kids Safe During Holi : Tips to Protect | Prega news
5 Ways To Keep Your Kid Safe During Holi 5 Ways To Keep Your Kid Safe During Holi

5 Ways To Keep Your Kid Safe During Holi

The festival of colors and joy is around the corner and just like your child, you are excited about it too. Holi not only brings togetherness and happiness but also channels up the excitement level. Amidst the colors, ‘Gulal’, water, dancing…. there is loads of fun to be had. But you shouldn’t forget that any festival can be a bit unsafe for your children if not kept under check. Keeping this in mind, Prega News have listed down the top 5 ways which will help your little bundle of joy has a happy and safe Holi.

1. Eyes Wide Shut

Kids are super energetic and just in a blink, they can go away from your site which can lead to a lot of ruckuses during all the fun of Holi. While they are covered in color, you can easily lose a track of them and can possibly mistake someone else’s kid as yours while your little one goes uncharted. Always keep an eye on your child’s whereabouts, where they are playing etc. Besides water guns and ‘Pichkaris’, there are colored water tubs which could be dangerous if your kid takes a fall into it.

Kids playing with colours
Toddler trying to say no to colours

2. See No Colour, Taste No Colour

Colors can be harmful to your kid if it enters their eyes or mouth. In the case where the color enters their eyes, rinse it immediately with plenty of clean water. Do not let them rub their eyes as the chemicals present in the colors will only make things worse. Consult a doctor if the redness or irritation in eyes gets worse If your child accidentally swallows the color, immediately make your kid rinse his/her mouth with plenty of clean water.

3. Stay Organic, Stay Happy

Nowadays the colors that you get in the market are filled with toxic chemicals that could be dangerous for you and your little one. These toxic chemical filled colors can cause skin diseases and eye infections. Make sure that the color you buy for Holi is Organic or Herbal and is safe. You can easily buy skin friendly organic and herbals colors in the market or online as well.

Organic colour boxes for holi
Organic colour boxes for holi

4. Balloons are a NO NO

Playing with and throwing water balloons at each other can be a lot of fun, but it could also be painful. When thrown at the person (knowingly or not) they can cause ear, eye or skin injuries which could be really painful. Children should avoid playing with water balloons and instead should use ‘Pichakaris’ or Waterguns to enjoy their Holi.

5. Stay Aware, Stay Prepared

No matter how safe you play, there could be one misfortunate incident during Holi. You should be ready for any of such unexpected emergencies. Keep a list of doctors who could be contacted during any emergencies. Also, keep a lot of color free, clean and fresh water ready for rinsing mouth and eyes.

By keeping track of the above-mentioned ways, your little one will enjoy their festival safely and without any hassles. Browse through our website for more parenting and motherhood tips.

multiple colour on child face



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