Cold and Fever During Pregnancy : Impact on Baby | Prega News
Cold and Fever during Pregnancy: Will it affect the baby? | PregaNews Cold and Fever during Pregnancy: Will it affect the baby? | PregaNews

Cold and Fever during Pregnancy: Will it affect the baby? | PregaNews

Believe it or not, getting a fever during your pregnancy can have a negative impact on the unborn child. Pregnant women should consider getting a vaccination for flu during pregnancy. It will not only protect you but also your unborn child from a case of flu.

 Cold is a common viral infection that will affect the throat, sinus and upper airway in the child. Either you may suffer from a runny nose or a sore throat. Cough can also be one of the most common symptoms of cold and fever during pregnancy.

 If you are suffering from fever during early pregnancy, you need to try the right measures for getting over it.

 What are the symptoms?

If you catch the flu during pregnancy, you need to be familiar with the symptoms. There could be several reasons why you can develop these symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms of fever during pregnancy include:

        ●        Common cold:

In this case, the expecting mothers may suffer from the general symptoms of a common cold. This mostly happens because your body undergoes hormonal changes during pregnancy. The main aim during this time is to save the fetus but it only gets rejected. If the immune system of the body doesn’t work in an effective manner, it can increase the risk of cold and even sinus.

        Bacterial infection:

Fever usually is caused due to bacterial infection- especially urinary tract infection. It requires the use of antibiotics.


In this case, you are likely to suffer from the same symptoms as that of flu. The changing hormonal system of the body increases the risk of immune system damage. Some of the common symptoms that expecting mothers can suffer from include constant body aches, chills and viral infection.

Effects of a fever in the womb

If you catch the flu during pregnancy, it is crucial that you follow the symptoms carefully. Fever during early pregnancy is mostly spread because of sneezes and coughs. Nonetheless, it is necessary to note that this does not resemble cold. Fever in early pregnancy can lead to numerous birth defects.

If the expecting mother has a fever during early pregnancy, it is a sign that she may be getting an infection. Therefore, it is necessary to get treatment in an effective way. Fever in early pregnancy can often lead to a higher risk of jaw and heart defects. Apart from that, there is a wide range of birth defects that the child can be affected by.

Expecting mothers who are in the first trimester of pregnancy need to consider getting treatment. If you are suffering a fever of over 102 degrees, you need to address the situation. Getting the treatment in the early stages will play an important role in getting rid of long-term and short-term risks that may affect the baby.


If expecting mothers get affected by the cold in pregnancy during the third trimester, they need to get in touch with doctors who can help them. Acetaminophen is one of the leading fever medicine in pregnancy. If the doctor doesn’t recommend it, you should refrain from using ibuprofen or aspirin. It is always advisable to consult your doctor before starting the use of any medicine during pregnancy.  

Some of the common treatments that can be helpful for expecting mothers to overcome their condition include:

        Take showers regularly.

        Drink water and stay hydrated.

Home remedies to prevent the flu

During pregnancy, the body undergoes a lot of changes. The weak immune system often fails to offer protection to the unborn baby. Moreover, it also exposes the mother’s body to several risks and challenges, especially in terms of flu complications.

Pregnant women are more likely to be affected by any virus than non-pregnant women. The complications can vary significantly ranging from sinus infection to bronchitis and even pneumonia. While getting a vaccination against flu is efficient, sometimes it may not be enough.

A flu vaccination allows protection to the child and mothers. The effectiveness of the vaccinations lasts for up to six months after the birth. It is necessary to schedule the vaccination report accordingly. Maintaining hygiene and a clean lifestyle can be of great help for preventing sickness during pregnancy.

One of the most effective ways to counter sleep is to get enough sleep. Furthermore, following a healthy diet can be efficient as well. It is advisable to exercise regularly to get effective results. Following a healthy lifestyle schedule especially in terms of exercising regularly can be of great help.

Some of the common home remedies that can be effective for countering fever during pregnancy include:

Cold and Fever During Pregnancy : Pregnant woman is sleeping due to fever

Cold and Fever During Pregnancy : Pregnant woman is having warm water after workout

Cold and Fever During Pregnancy : Pregnant woman is drinking warm water

        Get rest.

        Stay hydrated

        Gargle with warm water and salt. This should be applicable if you have a sore throat.

In many cases, the symptoms of fever during pregnancy will worsen. In case it worsens, it is advisable to reach out to the doctor. Some of the common treatments that can be helpful for overcoming these extra problems and help you fight the condition include: 

        Consume boiled chicken soup. Chicken soup is not only delicious but also healthy. It will help you combat the disease by strengthening your immune system.

        If you experience pain due to sinus, you need to use hot and cold packs that will provide relief.

        Women suffering from congestion should consider taking facial steamers. As much as it is helpful for your face, it can also help to relieve congestion in no time. Apart from that, you should also consider breathing humid air.

        Pregnant women should consider using sprays and nasal drops. It helps to calm the inflated nasal tissue and treats the nasal mucus. It is advisable to follow the guidelines thoroughly to overcome any problem.  

When should you see a doctor?

In many cases, the cold, flu or fever may not affect your unborn child. However, in many cases, it will if the flu is serious. The complications may eventually lead you to experiencing birth defects and even premature delivery. If you notice any aggravated symptoms due to the flu, you need to address the problem.

It is advisable to visit a doctor as soon as you notice any of these symptoms:


        Vaginal bleeding


        Chest pain

        Severe vomiting

        Decrease in fetal movement. 

Antiviral medicines can be of great help for overcoming these conditions. Nonetheless, before starting the use of any medicines it is advisable to reach out to the doctor.  


        Is a cold dangerous when pregnant?

Yes. This is mostly because sometimes it can increase the risk of pregnancy defects.

        When should a pregnant woman worry about a fever?

If the fever increases over 99° Fahrenheit it is a sign and the woman should meet the doctor immediately. 

        Can a fever cause a miscarriage?

Fever is a sign of infection and does not mean that it can increase the chance of miscarriage.

        Can being sick while pregnant affect the baby?

Yes. Being sick while pregnant can have a negative impact on a child.

        What is the normal temperature for pregnant women?

The normal body temperature for pregnant women is 96 – 99.5◦ Fahrenheit.


Fever during pregnancy can increase the risk of birth defects in children. If you notice or experience any discomfort, you must address it with the doctor immediately. Prega News is a home pregnancy kit that will help you detect your pregnancy when you miss your periods. If you are pregnant, make sure to follow the necessary measures to overcome any problem. Keeping yourself healthy and taking all necessary precautions will help you manage your pregnancy safely and bring a healthy little human into the world.




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