usually form when your skin tissue is pulled apart quickly.

Vitamin D can also help you to reduce the appearance of  stretch marks during pregnancy[3] . It is important to expose yourself to direct sunlight carefully during the pregnancy phase. You should be cautious while exposing yourself as your skin tends to be more sensitive during pregnancy. Make sure not to get too overheated or dehydrated.

It’s better to treat your new stretch marks as soon as possible. Your doctor can help determine the reasons for the occurrence of stretch marks and will give you the best guidance on treatment options.


Stretch mark on woman stomach

• Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet is paramount for baby growth and development. Stretch marks during pregnancy may form because you are falling short of certain vital nutrients. Vitamin C, E, D, and Zinc are some of the key elements of a healthy pregnancy diet that can help to reduce appearance of   stretch marks during pregnancy.[1] [2] 

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1. Can we avoid stretch marks during pregnancy?

You can follow these four steps to cure stretch marks during pregnancy.

• Intake of vitamin C, E, D, and Zinc are some of the vital elements of a balanced pregnancy diet that can help to reduce the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy[4] .

• Stay hydrated during pregnancy to avoid stretch marks.

• Seek doctor advice for healthy weight gain.

• Vitamin D can also help you to cure stretch marks during pregnancy. You can expose yourself carefully to sunlight without overdoing it.

2. What month of pregnancy do you start getting stretch marks?

Stretch marks usually develop in the sixth or seventh month of pregnancy.

3. Do stretch marks disappear after pregnancy?

Most stretch marks will disappear naturally after your baby is delivered. You can make them even less noticeable with several treatments.

4. How can I fix my stretch marks during pregnancy?

Stretch marks during pregnancy may form simply because you are lacking certain vital nutrients. Vitamin C, E, D, and Zinc are some of the important elements of a healthy pregnancy diet that can help to reduce the appearance of  stretch marks during pregnancy.  Staying hydrated is beneficial during pregnancy.

5. What are the first signs of stretch marks?

If you have a lighter complexion, you will tend to develop pinkish types of stretch marks during pregnancy. Darker-skinned women are more likely to get stretch marks that are lighter than their skin tone.

Once Prega news delivers the good news, be prepared for the parenting journey and watch those stretch marks appear. It is a natural process that can’t be eliminated but you can make efforts to reduce the same.

Tips for keeping cool while pregnant

Being pregnant in hot weather can be uncomfortable. Heatwaves and extreme temperatures can put you at risk of dehydration and sunstroke. Here are some suggestions for staying cool while pregnant.

It is common for pregnant women to feel hotter. Although there is little evidence that core body temperature rises during pregnancy, skin temperature appears to rise.

Being pregnant during the summer can be difficult for some women. Dehydration, fatigue, and even heat stroke can occur as a result of hot weather or a heatwave. As a result, it’s critical to find ways to stay cool while pregnant.

Keep Hydrated

During the summer, water should be your best friend because it helps to regulate your body temperature. When you’re well-hydrated, your body is better able to expel heat, primarily through sweat, which cools the skin as it evaporates. The American Pregnancy Association recommends pregnant women drink 8-12 glasses of water per day, and more if they will be engaging in strenuous activities – specifically, an additional 8-ounce glass for every hour of activity. Because electrolytes are lost through sweat and are an important component of hydration, make sure you’re replacing them with foods like olives, bananas, spinach, and sweet potatoes.

Pregnant women having coconut water to stay hydrated

Find a nearby pool or body of water to exercise in

While exercise is important for maintaining your health during pregnancy, working out in hot weather may put you at risk of overheating. To avoid this risk, swim in a safe body of water or a nearby pool. Swimming not only keeps you cool, but also provides a gentle whole-body workout while increasing circulation, relieving swelling, and reducing stress.

Avoid eating or drinking anything that is warm

Due to the body producing more heat when it consumes warm food or drink, such as hot soup or tea, it is best to choose cooler alternatives, such as cold soups or iced decaffeinated tea. Make use of your imagination when it comes to food and choose cool alternatives to your favourite warming treats.

Make Frozen Fruit Snacks or Popsicles at Home

Make your own popsicles to relax, enjoy a sweet treat, and get calcium, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Fill your popsicle moulds with unsweetened yoghurt and your favourite fruits, then place them in the freezer for about 5 hours. Yoghurt and blueberries are two popular combinations, as is yogurt with strawberries and pineapple.

