Getting Pregnant: Actual Time Required | Prega News
How long it really takes to get pregnant? How long it really takes to get pregnant?

How long it really takes to get pregnant?

If you’re trying to conceive, chances are that you’re keeping a keen eye on the Prega News kit and the Prega News test result. You might also end up taking the pregnancy test time after time, in the hopes of seeing the two lines on the Prega News test strip. While the Prega News test accuracy ensures that you get instant and reliable results, there may be times you may be disappointed, especially if you just started trying to get pregnant. Conceiving is not always instant as promised in movies and can sometimes take some time. So here’s all you need to know about how long it really takes to get pregnant.

Scientific Data

Getting pregnant is a journey that is different for every couple. However, there have been some attempts at capturing the journey to better organize the data on how long it really takes to get pregnant. Although the results may vary, this scientific data does offer some insight into how long it takes couples to get pregnant. It is also important to remember that it is different for everyone and depends on age, frequency of sex, reproductive health and general health. Some mental or psychological factors like stress and anxiety can also weigh in on how long it would take to conceive. Let’s take a look at some of the data:

       In the journal, Human Reproduction, a study followed women who were trying to get pregnant. These women were regularly having sex during their fertile windows. A year later, 310 women, out of 346 women, had successfully conceived. They concluded that most couples conceive within six cycles of trying to get pregnant.

       As per the NHS UK, 84% of women get pregnant within a year of trying. However, this percentage decreases as the woman’s age increases, thus proving the effects of aging on reproductive health.

       In general, couples with no reproductive health issues and have sex regularly, have a 25 – 30% chance of getting pregnant in each cycle. Over a year, about 85% of women successfully conceive.

Common Public Opinion

While you may hear numerous stories about when people conceived and after how long, there are many opinions that you may come across during this period. From various home tricks and sex positions to help get pregnant more easily to superfoods – people have tried and will advocate plenty of things when it comes to get  pregnant. While many conceive in the first month, sometimes it can take up to 1 – 2 years to actually get pregnant. However, most couples with no reproductive health issues and in the prime age bracket do have a decent chance at getting pregnant within the first few months. Ultimately, it depends on you and your partner’s psychological and physical health. Your best bet would be to see a doctor and get the recommended tests done and questions answered to see if you need additional time. Seeing your doctor can also help you relax and put your mind at ease, as they offer the best help and insight. This is especially important for couples who have been trying to get pregnant for a while.

How to Increase Your Chances?

Before we deep dive into tips on getting pregnant, it’s important to understand how and when the pregnancy happens. We have been told and taught how sex can help a woman get pregnant and popular culture and films have only given us false ideas of getting pregnant at first try. However, when you understand the process, you realize why it may take longer for some and how you can increase your chances of  getting pregnant.

Let’s understand what is “conceiving”: Every month, a woman’s body undergoes hormonal changes which causes the immature egg in the ovary to grow and mature. On an average this takes about two weeks, starting with the woman’s period or menstrual cycle. When mature, this egg is then released from the ovary and it travels through the fallopian tube towards the uterus. If this mature egg is fertilized by a sperm, it will continue towards the uterus and ultimately attach to the uterine lining which will then grow into your foetus. As this egg is only viable for 24 hours, this is known as the best time or fertile period to conceive. Based on this process, there are some conclusions that we can draw which will ultimately help in getting pregnant:

       Track your menstrual cycle and know more about your periods as this will ultimately help you understand your own unique cycle and thus determine the ovulation period.

       Use an ovulation tracker app to check for your fertile window – in spite of popular belief, ovulation cycles have been known to be different among women and not as per population calculation methods. This is one of the most important things when it comes to getting pregnant as having sex during the fertile window drastically increases your chances of getting pregnant.

       Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is of utmost importance – while trying to conceive, couples focus so much on reproductive health that they may end up ignoring overall health. Maintaining an ideal weight, avoiding smoking and alcohol, cutting back on caffeine, avoiding stress and staying active are some of the many ways to stay healthy.

       Have sex regularly and especially during the fertile window period. Too much or too little sex can also affect your chances of getting pregnant. Having sex every alternate day or regularly can significantly increases chances of pregnancy.

       Getting a preconception check-up before you start planning is also a good idea as your doctor can prescribe prenatal vitamins and also determine the reproductive health of you and your partner.


How to increase chances of conception?
Tracking your menstrual cycle, ovulation dates, having sex regularly and maintaining overall good health significantly increase chances of conceiving. During this time, avoid stress, smoking, drinking and other such things which can impact you negatively.

What are the best days of the cycle of conception?

The best days or the fertile window is up to 5 days before ovulation and is especially effective in the day or two preceding ovulation.

What are the effects of the menstruation cycle on conception?

Your menstrual cycle can help determine the ovulation period, which is considered to be the fertile window of a woman. Having periods regularly and tracking them, can help you or your doctor determine your reproductive health and the best time to have sex for conception. 




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