When and How To Use a Pregnancy Test Kit for Accurate Results
When And How To Use a Pregnancy Test Kit When And How To Use a Pregnancy Test Kit

When And How To Use a Pregnancy Test Kit

Have you decided to take a plunge into parenthood?<br>If yes, then find below the steps you need to take immediately.

  1. Start tracking your fertility window.
  2. Stock up on pregnancy test kits.

The market is flooded with test kits and deciding which one to get can be confusing. So, we did the legwork for you and found the best one in the business. When it comes to pregnancy test kits in India, Prega News is a name you can trust for its highly accurate results. But, beware of fake copies in the market and only buy real Prega News products.Now that we have cleared what you should choose, let’s continue with what all you need to know. So, here’s everything you need to know about pregnancy test kits; which will hopefully answer all your What-When-How of taking a pregnancy test at home.

  1. What: There are two main types of tests that can be done to determine if you’re pregnant: urine test and blood test. While the latter can only be done at a doctor’s clinic, urine tests are simple and can be done one day after you miss your periods. These pregnancy tests are designed to look for a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in your blood and urine respectively. This hormone is produced when a fertilized egg gets attached to the mother’s uterus. And, as the course of pregnancy progresses, the quantity of hCG rises rapidly, doubling every 2-3 days.
  2. When: If you’re taking a pregnancy test at home, it probably means you are excited and want to confirm the news as soon as you can. Home pregnancy test kits are accurate but, they can tell you the correct result only if the level of hCG in your body is detectable. Ideally, you can take the test the day you miss your periods but waiting a day or two will ensure that the hCG level in your body has reached the required level. Plus, you should always take the test early in the morning as the level of hCG in your body is the highest at that time.
  3. How: Pregnancy test kits come with an instruction booklet; explaining the steps in detail which make the whole process hassle proof. The process is pretty simple. All you need to do is put 3 drops of urine collected in the morning from a container. It should be applied on the sample slot present on the detection card with the help of a dropper and just wait for the results. But, if you still find yourself confused, you can watch our How-to-use video that explains every little detail of the same.

So, these were a few things that you should know before you take a pregnancy test at home. We hope you get your good news soon!




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