If you don’t eat dairy, leave out the yoghurt and replace it with frozen grapes or watermelon slices for a tasty, healthy, and refreshing treat. Choosing watermelon? Skip the hassle of removing the seeds because they are high in protein and help to regulate blood pressure and carbohydrate metabolism. Furthermore, these delectable seeds contain monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and omega-6 fatty acids.

Pregnant woman is having ice-cream

Make Use of Peppermint Essential Oil

By putting 3-5 drops of peppermint essential oil is an essential oil diffuser or mixing one drop of the essential oil with one drop of carrier oil, such as coconut or jojoba oil, and rubbing it on your chest and shoulders, you can enjoy the cooling, invigorating, and nausea-relieving effects. Another option is to soak your feet in a tub of cool water with two drops of peppermint essential oil and ½ cup of Epsom salt. You can also apply 1-2 drops of the oil to a washcloth, soak it in cold water, wring it out, and place it across your forehead.


When the weather is extremely hot, don’t overexert yourself by participating in too many outdoor activities. Allow yourself to unwind in a cool room with the shades drawn, perhaps even snoozing for a while. Speaking of snoozing, a nap is another great way to cool down because your body temperature drops during sleep because you use less energy than when you’re awake.

If the heat is really getting to you, take a cool bath, light a candle, put on your favourite relaxing music or meditation recording, and enjoy a sweet respite from the summer heat.

Cooling and Purifying Houseplants can be Used

Certain plants excel at both cooling and purifying the air in a room. The aloe Vera plant, Areca palm tree, Ficus tree, fern, and snake plant are a few favourites. Purchase a few of your favourites from your local nursery and place them in the rooms where you spend the most time.

Wear Clothing That Is Loose, Light, And Breathable

Not only does loose clothing keep tight material from digging into your skin (which may or may not be swollen), but it also speeds up sweat evaporation, allowing your skin to cool faster. Lighter colours absorb less heat, and linen is one of the most breathable fabrics, so light-coloured linen clothing is especially cooling.

Close the shades at night and open the windows at night.

If you don’t have air conditioning, one of the best ways to keep your home cool is to open the windows in the evening after the heat has subsided. Fans can even be placed in or near windows to draw cool air in. Then, in the morning, close the windows and blinds to keep the cool air in and the sun out.

Create a Relaxing Sleep Environment

Sleep is one of the most important activities a pregnant woman can do, it’s critical to create a sleeping environment that keeps you at a comfortable temperature. What you sleep in and on matters, so choose loose pyjamas made of cotton, silk, or linen, and dress your bed in bamboo or moisture-wicking sheets. From there, make sure you have moving air from a ceiling or floor fan and think about blackout curtains so you don’t wake up to the sun’s glare first thing in the morning. Wrap a freezer pack in a pillowcase and place it under your feet if you want to feel really cool.


1)      Can summer heat affect pregnancy?

Ans: Yes, the summer heat can have an effect on pregnancy. A body temperature of 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit or higher can cause heat exhaustion, heatstroke, or dehydration. Premature birth, low birth weight, stillbirth, and congenital disabilities can all be caused by overheating during pregnancy.

2)      Which fruit is good for pregnancy in summer?

Ans:  Melons and watermelons are water-rich fruits that help you stay hydrated. Apples have a high iron and fiber content. Peaches, plums, kiwi, and lemons are high in vitamin C, which aids in immunity and iron absorption. Guavas are also high in vitamin C.

3)      What is too hot for pregnancy?

Ans: According to medical research, overheating during pregnancy can endanger your baby. According to health guidelines, a core body temperature of 102°F (39°C) or higher can be too hot for your child and you.

4)      What can you do on a day when pregnant?

Ans: Pilates, yoga, swimming, and walking are also excellent activities for most pregnant women, but consult your doctor first before beginning any exercise program. Try to get 30 minutes of exercise in on most days of the week but pay attention to your body and don’t overdo it.

5)      Does heat affect a baby in the womb?

Ans: If the mother’s temperature rises above 102 degrees, it can have an impact on fetal growth and, in some cases, result in cleft palate. Dehydration and high body temperature can both reduce the amount of amniotic fluid in the amniotic sac. The fluid allows the baby to move around freely within the womb.

