Skin & Hair Post Pregnancy : Complete Guide | Prega News
Tips to take care of your skin & hair post pregnancy Tips to take care of your skin & hair post pregnancy

Tips to take care of your skin & hair post pregnancy

Childbirth & pregnancy are some events that changes a woman’s life completely. While you make it a point to read up on every literature that talks about things to remember during pregnancy, there are a few things that goes neglected. Out of them, hair care and skincare are the major things that seem to be on the back burner. And rightly so. Who would have time for post pregnancy care such as grooming oneself when the baby becomes the centre of your universe? But we have some great pointers that will make you look your most beautiful, because feeling good is key to being the perfect mother.

  • During your pregnancy, your hormones enhance your hair growth, leaving you with lush locks that are glossy and voluminous. After delivery, your hormones tend to return to their normal state. This is when you may face quite a lot of hair fall, which may seem unnatural, but is completely normal. To help reduce hair fall, here is what you can do –
    • Eat healthy – There is nothing better than a healthy diet plan. Ensure anti-oxidant rich food such as apples, bananas, prunes, etc.
    • Keep your scalp & hair clean – Switch to a gentle cleansing or anti-hair loss shampoo and conditioner to keep your hair clean, while preventing hair fall.
    • Avoid pulling & tying hair – While tying your hair, remember to not pull on your strands very tightly as it can induce hair loss.
    • Vitamin supplements – Your hair will need a helping hand, so consider taking supplements like Vitamin B & E regularly for fuller hair.
    • Chemical treatments – Steer clear from colouring your hair, post pregnancy, as this may lead to hair loss like never before.
  • You are sure to neglect your skin right after childbirth. Skin care should be on the top of your post pregnancy care Check out these tips which will help you bring back your natural glow.
    • In case you are suffering from acne, consider cleansing your face twice daily with a mild cleanser and always remember to put on a light-weight moisturiser after that.
    • While pigmentation should disappear within a year or two, you should simply stay indoors, away from the sun. If you have to go out, never forget to use a good sunscreen.
    • All those sleepless nights are bound to give you dark circles and puffy eyes. Drink plenty of water and take short naps. Use an under-eye cream to soothe your eyes.
    • In most cases, stretch marks should be avoided from the beginning. Use a moisturiser or oil rich in Vitamin E from the very beginning to prevent acute stretch marks, especially in your problem areas such as hips, breasts, belly and inner thighs.

Apart from these practices, always remember that the key to healthy skin and hair post pregnancy is to stay calm and stress-free. Enjoy the journey of being a mother!




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