Tips for Helping Your Baby Sleep Better | Prega News
4 Ways To Help Your Little One Sleep Better 4 Ways To Help Your Little One Sleep Better

4 Ways To Help Your Little One Sleep Better

Babies love their sleep but they hate it when their sleepy time is disturbed by elements that are out of their control. Lucky for them, they have you to prevent this from happening. There are many ways you can help your little bundle of joy takes a quiet, pleasant nap without attracting unwanted grumpiness.

Prega News counts down to some of the best ways you can help your little one sleep better.


One of the most important things to keep in mind is to set a proper time for your baby to sleep at. Erratic timings do not help your baby to develop a healthy sleeping timetable, it also doesn’t allow you to catch up on sleep. We understand that babies don’t necessarily sleep 8 complete hours as adults do but if you set a schedule early on, you can inculcate short naps into the day which will help your baby feeling relaxed and happy.

1. Scheduling the baby sleep time
Setting the temperature in the room for your baby


Setting the temperature in the room where your baby sleeps should be your next step. Your baby hasn’t got used to the outside world and slight dips and highs in the room temperature can leave them either ill or uncomfortable. This is something you do not want. Try and keep the room cool but not cold. 68-72 Fahrenheit is the perfect temperature for your baby to get the ideal sleep.


Next step is switching off the lights. You may find this weird but many parents prefer to leave a dim light on so that they can check on their little tyke if they are awake. It’s a good strategy – for the parents and not for the baby. When a baby tries to sleep, even the slightest distraction can keep him awake, so removing the light from the equation will surely help him sleep easily without sleeping out of exhaustion.

Lights out for your baby sleep
baby is sleeping


Clutter is something that destroys the purity of sleep. A room that is cluttered and messy always attracts your baby’s attention. They will remain confused about whether the room is meant for sleeping or as a playpen. Keep your baby’s sleep room clutter free and do away with the negative vibes that a messy room normally brings with it.

We hope these few points will help you and your baby catch up on great sleep. For many more tips and tricks related to motherhood, you can always meet us on Facebook & Twitter.




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