Tips to Improve Sleep During Pregnancy | Prega News
8 ways to get better sleep during pregnancy 8 ways to get better sleep during pregnancy

8 ways to get better sleep during pregnancy

As soon as you saw the two pink lines on the pregnancy test by Prega News, you rejoiced knowing that in nine months, you will be cuddling your little one. As the time passes, your body grows and you may end up searching for ways to get better sleep during pregnancy. Well, the Prega News kit doesn’t just deliver the good news – we also stand by you in this journey towards motherhood.


 Getting good sleep in pregnancy can be a tricky thing owing to all the hormonal and body changes. Sleeping a lot during pregnancy – first trimester – may be a common occurrence, as your body needs it to grow your baby. However, in the advanced stages, the phrase, “Can’t sleep, pregnancy – third trimester” can hold more truth. There are a few factors which can help you sleep better during pregnancy.

 Sleeping postures can also affect the quality of sleep and thus over the years, doctors have studied this widely to come up with the best sleeping postures for pregnant women. While the trimester, your food habits and other factors such as stress can affect the quality of sleep, finding a good sleeping posture during pregnancy is one step towards getting a good rest, which is essential for you and your baby.  

        Sleeping on your tummy: If this is your preferred position of sleeping, it can be continued in the first trimester although it is not as widely recommended. From the second trimester onwards, your body will change to accommodate the baby and it can become increasingly difficult to sleep on your tummy.

        Sleeping on your back: This position is generally best avoided during pregnancy, although if you roll over in your sleep, that is not a worrisome thing. Sleeping on the back puts all your pregnancy weight on your back, intestines and the vein that carries blood from the lower part of the body to your heart. This can lead to aggravated backaches, indigestion and also lowered blood pressure levels which can result in dizziness.

        Sleeping on your side: Sleeping on either side during pregnancy is recommended by doctors although sleeping on your left is the best position. Sleeping on the left allows for more blood circulation and nutrient flow to the placenta. This in turn enhances kidney function and prevents swelling of ankles etc.

 Apart from good sleeping positions, you can also try propping up your head with multiple pillows to get better sleep. Use pillows as you like to get maximum support and comfort. You can also consider buying a pregnancy or maternity pillow for a full support for your body.

 Eating Habits

 Eating habits can also impact the quality of sleep and thus are important to monitor during pregnancy. Maintaining good eating habits will not only help nourish your baby, but also help you get better sleep in the advanced stages of pregnancy. Let’s look at some good eating habits:

        Staying hydrated with plenty of water and natural, homemade juices is a good idea and aids in better sleep.

        Trying drinking milk or calming tea just before bedtime. You can also pair this with a light snack such as peanuts or crackers. Having a fuller stomach can help you sleep better.

        Avoid spicy, acidic and fried foods at dinner as these can increase heartburn, resulting in disturbed sleep. Keeping yourself propped up on pillows can also help keep heartburn at bay.

        Make a note of the foods that your baby reacts to – avoid these foods during dinner so your baby’s activities don’t keep you up.

        You can try to eliminate caffeine completely or limit it to the morning cup, to prevent insomnia.

        Keep a check on what you eat during pregnancy to ensure that you’re getting the maximum nutrients, thus resulting in feeling better and sleeping better.

        If nausea is keeping you up, try eating several small meals of light and bland foods, to prevent nausea.

 Effect of Lifestyle Habits

 Lifestyle habits can also impact your sleeping habits and hamper your abilities to get a good night’s rest. However, with a few simple tricks and tips, you can easily tweak these habits or create new ones which can help you sleep better. Let’s take a look at some lifestyle habits that can help improve your sleep quality during pregnancy. Use these 8 tips to get better sleep!

        To catch up on some rest and sleep better at night, get in some short naps during the day. Sleeping for too long can also impact your bedtime routine so keep your naps short for better nighttime sleep.

        Stress and anxiety can negatively impact your quality of sleep during pregnancy. It’s best to talk it out or write it down and keep your head clear of unnecessary worries at night. Having a calm, relaxed and free mind can help you sleep better.

        Keeping yourself active during the day and getting in some physical exercises can help you sleep better. Avoid heavy exercises and go for walks a little ahead of bedtime to ensure that you get good sleep.

        Practice deep breathing and focus on your baby’s health, when you’re having trouble falling asleep. You can also try white noise or sleep apps to fall asleep faster.

        During pregnancy, your body temperature is usually higher than before so sleeping with the cooling on, is a good idea.

        Try to relax before bedtime to get a good night’s rest. A warm shower, reading a light chapter or a massage can help you de-stress and sleep better during pregnancy.

        Set a bedtime routine and try to adhere to the same everyday, to help your body adjust to the new routine.

        Staying away from the phone and other screens a few hours before bedtime can help relax your eyes and result in better quality of sleep.


 Do eating patterns affect the sleep cycle during pregnancy?

Yes, caffeinated foods can keep you awake for longer and spicy or fried foods can cause heartburn thus disturbing sleep.

 Will I get better sleep if I take a nap while being on my side?

Sleeping on the side during pregnancy is recommended and can help you sleep better. Taking short naps during the day is also a good idea as it helps you get some rest.

 How does my cell phone affect my sleep?

Using the phone for too long before bedtime can negatively impact your sleep. Looking at your phone screen for too long before bedtime not only affects your eyes, but also keeps your mind disturbed and active, both of which can prevent sleep. 




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