Once Prega News delivers the good news to you, it is a long journey to traverse before you can hold your angel in your arms. Make sure the journey is comfortable and the heat doesn’t get to you.

How to prevent bloating and gas during pregnancy?

Bloating and gas are common during pregnancy and cause discomfort. While they are not serious issues, they are irritants that need to be dealt with. Different factors have an impact on bloating, such as hormones and diets. When you have gas during pregnancy, you may consider some home remedies to fix the problem. If the situation aggravates, don’t forget to consult your doctor.

Let us look at the causes of bloating and gas during pregnancy and the simple remedies that can bring some immediate relief.

When does bloating start in pregnancy?

Bloating in pregnancy usually starts in the initial phases. Therefore, pregnancy gas and bloating usually develop in the first trimester. In many women, it eases. However, in others, the symptoms can worsen and they may experience gas even during the third trimester of pregnancy.

Women who have suffered from IBS are likely to face more problems with gas during pregnancy. If you had IBS, the symptoms will only worsen.


Gas problems in pregnancy are very common. However, if it prolongs, you may need to consider consulting medical professionals. Studies say that a significant number of women suffer from gas during pregnancy. Hormonal malfunction is often hailed to be one of the most common problems. In the early pregnancy stage, the hormones calm the womb. With the digestive muscles relaxing, digestion becomes slow. Therefore, hormonal imbalance is very common and it can often lead to gas issues.

Gastric problems in pregnancy can also lead to constipation. This is one of the major challenges that most pregnant women face. If you suffer from constipation during pregnancy, you are likely to feel bloated all the time.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is also one of the main causes. However, this may not be valid for everyone. Women who have had a history of IBS are likely to suffer from worsening symptoms during pregnancy. It can lead to severe pain resulting from bloating, constipation and abdominal pain.

Bloating can also be a symptom of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. It is advisable to reach out to the doctor in this case.

How to ease bloating and gas?

Before understanding how to ease bloating and gas in early pregnancy, you may want to know how to check pregnancy. Earlier, people needed to go to a clinic to get the test done and understand if they are pregnant or not. Well, that used to take a long time.

In today’s time, a reliable device like PregaNews will help you get confirmation about your pregnancy in the initial stage. You won’t need to step out of your house and will get the confirmation within five minutes. It is advisable to take the test using the first urine sample in the morning to get accurate results.

Bloating and gas during pregnancy can be extremely uncomfortable. While it is common, a new-to-be mother may often be in pain. This does not lead to a better experience in pregnancy. Here are some of the prominent ways through which you can ease bloating and gas: 

        Stop eating any high-fat food.

        Eat small yet frequent meals to avoid staying full all the time.

        During pregnancy, it is advisable to have a well-balanced diet, including foods that are rich in fibre.

        Avoid caffeine and alcohol.

        Drink enough water and stay hydrated.

        Don’t eat before you go to bed.

Home remedies

Bloating and gas during pregnancy can be extremely painful. While you may want to see a doctor, if the pain is bearable in the initial stages you must try out the home remedies. These are efficient and can play an important role in easing the problem in no time.

Some of the most efficient home remedies to treat gas and bloating during pregnancy include the following:

        Stay hydrated

Drinking fluids can be of great help. If you’re suffering from bloating, water is one of the best choices to make. If the gas causes extreme problems it will lead to irritable bowel syndrome. You should avoid drinking juices made of orange, grape etc or it will only worsen the symptoms. 

        Stay hydrated

Drinking fluids can be of great help. If you’re suffering from bloating, water is one of the best choices to make. If the gas causes extreme problems it will lead to irritable bowel syndrome. You should avoid drinking juices made of orange, grape etc or it will only worsen the symptoms. 

It is best to stay hydrated to manage blood glucose levels. It is advisable to keep a check on your juice and sugar intake to avoid any problems.

        Be on the move

One of the best ways to curb  bloating and gas is to be on the move. Exercise and physical activity can be of great help. When you are pregnant, you should make it a part of your daily routine. Pregnant women should take a walk for at least 30 minutes to one hour per day.

Pregnant women dealing with pregnancy bloating and gas

Regular exercise will help you stay emotionally and physically fit. It will help to improve your digestion rate thereby keeping away any kind of constipation. However, before starting any new exercise routine, you should consider reaching out to the doctor.

        Consume fibre-rich food

Fibre-rich food can be extremely helpful as it will help to manage constipation. Fibre helps to soften the stool movement thereby preventing the risk of being constipated. It is advisable to consume around 25 to 30 gm of food rich in fibre every day to prevent gas concerns.

Fibre-rich food helps the stool movement for pregnancy

When to consult a doctor?

As simple as it seems and sounds, it isn’t a small factor. If you notice any unusual symptoms or signs, you will need to contact the doctor. If there are no changes in your condition and if the pain due to bloating and gas lasts for more than 48 hours  you may need to see a doctor.

This is mostly because it can often be a serious indication that the child is in some kind of danger. If you don’t face any problems, you can consider sticking to your regular routine.

Key Takeaways

Experiencing bloating during pregnancy is very common. This is mostly because your body undergoes a lot of hormonal changes. Furthermore, constipation can also pave the way to serious problems. It is advisable to bring minor changes in your daily lifestyle to improve your condition.


  1. What does early pregnancy bloating feel like?

An early pregnancy bloating feels as if your stomach is a balloon that has been blown to its maximum extent. When you touch the stomach, the surface will be hard and you may also feel a sudden tension. 

  1. Can you feel bloated at 4 weeks pregnant?

Yes. Many women also experience bloating at 4 weeks because of hormonal changes in the body. 

  1. What food causes gas during pregnancy?

Fried, spicy and processed foods can increase the risk of gas during pregnancy. Other foods that can cause bloating and gas during pregnancy include carbonated drinks, specific fruits and vegetables, dairy and whole grains. Beans and broccoli can also cause bloating.

  1. What helps with pregnancy gas at night?

You should avoid eating before going to bed as it will allow you to relax. Give yourself two hours for the food to settle before you go to bed.

  1. How should I sit to relieve gas?

Squats can be extremely helpful for sitting in a comfortable position to release gas. It also helps to build stability in the body. The pressure is on the entire stomach in a squat position. Therefore, the person will be able to pass it efficiently. If you have any doubts, it is safe to seek clarification from your doctor to ensure the safety of your baby. 

Once PregaNews confirms your pregnancy, it is best to consult a doctor and confirm the same. Do not attempt to address health issues during pregnancy on your own. You can adopt harmless home remedies but if any problem persists, you will need to see the doctor immediately. Avoid medication except under medical supervision.

Watery Discharge During Pregnancy: Everything you need to know

White watery discharge during pregnancy also called vaginal leucorrhoea, is common among women. Water discharge starts at the beginning of puberty and lasts long till the end of menopause. The amount of water discharge varies from woman to woman and increases during the menstrual period. A watery discharge is usually a sign of a healthy vagina as it helps ejaculate bacteria, maintains the vaginal area hygiene and keeps it free from bacterial infection. However, sometimes, watery discharge during pregnancy can be a sign of a health issue.

Pregnancy Stages :  Woman experiencing body changes from First to third trimester

What is pregnancy discharge?

The fluid that expels out of the vagina is known as watery discharge. Watery discharge is usually white in colour. You may experience watery discharge during pregnancy, but there is nothing to get anxious about. Watery discharge during pregnancy usually depends on the stage of child development. Watery discharge characteristics and implications may differ based on the stage of your pregnancy. Here is a categorized list of watery discharge:

1. Watery discharge in early pregnancy

Watery discharge during early pregnancy or first trimester has a slightly pungent odour. Watery discharge looks like the slimy discharge of the menstrual period and may stain your underwear. This watery discharge occurs due to a sudden increase in estrogen hormones levels that enhances the blood flow to the vaginal part and increase the secretion of other hormones.

2. Watery Discharge in the Second Trimester

In the second trimester, watery discharge resembles milky egg white in colour and consistency. It is far more frequent than the discharge in the first-trimester phase but is considered perfectly normal as it happens due to the hormones cascading during pregnancy. However, if you see any bloody discharge or foul-odor discharge in your second-trimester phase, then it is probably a sign of a health issue. In such a case, seek doctor help immediately.

3. Watery Discharge in the Third Trimester

 Based on color, odour, frequency, amount, and presence of blood, watery discharge during the third trimester can evince itself in many forms. If you experience heavy watery discharge flow near your due date, then it’s a sign of preterm labor or even water breaking.

Women is feeling watery discharge in pregnancy

Is it normal to have a pregnancy discharge?

It is considered normal to have a watery discharge during pregnancy. The amount of watery discharge will begin to increase as the pregnancy progresses. Here we highlighted more about normal and abnormal watery discharge in detail.

1. Normal Watery Discharge

Watery discharge during pregnancy is perfectly normal. You don’t need to worry about it if you experience the following symptoms:


Leucorrhoea is the standard watery discharge during pregnancy. It resembles thin, clear, and watery inconsistency. It can be recognized as one of the first symptoms of pregnancy as it begins just after conception.

•Bloody Show

In your final stage of pregnancy, the watery discharge might include blood and mucus, which is a sign of labor within a few days. The mucus present in watery discharge during pregnancy is part of the plug that inhibits the growth of bacteria in your cervix and thus preventing vaginal infection. This is also termed as bloody show.

•Amniotic Leakage

Watery discharge during the third trimester of your pregnancy is a replica of urine and consists of flakes in it, it might be a sign of amniotic fluid leaking. This is perfectly normal during pregnancy; you don’t need to worry about it. However, if you experience a greenish watery discharge in ample amounts, it is a sign that your water bag has been broken and the baby might have passed  meconium. In this case, you should immediately rush to the doctor.

2. Abnormal water discharge

Sometimes, a watery discharge during pregnancy is associated with several other health symptoms that cause uneasiness. In such cases, a watery discharge is considered abnormal and can be a sign of the following health issues:

•Premature Labour

If you notice a small amount of blood in the last week of pregnancy then it is normal but if it is a heavy flow, then it is a sign of preterm labour. Please seek medical help immediately if this occurs.

•Yeast Infections

A yeast infection can occur any time during pregnancy, but the symptoms may cause a lot more discomfort. Apart from having a greenish-yellow watery discharge or thicker white curd like pregnancy discharge, you may also experience pain while peeing. Yeast infections may cause skin irritation or redness in the vaginal part.


Watery discharge during pregnancy can even happen if you are prone to sexually transmitted diseases. Any disease can have a significant impact on your health and immune system. It can also imbalance your fertility levels. Hence, seeking a doctor help would be better if you experience watery discharge abruptly.

How to treat watery discharge during pregnancy?

Here we have highlighted a few precautions that will help you avoid complications that can come with watery discharge.

•Get tested regularly to avoid watery discharge

If you have gray  discharge during pregnancy it is abnormal may indicate  sign of bacterial infection, you might need medical treatment. In addition, intake food that is rich in probiotics in your diet to avoid yeast infections.

•Maintain self-hygiene

Keep your vaginal area clean and hygienic to avoid vaginal infection. Avoid using a block of scented soap or spray on your vaginal area. If you notice the foul or fishy odor of vaginal discharge then wash your vaginal part with warm water and wear clean undergarments to maintain self-hygiene.

•Change your undergarments every day

Change your panties every time to inhibit the growth of bacteria and thus reduce the chances of any infection.

•Consult your doctor

Seek your doctor’s help during your pregnancy journey. Follow the instructions given by your doctor to avoid any health issues.


1. Why is water coming out of my vagina during pregnancy?

A watery discharge is usually a sign of a healthy vagina as it helps ejaculate bacteria, maintains the vaginal area hygiene and keeps it free from bacterial infection. However, sometimes, watery discharge during pregnancy can be a sign of a health issue.

2. When is the discharge heavy?

It is considered normal to have a watery discharge during pregnancy. The amount of watery discharge will begin to increase as the pregnancy progresses.

3. How do I know my water is leaking?

If you experience a greenish watery discharge in ample amounts, it is a sign that your water bag has been broken and the baby might have passed the meconium. In this case, you should immediately rush to the doctor.

4. Can I prevent watery discharge?

Keep your vaginal area clean and hygienic to avoid vaginal infection. Avoid using a block of scented soap or spray on your vaginal area. If you notice the foul or fishy odour of vaginal discharge then wash your vaginal part with warm water and wear clean undergarments to maintain self-hygiene. Change your undergarments every day.

5. What are the home remedies to stop watery discharge?

Change your panties every time to inhibit the growth of bacteria and thus reduce the chances of any infection. Seek doctor help during your pregnancy journey. Follow the instructions given by your doctor to avoid any health issues. In addition, intake food that is rich in probiotics in your diet to avoid yeast infections. Keep your vaginal area clean and hygienic to avoid vaginal infection. Avoid using a block of scented soap or spray on your vaginal area.

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